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Account Information

General account information

How Do I Change My Password?

You may change your password at any time by clicking on your account's Preferences menu.

For step-by-step instructions, please click here.

How Do I Change My Session Timeout?

The Session Timeout feature will protect your account while you're away from your computer.  You can choose the length of time you would like your account to remain active while it is inactive.  After the time, your account will automatically log itself off, preventing unwanted access to your information.

You may change the Session Timeout duration in your account's preferences menu, located in the top-right corner of the application.

For step-by-step instructions please click here.


How Do I Configure My Email Signature?

Setting an Email Signature will autmatically append a custom message to the bottom of each new email.  Unlike the Email Footer, the Email Signature will be displayed and editable in the message composition window.

You may configure this in your Preferences Menu, within Email Preferences underneath the Name and Signature heading.

For step-by-step instructions, please click here.


How Do I Edit My Contact Information?

Users have the ability to edit their contact information at anytime. 

For step-by-step instructions, please click here.

How Do I Update My Secret Question?

Your Secret Question is used as a security precaution to prevent others from accessing your account, and may be changed at anytime within your account's Preferences Menu.

For step-by-step instructions on updating your Secret Question/Answer, click here.

How Do I Upgrade My Account To Pro?

BlueTie Free Users may upgrade to BlueTie Pro at any time.

Please click here for more information on upgrading your account

What is a Support Contract Number?

A Support Contract number is provided to all users with access to live Customer Support.  When calling 1-800-BLUETIE for Customer Service, you will be you will be required to enter your Support Contract number. 

Click here for help finding your Support Contract number.


Where can I find my Support Contract Number?

The Support Contract Number can be located in the following places:

  • 1. Click the Help link in the upper-right corner of your account. This will open a new window with the contract number along the top

  • 2. Click the Preferences link in the upper-right corner of your account. Click on the Support Information link in the General section of preferences.

If you are unable to login to your account and cannot access your contract number, click the Forgot Contract Number link on the main login page. This can also be found on the login page underneath the Sign In button.

Enterprise Manager

Frequently asked questions regarding enterprise manager



Frequently asked questions regarding the Divisions in Enterprise Manager.

Can I modify user password settings?


You can set the password requirements in each Division, or in the top Division, and apply the rules to all users.

1)  Go to View Divisions through the Enterprise icon.

2) Click the Modify button next to the Division you wish to edit, or select the top division to apply the settings to all users.

3) Under Security Settings, you can configure the Password Expiration by clicking Modify. You may set the frequency of days that users are required to update their password, or never require a password update.  You may apply this to one division or all sub-divisions. Click Save Settings to apply.

4) Under Security Settings, you can configure the Session timeout frequency (in minutes, up to 999 minutes) and whether or not users can choose this themselves ("Users can not change this setting" to restrict).   You may apply this to one division or all sub-divisions. Click Save Settings to apply.

Can settings differ between Divisions?


Yes.  You can apply Password and Session timeout requirements in a division, or apply it to all divisions.  You may also configure auto-aliasing and the default email plan for all users in a division and sub-division.

Features can also be included or excluded by division.  If you click on a division to modify, you can assign managers and set a profile for a division.


How do I setup an additional Enterprise Manager?


There can only be one Enterprise Manager in the top-level division.  Sub-divisions may have multiple managers, and their abilities may be restricted if needed.

The following features are available to top-level Enterprise Managers only:

  • Mailing Lists
  • Management of Enterprise Contacts
  • Ability to assign sub-division managers


What are Divisions?


Divisions are an organizational tool available to the Enterprise Manager.  If you would like to set up your company, divided into locations (for example, "East Coast" and "West Coast"), this is the ideal place to indicate your users in a hierarchy, and assign apprpriate controls to Division managers, and users belonging to that division.

What can Division managers control?


Division managers have the ability to manage users in their division or sub-divisions beneath them.  They must be assigned as a manager in the Modify screen of a division, by their Enterprise manager who may restrict certain management abilities.


Email Audit

Frequently asked questions about our Email Audit and Archiving feature.

Do All Users Need To Have Archive Services Enabled?

Archive Services can be enabled on a user-by-user basis, or on all users within an enterprise, as detemined by the Enterprise Manager.

For instructions on enabling Archive Services, please click here.

Do Users Know If Their Mail Is Being Monitored?

Enterprise Managers can decide whether they want their users to receive a message on their MyDay screen informing them that their mail may be monitored.

To enable this setting:

1) Click on the Email Audit button in the Enterprise Manager account. 

2) Click the Manage Accounts button.

3) Check the Notify all accounts that they may be audited button to place a flag on each user's MyDay screen.

4) Click Save.


How Do I Enable Archive Services For My Enterprise?

To Enable Email Audit:

1) Click  the Email Audit button from the Enterprise Manager account.

2) Click the Manage Accounts button

3) Archive Services may be enabled by performing one of the following tasks:

a) You may use the Audit All/Audit No Accounts button to turn Archive Services on or off for all users.
b) Use the Always turn on auditing checkbox.  This global setting will turn on auditing for all current and future users.
c) Or simply click the checkbox next to the usernames of the specific accounts that you would like Archive Services enabled on.

4) Check the Notify all accounts that they may be audited button to place a flag on each user's MyDay screen informing them that their mail may be monitored. 

5) Click Save

·         *Note that this interface will display up to 50 users at one time.  If there are more than 50 users in the enterprise, the page dropdown on the right of the screen will need to be used to manage those additional users.

Please download our Getting Started Guide here.

What is Archive Services?

BlueTie’s Email Archival Service is designed to address both legal compliance and email auditing needs.  All messages sent and received by archived users are permanently stored online along with any attachments, and can be accessed and searched from any computer with an Internet connection.  Pre-defined and ad hoc filters flag all messages containing the keywords you’ve defined as potentially worrisome, enabling fast and convenient review and action.


Enterprise Contacts

Frequently asked questions about Enterprise Contacts.

Can I export my Enterprise Contacts?

Yes. You can export your enterprise contacts. 

1) Go to the Contacts application. Click the Actions button in the tool bar. Drop down to Import/Export Contacts..

2) In the Export section of this page, check the Enterprise box and check a format (.csv or vCard)

3) Click Export.

How do I add Enterprise Contacts?

All users will automatically be added to your Enterprise Contacts upon creation.  To add a user to the Enterprise Contacts manually, follow these instructions:

1) Click on the Contacts icon. 

2) Under the Currently Viewing drop-down menu, select Enterprise.

3) Click on New Contact and continue completing the entry.

4) Click Save.


How do I share Enterprise Contacts?


If all users have the Shared Contacts feature, they will automatically have access to all users in the Enterprise Contacts list.  Follow these instructions to manually share your Enterprise Contacts:

1.) Go to the Preferences menu and select Share Enterprise Contacts.

2.) Click on Edit Sharing  for All Contacts while viewing the Sharing Settings.

3.) Add or remove users and/or groups that should have sharing abilities and assign their access to Read-Only, Modify, or Full Access.

4.) Click Update to apply the changes.


What are User Defined Fields?

User Defined Fields can be added to all users for multiple purposes.   You may include a user's employee number, office location, or any other pertinent information to identify someone.

To Add User Defined Fields:

1) In Preferences, select Add Fields to User Profiles.

2) Create a Label and a Field Type (Check or Text Box).

3) Click Add.

4) You can also edit user defined fields in the Preferences menu in Edit User Defined Fields.


Who can manage Enterprise Contacts?


Enterprise Managers and any division managers may create and modify Enterprise Contacts.   However, the Enterprise Manager can restrict division managers from managing enterprise contacts in the Modify screen of a division.


Global Configuration

Frequently asked questions about the features available and how to customize your enterprise.

Can I customize the email plans and features for all of my users?

Yes. In the Enterprise Preferences, you can set the default plan profile for each new user created.

1) Go to Preferences and select Account Defaults.

2) Under Application Access, Add or Remove the features included in your default plan. 

3) Click Save.


Can I set a Global Safe/Block list for my entire enterprise?

To set a Global Safe/Block list for the enterprise just click on Enterprise Preferences and then the Global Junk Mail Settings button. Once there, just go ahead and type in the email address into the corresponding field (Safe/Block).

How do I get past the Enterpise Wizard?

To use the Enterprise Wizard we recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1024 X 768. To verify this setting:

To change your screen resolution (size) in PC Windows XP

Step 1: Click on Start
Step 2:
Click on Control Panel
Step 3:
Double click on Display
Step 4:
Click on Settings Tab
Step 5: Increase Screen Resolution to 1024 X 768
Step 6: Click Apply
Step 7:
Click Save

To change your screen resolution (size) in Mac OS X

Step 1. Click the Apple button
Step 2. Select System Preferences
Step 3.
Select the Displays icon
Step 4. In the list of Resolutions: select 1024 x 768 (or higher).

What can I configure for my entire enterprise?


All of the following utilities and settings are available in the Preferences menu, in the Enterprise section.

  • Set a custom Default plan
  • Enable Email Audit
  • Set Global Safe/Block lists.
  • Creation of User-Defined Fields
  • Configure Password requirements
  • Specify login type (SSL or Rich)
  • Enable/Disable User Wizard
  • Set time, date, and time zone formats
  • Enter domain and alias all users
  • Create email footer
  • Share enterprise-wide contacts


What can I restrict from my users?


Many of the settings available in the Enterprise Preferences can be modified by only the Enterprise Manager.  The following settings can be modified by the user, or restricted from changing by the Enterprise Manager:

  • Changes to Session timeout settings


Mailing Lists

Frequently asked questions about the Mailing List feature in Enterprise Manager.

How do I create a Mailing List?

1.) Log into enterprise as the Top-level enterprise manager
2.) Click Preferences
3.) in the Enterprise section, click Mailing Lists
4.) Click Create New Mailing List
5.) Add information accordingly

How many users can I add to a Mailing List?

Currently the number of user that can be added onto a single mailing list is limited to two thousand users.

What are Mailing Lists?

A list of e-mail addresses identified by a single name, such as When an e-mail message is sent to the mailing list name, it is automatically forwarded to all the addresses in the list.

When should I create a Mailing List?


When an email address needs to be delivered to more than one user, you need to create a mailing list.  For example, if gets delivered to Bob and Dan, enter their email address into the new mailing list. 

User Creation

Frequently asked questions on setting up new users in your enterprise.

Can I create a standard plan for all users?


In the Enterprise Preferences, you can set the default plan profile for each new user created.

1.) Go to Preferences and select Account Defaults.

2.) Under Application Access, Add or Remove the features included in your default plan. 

3.) Click Save.

How do I create users?


1.) Click on the Enterprise icon.

2.) Go to Create Account

3.) Select the Division you wish to enter the user in.  Click Create Account.

4.) Assign a username and password, and the remainder of the user info. Click on Next.

5.) Select the Email plan to assign to the user.  Go to Finish or Customize Plan if you wish to modify features.


How many users can I create?


If you are a BlueTie user, you may create up to 20 users in one enterprise.

You may have an unlimited number of users when you sign up for the BlueTie Pro plan. 

What are aliases, and how do I add them to users?


An alias is just another name attached to your domain to form an email address.

For example, John Smith's username is jsmith.mygigemail.  His default alias (sent in the From section on his email) is  He also has the aliases of and  John has a total of 3 aliases.


To add an alias to a user, go to Enterprise select the user you wish to modify.  

1.) Go to Email Aliases and New Alias.

2.) Select the domain and format for the new alias, or enter it into the text box. You may also set a catch-all alias so all emails into that domain are delivered to that user.

3.) You can also set the default alias for that user by checking the box.

4.) Click Create.


To add an alias to all users, go to Preferences and Email Domains and Aliases.

1.) Select the domain to alias, and click on Alias all users.

2.) Select Yes, and Set As Default to set that alias as the sender address for all users.

3.) To simply add the alias to all users, click Yes.


User Management

Frequently asked questions about how to manage your users from day to day.

Can I login to a user account as the Enterprise manager?


As the Enterprise Manager, you can login to user accounts. 

1.) Go to Enterprise and select the user you wish to login as.

2.) Click on Login as User.


Can I transfer data from a cancelled user?

No the user would be unable to transfer data from a cancelled account. In order to transfer data from one account to another, the account which you are transferring from would have to be locked. Once this account is locked you would be able to select transfer data and choose the intended destination for this data.

How do I cancel users?


You can cancel users in the Enterprise view.

1.  Check the appropriate box next to the user you wish to cancel.

2.  Click Cancel Accounts.

How do I lock users?


To prevent a user from logging into their account, you may lock them in the Enterprise view.

1.  Select the user you wish to lock by checking the box next to their name.

2.  Click Lock Accounts.


How do I reset passwords?


To reset a user's password, go to the Enterprise icon.

1.) Select the user you wish to modify.

2.) Click Security Settings.

3.) Under Password Settings,  set the new password and confirm it in the second box.

4.) You may also set password requirements for frequency of password changes required on this screen.

5.) Click Save.

How do I unlock and restore users?


To Unlock all Locked users:

1.) Filter to view Locked accounts.

2.) Check the Select All box, or indicate which user you wish to unlock in the box next to their name.

3.) Click Unlock Account(s).

To Restore Cancelled Users:

You have 30 days to Restore and Cancel users.

1.) Filter to view Cancelled accounts.

2.) Click the Restore button to reactivate the user account.

How do I view my locked and cancelled users? How do I unlock and restore accounts?


In the Enterprise view, select the category in the Filter drop-down menu.  The default view displays all Active users, but you can also select Cancelled and Locked accounts to view.




Frequently asked questions regarding Email

Can I filter emails by date, size, subject, and from?


To filter emails by Date, Size, Subject and From:

1) Click the Email icon. Locate the the From, Subject, Date, and Size column headers above the email messages.

2) To filter one of these columns, simply click on the column header of your choice.

3) To reverse the filter, click on the column header again

Can I flag sent messages with an importance level?

Yes. When composing an email, you may flag  a message as low, normal or high importance by using the 'Importance' dropdown to assign the desired level of importance.

Can I have the system check sent messages for new email addresses to add to contacts?

Yes, to set this up all you would have to do is go to preferences and click on 'save new addresses' in the contact section of preferences. This will automatically check your sent message for any addresses that are not currently in your contact list and give you the option to save them to your contact list after this message has been sent.

Can I set up another POP3 service to use with BlueTie?


To setup another POP3 service to use with BlueTie, click here.  

How do I add a new email address?

To add a new email address:

1) Login to the Enterprise Manager account

2) Click the Enterprise icon

3) Click the username which you would like to add the address to

4) Click the Email Aliases button

5) Click the New Alias button

6) Select the domain which you would like to use from the drop-down menu

7) Type or choose the email address which you would like to use

8) Check the Set alias as default checkbox if you would like to always send from that address by default

How do I add an email signature?

To add an email signature:

1) Login to the web application

2) Click on Preferences

3) Click on Name and Signature

4) Input the desired email signature

5) Click Save

How do I change my default email address?

To change your default email address:

1) Login to the web application

2) Click Preferences

3) Click Name and Signature

4) Change the default sender address to the desired email address

How do I change the number of emails that I see on a page?

To change the number of emails that are visible on a page, do the following:

1) Login to your account

2) Click on Prefereces (located in upper right hand corner)

3) Click on General Settings (located under Email section)

4) Under the Viewing Emails section, you can select the number of emails you wish to display: 10, 20, 50, 100 or 250

5) Click Save


How do I create a mailing list?

To create a Mailing List, do the following:

1) Click on Enterprise Preferences

2) Click on Mailing Lists

3) Click on Create New Mailing List

4) Enter the Mailing address and the recipients you would like to include on your mailing list.

5) Click Save

How do I create a new folder?

BlueTie has allows both root  folders and  sub-folders

To create a root folder:

1) Right-click on My Folder (located at top of the folder tree list)

2) Click on Create Folder and name the folder

To create a
sub folder:

1) Right click on the folder that your sub-folder will be added too

2) Click on Create Folder and name the folder

How do I delete all messages in a folder?

To remove or delete email messages from a particular folder:

1) Select the desired folder

2) Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and then press the 'A' key

3) Click on the Delete or Red X button at the top of the page, or simply press the 'Delete' key on the keyboard

This will delete all the emails displayed on the page. Depending on the the number of emails in the folder and the number of emails displayed , viewing displayed emails, you may have to complete steps 2 and 3, a few times.


NOTE: Both the Junk Folder and Trash folder can be emptied by right clicking on either folder and selecting empty

How do I hide/show the 'cc' and 'bcc' fields when composing a new email?

In order to view or hide the 'cc' or 'bcc' field when composing a new email all you would have to do is open the compose window and click on the button named 'show cc' or 'show bcc'.

How do I mark messages as 'read' or 'unread?'

To mark a message as read or unread, please do the following:

1) Click on the email message

2) Click on Flag As

3. Click on Read or Unread

How do I prevent Junk Mail from entering my account?


BlueTie offers several control filters that help to prevent Junk Mail from entering your account. Filters such as the Report Junk Button, Safe List, Block List, and Hiding Embedded Images work to alleviate this issue.

You can also click the Block Sender option in the preview pane of message in the Junk-Mail folder in order to ensure these are not received as well.

How do I print an email?

To print an email:

1) Click on the email
2) Click on the Print icon (located at top of email section)

How do I reply to multiple recipients?

To reply to multiple recipients:

1) Open the email message

2) Click on Reply All

How do I select multiple messages?


BlueTie currently offers three options which allow you to select multiple messages using your keyboard functions. To access these functions, please use the options below.


Option 1: To Select All Messages:

1. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key

2. Then press the 'A' key  


Option 2: To Select a Group of Messages:

1. Hold down the 'Ctrl'key and select the first email

2. Scroll down to the last email in the group and realease the 'Ctrl' key

3. Then hold down the 'Shift' key. 


Option 3: To select multiple individual messages:

1. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key

2. Then click on the desired emails

How do I send a message to multiple contacts?

To successfully send a message to multiple contacts, you should first create a personal group for contacts. Once the personal group is created, please complete the following steps to send your message:

1) Open a New Email

2) Click on the To: button

3) Click on the desired group name


How do I send a message?


To send a message or create a new email message, please do the following:

1. Click the “New Email” button and a new window will pop up with a compose screen.

2. To specify a list of recipients, you can use one of the following methods:

         Manually type in a username or email address, separating multiple entries with a comma.

        -OR -

        Use SimpleClick™ to enter individuals or groups without typing in an address.  To use the SimpleClick™ function, do the following:

        Click on the “To” button and your contact list will appear on the left-hand side of the window.

        You may choose from personal, shared, and enterprise contacts. (See SimpleClick™ tabs.)

        Then click on the desired names to automatically insert  them into the “To” field of your email.

How do I turn on an out of office message?


To turn on an out of office message, log into your account and then follow the steps below.

To turn on your out of office message for an undetermined period of time, please use these steps:
1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on Out of Office Message
3.) Click on Turn Out of Office Message On

To turn on your out of office message for a predetermined period of time, please use the following steps:
1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on Out of Office Message
3.) Click on radio button next to Starting:
4.) Then either manually type in date (00/00/0000) -or- Click on Calendar icon and select date within Calendar
5.) Choose option for End Date. either Indefinitely or Until:
5.) Then either manually type in date (00/00/0000) -or- Click on Calendar icon and select date within Calendar

Note: You can create a personalized out of office message or you can use the standard default message. If you opt to create your own message, simply change both the Subject line and message content.

How to Save all outgoing messages?

To Save Outgoing messages:

1. Click on Preferences
2. Click on General Settings
3. Click on the Yes button located beneath Automatically save outgoing messages:

How will I know when I receive new messages?


A notification can be received to alert you to the arrival of new email messages. To receive this notification, please do the following:

1. Click on Preferences
2. Click on General Settings (under Email section)
3. Go to the New message notifications box
4. Use the drop down box beneath Notify me: to select desired time of notification





What are your POP / IMAP / SMTP settings?

In addition to the username, password, and matching email address*, the following settings are needed when configuring a 3rd party email client:

POP Settings:

Incoming POP3 mail server:

Secure Password Authentication: NO

Incoming POP3 port number: 110

IMAP Settings:

Incoming IMAP mail server:

Secure Password Authentication: NO

Incoming IMAP port number: 143

SMTP Settings:

Outgoing SMTP mail server:

Outgoing SMTP server requires authentication: YES   

Use same settings as Incoming Mail Server: YES

Outgoing port number: 25 or 5125


* - The email address entered must match an email address that is assigned to the username's account being used in the email client.

For additional help setting up specific email clients click here.

What is Junk Mail?


Junk Mail, is the common term used to describe unsolicited email. Examples of Junk Mail include: ads, pyramid schemes, and prizes that you have "won."

To help minimize the receipt of Junk Mail, BlueTie allows you to customize your own spam filters as well as block any emails that include specific domain names, email addresses, subject or body text content, etc.



What is SecureSend™?

SecureSend™ is BlueTie's encrypted file transfer system, which lets you send files with complete confidence, knowing that your confidential data will remain secure. SecureSend™ uses both asynchronous 128-bit triple-DES and synchronous AES encryption to ensure safe delivery of critical data.  This ensures that your files are safe, secure and can only be opened by the intended recipient.

SecureSend™ files may be sent from your BlueTie account to both BlueTie and non-BlueTie users, are password protected and will transfer files as large as 100MB.  SecureSend also maintains a log of files that have been sent and received, keeping a history of your SecureSend file transfers.

What is the difference between importance flagging in BlueTie, and priority flagging in Outlook?

The importance flagging feature in BlueTie is so that the creator of an email can designate the importance level from low, medium and high.  This is only set by the BlueTie user who creates the email, and can't be changed by the recipient of that email. 

Priority flagging in Outlook is so that a user can flag an urgent email they have received as such, and can control it within their own mail client as they wish by increasing or decreasing their priority. 

These flags are compatible so that they are displayed in both Outlook and BlueTie when set by the sender.



What is the difference betwen POP and IMAP?





POP3 is designed to support "offline" mail processing. POP3 is ideal for people who only access their email on a single computer such as at home or at work, but not both. When using POP3, mail is delivered to our server, and the user uses a mail "client" program (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) that connects to the server and downloads all of the pending mail to the user's own machine.  Once delivered to your computer, the messages are deleted from the mail server (unless you configure your client to leave your mail on the server.)

IMAP is an especially convenient method of delivery for those who access their email on multiple computers. A growing number of email users have one machine at work and a different one at home, possibly also a laptop for travel. Like POP3, mail is delivered to our server, but the mail client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc) does not copy it all at once and then delete it from the server. Messages on our server can be marked with various status flags (e.g. "deleted" or "answered") and can be moved to folders either on a local computer or on the server. They will stay on the server until explicitly removed by the user. This way any changes made to the messages can be viewed from any computer.

What is the largest file I can send using SecureSend™?

SecureSend™ allows for the secure transfer of files as large as 100MB.  The size of the file transfer is dependent upon optimal connection speeds. The better the connection speed, the larger the file that can be transfered.

What is the largest size email I can send?

The largest email that you can send is up to 25MB in size.

Why am I not receiving an email that I know was sent?

If you aren't receiving emails which you know have been sent to you, please verify the following things:

1) Make sure the messages haven't been filtered into the Junk-Mail folder inadvertantly.

2) Contact the sender to see if they received any email returns or error messages.

Why am I only receiving email from users in my enterprise?


If you are only receiving email from users in your enterprise, please consider the following:

1. Are you using your own domain?

2. Check to see if the mx records point to our service.



Why am I receiving failed delivery email that I never sent?

This is typically caused by a spam message that was sent using your email address. This is a an attempt to send out spam message using your address listed as the return path. When the spammer sends their message to an invalid email address the bounce message comes back to your account, because they used your address.

This usually happens because your computer or someone who has you listed in their contacts could be infected by a virus.

Some possible solutions to prevent this from happening are:

  1. Make sure you are up to date with your anti-virus program
  2. Run a full scan on your computer.
  3. Also, attempt to notify anyone who has you listed in their contacts to do the same
  4. Lastly, try to remove any reference to your email addresses from any websites.

Why can't I reply, forward, or open an email?


If you are unable to reply, forward or open an email this is likely caused by pop-up blockers. To solve this issue, please make sure that all pop-up blockers are disabled for the  site.


Why can't I see the images in my email?


If you are unable to see the images in your email, please adjust your junk mail controls using the following steps:

1. Click Preferences

2. Click on Junk Mail Controls

3. Select Not to hide embedded images within email.

Why can't I see the Print, Delete, and Save icons?


If you are experiencing difficulty in viewing the Print, Delete or Save Icons, please try the following steps:

1. In the Internet Explorer menu box go to Tools >>> Internet Options >>> Accessibility >>> Make sure all boxes are unchecked.

2. In the Internet Explorer menu box go to Tools >>> Internet Options >>> Security Tab >>> Custom Level>>> Make sure that 'Run ActiveX controls' is enabled.

3. If running or using Norton Internet Security, disable Norton then Log out and Log back into the application.

Why did all of the messages disappear from my inbox?


A common cause of this issue relates to the settings on the POP3 account. To solve this problem the POP3 Client will have to select leave a copy of message on server in their account settings.

Why is my web form not being delivered?

Please verify the following if you are having problems sending from a web form to a Blue Tie account or mailing list:

1) Verify that the email is not going to the Junk-Mail folder of the recipient

2) If the form is being sent with a From Email address that is in our system, verify that you are using with authentication to send. The authentication must use the username and password that the From address is associated with.

3) If the form is being sent with a From Email address that is not in our system, verify that you are not using to send out. This will look like a spoofed email message and will result in the email being rejected.

Logging In

BlueTie provides several ways of logging into your account. Please see the frequently asked questions below for more information.

Can I login from my mobile device?

Yes. Our mobile site allows you to access your personal Email, Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks.

To login to your account from a mobile device:

1) Open your web browser* and go to:
2) Enter your Username and Password
3) Check the Save Login Info box if you don't want to re-enter the login information again
4) Click the Login button

* - The device must have at least a WAP 2.0 compliant browser

How do I unlock my account?

To unlock your account and reset your password, use the Forgot your Password? link available on the login page.

To use the Forgot Your Password? link:
1) Enter your username (in "username.enterprise" format, or the Email address assigned to your account)
2) Click the Next button
3) Confirm your identity by answering both security questions
4) Click the Next button
5) You will be assigned a randomly generated password to use the next time you login.  Copy this password (highlight and press Ctrl+C simultaneously) and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the Password field upon your next login.  Once you login successfully, you will be prompted to change your password to something more unique and personal.


What is Lite mode?

BlueTie Lite is built for speed and is optimized for wireless and dial-up users.  Lite mode provides basic functionality to the web application by allowing quick access to both your Email and personal Contacts.

What is my password?

Your password is assigned to you by your Enterprise Manager.

If you don't know your password, use the Forgot your Password? link to have one randomly assigned to you and login. You will be prompted to change your password to something more unique and personal when you successfully login to your account.

What is my username?

Your username is assigned to you by your Enterprise Manager.

Usernames consist of at least 2 characters and may be created in many naming conventions. Common usernames are a first initial and last name, or first name only.

For example: John Smith is a user in the "example" enterprise. His username may be:


Please contact your Enterprise Manager to obtain this information.

What is secure login?

Note: Secure login encrypts and decrypts all data being viewed on a page. As a result, Secure Mode is the slowest of our available login methods.

All login processes are secure, regardless of the type of login you choose (SSL, Lite, Mobile, or Rich). Secure login, however, ensures that all of your account session is secure by adding an extra layer of protection (SSL or Secure Socket Layer) for all data being transmitted.

Why is my account locked?

Usually an account is locked because of 5 invalid login attempts to the web application. If your account has been locked for 5 invalid logins, you can use the Forgot your Password? link or contact your Enterprise Manager to have the account unlocked.

If the account is not locked for 5 invalid login attempts, please check with your Enterprise Manager.

Archive Services

Coming Soon


Frequently asked questions regarding the Calendar application

Can I attach files to meeting invitations?

Yes you can attach files to meeting invitations. In order to do this, just click on New Event, enter in all needed information and when done, click on the attachment tab and attach whatever files you may need.

Can I change colors associated with shared Calendars?

Yes. To change colors associated with specific Calendar:

1.) Click on color box located to the right of the user's shared calendar
2.) Click desired color

Can I change Holidays By Country?


Yes. To change Holidays by Country:

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on Holiday (under Calendar section)
3.) Choose desired Country
4.) Click Save

Can I change Holidays By Religion?


Yes. To change Holidays by Religion:

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on Religion (under Calendar section)
3.) Choose desired Religion
4.) Click Save

Can I change my calendar view?

Yes. To change the view of Calendar:

You can change the default Calendar view by:

1.) Clicking on Preferences
2.) Clicking on General Settings
3.) Using the drop down menu and selecting desired view (Monthly, Weekly, or Daily)
4.) Click Save

To change view of Calendar for current session. While in Calendar section:

Click on icons located above Calendar (Monthly, Weekly, or Daily). This will hold this setting only while your in Calendar. If you leave Calendar and come back the Calendar will show what the default setting in preferences.

Can I create a New Task while in Calendar?

Yes. To create a New task in Calendar section:

1.) Click on New Task (located at top of Calendar)
2.) Fill in Title,

Can I drag drop an appointment?


Yes. You can drag drop appointments. If the appointment was created by you or the appointment is in a shared calendar when user has granted you full access. Simply:

Left click and hold down. Drag event to desired location and release.

Can I receive email notifications for scheduled appointments?


Yes. To receive Email Notifications:

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on General Settings
3.) Click on check box next to Through:  Email
4.) Click Save

Can I share a my calendar with a group of my contacts?


To share your calendar with a group of your contacts:

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on Calendar Sharing (under Calendar section)
3.) Select which level of access you want to grant
4.) Click on group which you would like to Insert
5.) Click Insert
6.) Click Save

How do I change First day of Week in Calendar?


To change the first day of the week in the calendar: 

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Under General Settings
3.) Select the desired first day of the week
4.) Click Save

How do I change my available work days?

To change available work days within your calendar:

1.) Click Preferences
2.) Under Calendar section click on General Settings
3.) Select the available work days
4.) Click Save

How do I change my Calendar name?

To change the calendar name: 

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Under Calendar section Click on General Settings
3.) In Calendar Name type in desired name
4.) Click Save

How do I change my Calendar View Increments?

Yes. To change the Calendar time Increments.

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click on General Settings
3.) Next to Calendar View Increment select desired Increment
4.) Click Save

How do I change the time when I receive appointment notifications?



In order to change the time when you receive appointment notifications you would:

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) General Settings
3.) Adjust the Reminder Time accordingly.
4.) Click Save

How do I create a new appointment?

There are multiple ways to add an appointment to your calendar: two which lend themselves best to quickly adding appointments which require few details and do not involve inviting other attendees, and another used when doing detailed event planning and inviting other attendees.

Quick Events

Highlight & Type: To add an event, simply highlight the desired block of time on your calendar, and type a description. If needed, you can add additional details or
invite attendees by right-clicking on the event and choosing “Edit Event”.

To add an event, simply type a description into the QuickAdd scheduling box. This convenient feature recognizes times, activities, days and dates, and schedules your event using a set of built-in rules of thumb. For example, if no time is specified, “lunch” is assumed to start at noon and last 1 hour. If needed, you can add additional details or invite
attendees by right-clicking on the event and choosing “Edit Event”.

Detailed Events

Right-Click Menu: To add an event, left-click on the desired date and start-time, right-click, and select “New Event”. An appointment screen will appear with the desired date and time. From there, enter the desired attendees (if any), location and description, as well as any reoccurances (as necessary)

How do I delete an instance of a recurring event?

1.) Right-click on the event instance you would like to delete
2.) Select delete instance.

How do I edit an appointment?

Once you have created a new event in your Calendar, you can easily view or edit the details of that event.

1) To view the Subject, Start, and End times for an existing event, simply mouse over the event entry on your Calendar. A text box will appear, displaying the desired information.

2) To change the date or Start time of an event you have scheduled, you may either:             

- Drag & drop the event to the new desired Start date and time. Events may be dragged to either the main calendar view, or any small calendar view. Dragging & dropping from one date to another will result in no change in the desired Start time.

- Grab the top or bottom edge of an event and resize it to change its duration.

How do I invite an attendee to an event?

To invite an attendee, type the email address or username of the person you wish to invite. Or, if the person you wish to invite is in your address book, use the SimpleClick feature by clicking the name of this person from your Contacts list pane.

How do I make changes to a shared calendar?

Note: You must have full access to a shared calendar In order to make changes to it.

1.) Click the Calendar icon
2.) Click on the link of the calendar name in the bottom-center of the page
3.) Verify you are in the correct calendar by checking the upper-left corner of the calendar
4.) Make change to appointment

How do I print my calendar?



To Print your calendar:

Choose the view in which you would like to view your calendar (Daily, Monthly, Weekly) and then click on the Printer icon in order to print this view.


How do I share a calendar?

1.) Click Preferences in the upper-right corner of the screen
2.) Click Calendar Sharing
3.) Click in the textbox for the type of access you want the user to have to your calendar
4.) Click the user or group from the contacts pane or type in the users email address or username
5.) Click the Save button



How do I turn off apointment notifications?

To turn off appointment notifications:

1.) Click Preferences
2.) Under the Calendar section, click General Settings
3.) Set the Remind drop-down menu to No Reminder
4.) Uncheck Email and Popup
5.) Click the Save button

How do I view multiple shared Calendars at one time?

When other users have shared their calendars with you, there are two options for the manner in which their schedule data is presented to you:

1) All calendars which have been shared with you will be listed in the Calendars Shared Tab of your Calendar view. Simply click on the users name within the Shared tab in order to view only that individual’s calendar.

2) To view your own calendar overlaid with the calendars of one or more other colleagues, check the boxes of the users whose schedules you wish to see overlaid on your own. This feature can greatly simplify the scheduling of meetings.

How to display birthdays in Calendar?

To display the birthday in your calendar:

1.) Click on the Contacts Icon

2.) Click on Contact

3.) Click on Edit

4.) Click on Details Tab

5.) Click Type in Birthdate or click on small calendar icon and choose date

6.) Check Show birthday in my calendar

7.) Click Save

Is there any way to email all attendees of a calendar event?

Yes, you can email all attendees of a specific calendar event. To do this, you can right click or double click on a specific calendar event and then click on the attendees screen. Once on the attendees screen you can then click on the 'Email all attendees' button and a new email compose window should open up with all attendees email address populated in the 'To:'  field.

What does the quick add feature do?

The convenient Quick Add feature recognizes times, activities, days and dates, and schedules your event using a set of built-in rules of thumb. For example, if no time is specified, “lunch” is assumed to start at noon and last 1 hour. If needed, you can add additional details or invite attendees by right-clicking on the event and choosing Edit Event.

What is free / busy access?

Free/Busy access allows users to only view appointment times. No other appointment information is displayed.

What is the Difference Between Full Access, Shared Access and Free-Busy Access?


Free-Busy Sharing”: which displays free and busy time blocks only, with no

details regarding Subject, Attendees, etc.


Read-Only Sharing”, which displays both free/busy time and event details,

but does not permit changes to event dates, times, or details.


Full Sharing”, or Administrative Access, which allows users to not only view

your calendar, but also provides the ability to add and edit appointments.


Note: Users of other Calendar systems can only have Free-Busy Sharing

Why did my Calendar colors change?


You can assign each user which you are sharing calendars with a color in order to organize these shared calendars better. When selecting a specific calendar to view, the assigned color will show up on your calendar while viewing. If you clear your cache in the browser, this will reset these colors back to the default colors originally assigned and remove the assignments which you have previously saved.

Why do my appointments display with the incorrect times?


If your appointments are displaying with the incorrect time then:

Check the Windows system clock and make sure that the time zone is set to your current local time zone. The calendar runs off of the Windows system clock and would be affected in the application if this was changed or altered in any way.

Why does a meeting request show up on My Day but not in my Calendar?


There is a delay on the time it takes a meeting request to be created, and the time it takes to show up in the calendar. The request immediately shows up in the MyDay section, but is delayed when showing up on the calendar itself.


Frequently asked questions about the Contacts application.

Can I email a group of Contacts?

Yes, To email a group of Contacts, Use SimpleClick™ to enter individuals or groups without typing in addresses.

Open a new email:
1) Click on To button
2) Click on group name or the individual contacts you wish to send the email to.

Can I export my contacts?

Yes, to export contacts:

1) Click the Contacts icon
2) Click the drop-down arrow next to Actions
3) Choose Import/Export Contacts.
4) Select the Section of contacts you would like to delete (Enterprise, Personal, Shared or all)
5) Choose the type of format you would like to export these contacts ( CSV or vCards)
6) Click Export

Can I filter my contacts?

Yes. Contacts can be filtered by clicking on header columns or by clicking on the Letter of the contact.

To filter by the header column:
1) Click on the Contact icon
2) Click on the desired column in which you want to filter (display name, work email, etc..)

To filter by Letter of Contact
1) Click on the desired Letter

Can I import my contacts from another program?

Importing Contact Information

You can import a previously existing contact list from ACT!, MS Outlook, Outlook
Express, or Goldmine.

You must first export your contact information from your other contact manager
program. Follow that program's directions for exporting contact information. Save
the contact information in .CSV format (comma separated values). If allowed to choose a specific .CSV file format, choose a DOS formatted .CSV.

To access the importing feature:

1) Click the Contacts button at the top of the application.
2) Click on the drop-down arrow next to Actions.
3) From the Program drop-down list, select Import/Export Contacts.
4) Click the Import button.
5) Click Browse
6) Select the file you wish to upload, and click Open.
7) Select a group to import to (If any)
8) Click Import.
9) Create field mapping from the grid for all incompatible fields
10) Click Accept.

Can I modify an existing group?

Yes, There are three ways to modify and existing group:

From the Contacts application you can:  

1) Click the drop-down arrow on the VIEW button
2) Select the Groups, and then the type of groups you would like to view (Enterprise or Personal)
3) A list of Groups will then appear in the grid below with the options to share, modify, or delete.
4) Select the MODIFY button across from the group(s) you wish to modify.
5) From there you can add or remove contacts and click SAVE when finished.


1) Click the drop-down arrow next to View
2) Highlight Personal Contacts or Enterprise Contacts
3) Select the desired group
4) Click the drop-down arrow next to Actions
5) Click Modify Group
6) Make necessary changes ( rename Group add/remove contacts)
7) Click Save in the upper-left corner of the window

From the SImpleClick menu you can:

1) Right-click the Group name in the SimpleClick Window
2.) Click Modify Group
3) Make necessary changes ( rename Group add/remove contacts)
4) Click Save in the upper-left corner of the window

NOTE: Only users who have full access to Enterprise Contacts will have the option to add, modify, or delete these Contacts.  Access can be granted to individual users by the Enterprise Manager.

Can I print my contacts?

Yes, you can print individual, groups or all contacts.
* If you are trying to print Enterprise or Personal you are in that section.

To print your contacts, follow the instructions. 

For Individual:
1) Double click on the contact
2) Click on the print icon

For Group:
1) Click on group name in the SimpleClick Window (located  in the far left pane)
2) Click on the print icon
1) Click drop-down arrow next to view
2) Highlight either Personal or Enterprise (depending where the group is located)
3) Select group name
4) Click print icon

For All:
1) Click on the Contacts icon
2) Click on print icon

Can I share Contacts?

Contact Sharing

Contact Manager allows users to share their contacts with other members. Clicking
on the Shared tab (in the Contacts pane) will allow you to see the contacts that other
users have shared with you.

Definitions: “Sharer” - The owner of the shared contacts.
“Sharee” - The recipient of the shared contacts.

There are two possible share methods:
Read Only (the sharee can only view).
Full Access (the sharee can view, delete, and edit).

To set up sharing from the sharer’s account.

1) Click on Contacts
2) Click on drop-down arrow next to Actions
3) Click Manage Sharing
4) Select the desired group for sharing
5) Click Modify
6) Use the SimpleClick feature to to select the group or individual you would like t share the contact or contacts with
7) Click Save

Can I turn the preview pane Off / On?

Yes, To turn the Preview Pane Off/On:

1) Click Preferences in the upper-right corner of the screen
2) Click General Settings under the Contacts section of preferences
3) Under Preview Pane select Off or On
4) Click Save

How do I create a new personal group?

To Create a New Personal Group:

1) Click the Contacts icon
2) Click on the drop-down arrow next to New
3) Select Personal Group
4) Type the Name of the Group
5) Click the contacts you would like to add from the contact listing on the left
6) Click the Save button in the upper-left corner of the screen

How do I view Enterprise Contacts?

Enterprise Contacts can be viewed from the SimpleClick menu on the left or through the Contacts application.

To View in SimpleClick:

  1. Below the contacts listing simply click on the Enterprise tab.
  2. The groups list and contacts list are now visible above.

To View from Contacts:

  1. Click on the Contacts Icon within the BlueTie toolbar.
  2. Next, click on the VIEW button and select Enterprise Contacts.

NOTE: You can use the arrow next to the Enterprise Contacts option to select specific groups for viewing.


What is SimpleClick?

SimpleClick™ is BlueTie's patented name-based system that makes it incredibly easy to communicate and share information with people with the simple click of a button. Use SimpleClick™ to instantly insert names within the BlueTie application when writing emails, sharing files, or when instant messaging.

To use SimpleClick™:

1) Click on the “To” button and your contact list will appear on the left-hand side of the window.

2) You may choose from personal, shared, and enterprise contacts.

3) Simply click on the desired names to automatically insert them into the “To” field of your email.

4) To send carbon copies of your outgoing email to others, enter additional email
    addresses in the “CC” field by using SimpleClick™ or by manually typing them in.

5) To send a blind carbon copy that does not display the recipient's email address to
     other recipients, enter the email addresses in the “BCC” field by using SimpleClick™
     or by manually typing in the address.

What is the difference between Modfiy Access and Full Access?

Modify Access allows a user to make changes to the contacts but does not allow the user to delete the contact.

Full Access allows users to both modify and delete contacts.


Throw away your fax machine and visit your inbox! Sending a fax has never been easier.

Can I use my eFax Corporate account?

At this time, eFax corporate is not supported through the BlueTie interface.  eFax intends to add this functionality for use in the future, but official dates have not been released.

Do I need to sign up monthly?

If a monthly commitment is not right for you, just click "Send Now Using Fax-On-Demand". Fax-On-Demand is a low-cost fax service that you can use as-needed, without having to commit to monthly payments.

Send faxes anywhere in the U.S. and to more than 20 countries for just $0.75 (USD) for the first page, and $0.25 for each additional page per fax transmission. Please note that each recipient of your fax will be counted as a separate transmission.

How can I send an eFax?

You Can send an eFax in two different ways:

1. Enter your Email application

2. Click on the arrow in the New button on your tool bar

3. Using the dropdown menu, select Fax

4. From the next screen, choose from the options: Learn More/Sign Up, Already a User, Send Now Using Fax-On-Demand

5. Follow the prompts to send an eFax


1. Enter your Contacts application

2. Choose a Contact (that has a fax number stored)

3. Click the Send Fax icon

4. Follow the prompts to send an eFax

How do I Add my eFax # to my Contacts profile?

To Add your eFax # to your Contacts profile

1. Go into your Add my eFax # to my Contacts profile

2. Under Email select eFax Settings

3. Fill in your eFax Number and eFax Pin

4. Check the box that read: "Add my eFax # to my Contacts profile"

5. Save your Preference changes

How much does an eFax cost per month?

eFax Pricing

Your 30-day free trial includes receiving up to 130 fax pages and sending up to 30 fax pages free. After 30 days, your eFax Plus subscription will automatically continue at $16.95 (USD) a month, which includes receiving up to 130 fax pages and sending up to 30 fax pages a month free. Receiving faxes over the included amount costs $0.15 (USD) a page and sending faxes over the included amount to numbers in the U.S. costs $0.10 (USD) a page. To check eFac rates for sending faxes to numbers outside the U.S. click on the eFax options within the eFaz window Note: For toll-free eFax numbers, all incoming fax pages are $0.20 (USD) a page and no free pages are included. Value Added Tax (VAT) may apply to these prices depending on your country of residence. See the eFax Customer Agreement for complete details.

How to Obtain your eFax Number and/or PIN?

If you would like to retrieve your eFax Number or PIN, please visit to verify your account information. Your eFax Number or PIN will be sent to the email address specified as the contact address for your eFax account.

If you continue experiencing problems, please contact Customer Service, to provide the following information for verification:

   • Old Email Address(es) listed for your eFax number
   • New Email Address, at which you want to receive faxes
   • Zip Code, according to your eFax account’s Billing Information
   • Last 4 digits of your Credit Card Number, to which your eFax account is billed (if applicable)

Upon verification, we will send your account information to your new email address.

I already have an eFax account, can I still use it?

Yes, you can still use your pre-existing eFax account. All you would need to do is click on the option that says 'Already a User' and enter in your current account information.

Email Marketing

Frequently asked question about Email Marketing with Constant Contact

Are there any additional costs for using Email Marketing through Bluetie?

No, there are no charges by BlueTie for using BlueTie to launch email marketing campaigns.

What are Bluetie Featuretisments ?

BlueTie Featuretisements are services from trusted partners that extend the usefulness of the BlueTie application. The Email Marketing featuretisement enables an individual or small business to launch email marketing campaigns seamlessly within the BlueTie application.

Who do I contact for service questions related to Constant Contact?

Many customer service questions are addressed at the following site:

Constant Contact Customer Service

Constant Contact's Customer Service Center is open daily.

Who uses the Email Marketing feature?

Anyone that wants to send marketing communications to their customers and do so seamlessly though the BlueTie email application.

Why can't I see the Email Marketing option?

The Email Marketing feature can be disabled or enabled by the Enterprise Administrator. If you cannot see this feature in your application, please contact your Enterprise Administrator.

Filing Cabinet

Frequently asked questions regarding the Filing Cabinet application

Can I share a folder that I don't own?


Unfortunately you cannot share a folder which you do not own. Folders can only be shared if they belong to the user. The user cannot share folders that have been shared with them.

Can I upload an entire folder?


No. Currently you cannot upload entire folders. You can however select multiple files at a time and upload all at once by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the files you wish to upload. Once you are done, select open and Upload.

How can I delete a file?


Highlight Folder in  your folder tree where the file is located. Highlight the file and then select delete. This will move the folder to your filing cabinet trash can.

How can I delete a folder?


Click on My files, highlight folder, and click delete.

How can I revoke shared access to an individual user when I have shared folder with multiple contacts?


In order to remove sharing access from an individual user you would:

Click on folder under shared folders>  Highlight on the right hand side and click sharing. Locate user Id of the user that you would like to remove and highlight and click remove.

How can I save a shared file to my hard drive?


You can save a shared file to your hard drive by clicking on:

1) Shared Folders

2) Highlight the shared folder and select Check Out.


How can I share a file?


Unfortunately you can only share complete folders at this time and not individual files.

How do I create a new folder?


In order to create a new folder:

1) Click on the Filing cabinet Icon and then New Folder button in the upper right part of the application.

How do I share a folder?


In order to share a folder:

1) Highlight the folder in the folder tree and then click on share on the right hand side. Grant sharing access accordingly.

Hosted Exchange

To View the Hosted Exchange Knowledge base please copy and paste this link into your browser:

Instant Messaging

Frequently asked questions regarding the Instant Messaging application

Can I hide from or block certain users?


You can set your Online status by clicking Options in the Instant Messaging window.  You may display your online status to all BlueTie users, only users in your enterprise, or you can select hide and appear to be offline.

If you wish to block a user, select Add on the Options page and enter the username into your block list.


How do I add someone to my Currently Online List?


You may communicate with any BlueTie user via the IM application.

To add users to your Currently Online, choose them from any of your Contacts lists or groups.

1.) Click the Currently Online button directly from your IM window. 

2) This will bring up a Currently Online list which you can add people directly from the simple click list.

3.) After adding these users, just Click Save.


How do I disable new Instant Message notifications?


1.) Click the Options button in the IM window.

2)  Under Alerts, un-check the boxes for audio and/or pop-up notifications.

3.) Click Save.


How do I know someone is online?


If a user is online, they will be displayed in the Currently Online list of your Contacts.  Any user in your Currently Online list will be indicated if they are online by the icon next to their name lighting up regardless of list or contact group.



How do I send an Instant Message to someone?


In order to send an instant message to a user:

1. Click on the IM icon.

2. Click in the field labeled "To".

3. To enter a member name, you can use one of the following methods:
    Click a hyperlink of the member listed in the Currently Online list.
    Manually type in the username of the member you wish to chat with.

4. Enter your message in the “Message” field.

5. To send the message, click the “Send” button or hit “Enter” on your keyboard.

How do I switch between IM conversations with several users?


You can have multiple IM sessions with any BlueTie user.  Each user you are speaking with will appear at the right side of the IM window, in the Users list.  Simply click on the user you wish to continue speaking with, and send your message. 

The number of new messages in the IM session will appear next to the name of the user it is from.


What is the Currently Online list?


The Currently Online list displays other BlueTie users that are logged in. It will only show users which you have added to your currently online list. You can send an Instant Message to any user on this list, and communicate instantly.


Why can't I send or receive Instant Messages


1.) Check to see if IM port is open. This can be done by using the telnet feature. Please refer to links for process.
2.) Check for pop-up blockers

Layout Manager

Find out what others are asking about Layout Manager

Do I need separate layouts saved for my email, contacts, and calendar separately?

No, you may configure one layout across multiple applications and that will apply as you have set the pods.

How can I exclude a pod from one of my layouts?

You have the ability to minimize the pod for a layout.  The pod will remain, but will not take up as much space as it normally would when expanded.  The minimized pod may be organized wherever you would like to put that as well.

How do I get the Layout Manager to stop prompting me to save?

The Layout Manager detects when you make changes to the layout of you application screens and will prompt you to save them.

To disable the change layout prompts:

1) Go to your preferences, under General Settings, and click Layout Settings.

2) Select the desired preference and click Save

For more information on this functionality, click here

How do I save a layout?

Organize your pods the way you would like to see them in your saved layout.  To do so, drag the top bar of the pod to a different location on your screen.  Once you are satisfied with the pod locations, click on Layout Manager and select Save Layout As...Enter the name of the layout and click Save.


What is the Layout Manager?

The Layout Manager allows you to save the organization of the pods within each application.  You may save these pods in whatever configuration you would like by dragging their top bar to another location.

Click here for more information on how to use the Layout Manager.

Mobile Sync

Coming Soon

How Do I Configure My Phone To Work With Mobile Sync?

Once you let us know which phone you are utilizing within your BlueTie account Mobile Sync Preference, we will send instructions directly to your phone via SMS*, or you can follow written instructions using a browser on the device.

Step-by-step instructions may be found here [link to instructions].

*SMS is currently only supported for US phones.

What Do I Do If My Device Is Not Supported?

If your mobile device is not currently supported by BlueTie's Mobile Sync, please contact us and let us know which device you are using.

You may us our Contact Us form, located here.

Please include the make and model of your mobile device.


Which Features Are Supported On A Windows Mobile Device?

If you are using a Windows Mobile device with the BlueTie Mobile Sync Tool, you will have access to your Email through POP or IMAP, with the ability to sync your Calendar, Contacts and Tasks.

Which Features Are Supported On BlackBerry?

If you are using a BlackBerry device with the BlueTie Mobile Sync Tool, you will have access to your Email through POP or IMAP, with the ability to sync your Calendar, Contacts and Tasks.

Which Features Are Supported On The iPhone?

If you are using an iPhone with our Mobile Sync tool, you wll have access to your BlueTie Email via IMAP or POP, with the ability to sync your Contacts.

Calendar and Task Sync is not supported at this time.

My Day

Frequently asked questions regarding the My Day section

Why does the My Day screen say "Loading..."?

This will occur when the application is attempting to retrieve the updated account information. If the screen continues to say Loading... after several minutes the browser may have timed out while attempting to communicate with the server. It is recommended to click another application such as Email or Calendar and then click back on the My Day icon to refresh the My Day screen.

What are invitations?

Invitations allow you to refer friends and business colleagues to the BlueTie system. Once the invitation is accepted, you can share your contacts, calendar, and files between enterprises.


How do I invite somebody to use BlueTie?

You can invite someone by logging into your account, and clicking the Available Invites link on the My Day screen. In the new window that opens up, fill in the First Name, Last Name and the Email Address for the person that you are inviting and click the Send button.

How can I check the status of available invites?

You can check whether an invitation was accepted by viewing the Invitations Sent/Accepted status within the My Day section.

How often do I get more available invites?

Users will receive a random number of new invites after an account is created and also shortly after the last invitation is sent.

What is the special invitations box for?

The special invitation box is on the MyDay screen to list any upcoming birthdays or anniversaries of contacts in the users contact manager.

Why don't I have any available invites?

You may not have any invites available if your account was just created or if you have already used all of your available invites. New invites will, however, be made available again shortly after. Invitations are only granted to free accounts.

Outlook Sync

Coming Soon

How Do I Configure The Outlook Sync Tool?

Coming Soon

Link to Instructions

How Do I Download The Outlook Sync Tool?

Coming Soon...

Link to download

How Do I Obtain An Outlook Sync Log File?

Coming Soon

What Features Will Sync Between BlueTie and Outlook?

The Outlook Sync Tool will ensure that the following features are synchronized betwen your BlueTie account and Outlook:

  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Tasks

Email may be accessed in Outlook via POP or IMAP.

Which Versions of Outlook Are Support?

Coming Soon

Will Outlook Sync Synchronize Email?

Coming Soon

Registered Email

Frequently Asked Questions about Registered Email

How do I enable RPost as the admin for a user?

1) Find user and click on the Modify Access button.
2) Check the box that says Registered Mail to enable this for the user.

Upon activation or deactivation of this feature, you will see a pop up window that states that it will take 24 hours for the desired action to take place and once the account has been activated or deactivated an email will be sent to the admin to inform them of this action.

How do I enable RPost for all newly created users?

1) In order to have Registered Mail enabled for all newly created users

then you would need to add the feature to your enterprise default plan.

2) To set your enterprise company default plan please follow this link:

Upon activation of this feature in the enterprise defaults section, you will see a pop up window that states that it will take 24 hours to for the desired action to take place and once the account has been activated or deactivated and email will be sent to the admin to inform them of this action.

What is SecuRmail encryption?

SecuRmail™: provides end-to-end encrypted delivery for email message body text and all attachments, with straight-through delivery to the recipient’s inbox, auto-delivery of decryption passwords, options to reply encrypted, with court admissible records proving compliance with security requirements, and e-discovery management for decryption of litigation-related email evidence. BlueTie's secure encrypted email service solves the most common dilemma relating to email encryption – maximizing simplicity for users while maintaining the highest levels of security.

Sending Flowers with FTD

Find out what others are asking about sending flowers with FTD.

How Do I Contact FTD Customer Service?

To get in touch with FTD's Customer Support, please visit:

How Do I Enter the FTD Store?

There are a few different ways to enter FTD within BlueTie. 

Your My Day screen's Special Event pane will list all upcoming birthdays, anniversarys, and holidays.  Below each of these events will be a Send Flowers link (when appropriate), which, when clicked, will open up the FTD Store right within your BlueTie application.

You may also enter the FTD store through an individual's contact information.  Just open up their contact card and click the Send Flowers link located below their photo.  This will take you directly to the FTD store.

For step-by-step instructions, please click here.

Which Holidays Are Compatible With FTD?

On your My Day screen's Special Events pane, BlueTie will automatically alert you to upcoming national and religious holidays (depending on your Calendar preferences).  Depending on the occasion, we may recommend that it be appropriate to send a gift or flowers to a co-worker, loved one or friend.

Here is a list of Holidays that, when in your Special Events pane, will provide a quick link to send flowers:

Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
Rosh Hashanah
Administrative Professionals Day
Father’s Day
Independence Day
Mother’s Day
New Year’s Day
Saint Patrick’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Valentine’s Day


Sending Gifts with Amazon

Frequently asked questions regarding sending gifts with Amazon.

How can I review or submit an order?

Check the accuracy all of the information you provided and make any necessary adjustments. When you are ready, click the "Place Your Order" button to submit your order. Once you place your order, we will send you a confirmation email. We will send you another e-mail message at the time of shipment. 1-Click shopping is automatically turned on for you so that it's even easier to order in the future.

How do I add Items to my Shopping Cart?

If you want to order an item from, click the "Add to Shopping Cart" button on the item's product detail page. If you want to buy the product from another seller, click the link in the More Buying Choices box instead and follow the directions. Once you've added an item to your Shopping Cart, keep searching or browsing until your cart contains all of the items you want to order. You can access the contents of your Shopping Cart at any time by clicking the Shopping Cart icon at the top of every page of our website.

How do I check an order status?

If you would like to review or change something about the order you placed before it enters the shipping process, click the Your Account link in the top right corner of most pages on our site.  Here you will be able to change the particulars of your order without having to contact us.

How do I find Items?

First you will need to browse or search for the items you would like to order. Keyword search boxes are located on nearly every page of our store. You will also find links to browse lists and more detailed product-specific searches in the top navigation bar of each store. When you find an item that interests you, click the title or name of the item to see its product detail page. Here you will find more information about the item, including an availability estimate of how long it will take before the item will be ready to leave our fulfillment center.

If you don't find what you're looking for in one of our stores, you may want to visit one of our international websites, including,,,,, and

How do I pay for Items?

There are many ways to pay for your order. We accept American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, Eurocard, MasterMoney, Visa, Visa Check Cards, gift certificates, or a check, money order, or cashier's check denominated in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. All orders must be prepaid. If you're paying with a credit card, enter the number without spaces or dashes.

Choose a password for your account so that when you come back to in the future, you can use the same shipping address and method of payment you provided during this first order. You will also be able to use your password to make changes to your order and account information. Make sure to choose something you will remember the next time you want to place an order. Passwords should be 4 to 16 characters long and can contain any combination of letters or numbers.

How do I place my first order?

Placing an order with is easy. There's no need to create an account first. You automatically create an account when you place your first order online. We cannot accept orders by phone, fax, or e-mail. All orders must be placed online.

How do I Proceed to Checkout?

Take a moment to review all of the items you've placed in your Shopping Cart. If you decide that you don't want to purchase a particular item right away, click the "save for later" button next to the title. The item will move from your current Shopping Cart to the "Saved Items--To Buy Later" list below. If any of the items are to be gifts, click the "add gift-wrap/note" checkbox under the item. (You'll be given a chance to order gift-wrap and/or add a note during the checkout process.)

When you're ready to place an order for everything in the "Shopping Cart Items--To Buy Now" section of your cart, click the "Proceed to checkout" button. You will be taken to the first page of the order form.

The instructions below outline each step of our online order form. If at any point you encounter difficulty or receive an error message, please consult our troubleshooting tips.

I already have an Amazon account, can I still use it?

Yes, once you are finished shopping in the AStore and proceed to checkout, you will be asked to login in with your existing Amazon account information.

What is a Wish List?

With Earth's Biggest Selection, has everything you could possibly ask for--so ask for it! It's easy to create a list of what you're hoping for: as you shop, click the "Add to Wish List" button on the page of any item that strikes your fancy. Make the list publicly searchable (or easily send it to friends and family) and presto--you're simple to shop for.

What should I use for a shipping address?

Tell us where you would like to ship your order. If you are shipping to an APO or FPO address, click here for further instructions. If you are shipping to a post office box, please enter the words "PO BOX" before your box number to ensure that the order is delivered by the U.S. Postal Service.

When prompted, how do I sign in to the Amazon Store?

Enter your e-mail address. (Keep in mind that the e-mail address you provide here will be the only e-mail address to which we can send information about subsequent orders.) Indicate that you are a new customer. (Do not fill in the password field; you will be asked to provide a password for your account later in the process.) Click the "Sign in" button.

Where do I order a gift?

You can find the Ordering a Gift option in two different places:

1) Within your "Special Events" that will include: Birthdays, Holidays, Anniversaries, Religious holidays, and other Special Events. For these "Special Events" you will have an Order a Gift clickable hyper-link that will direct you to the Amazon Store.

2) Within you Contacts you can select any contact and within the Contact Preview, or detailed Contact page you will have an Order a Gift icon within the Left-Hand Corner of your screen/dialogue box.

Which shipping method should I use?

Consider how quickly you would like to receive your order, and choose a shipping method. If you would like to take advantage of FREE Super Saver Shipping and your order qualifies, be sure to select it as your shipping option; you will not receive free shipping automatically. Please note that it's not possible to request a specific carrier.

We will estimate shipment dates for you on the order form, just before you submit your order. You will see estimated shipment and delivery dates in the e-mail we send you to confirm your order.

If there is more than one item in your order, you will be given the following options:

  • Group my items into as few shipments as possible
  • I want my items faster. Ship them as soon as they become available (at additional cost)

If you choose the first option, we'll consolidate your items into the fewest shipments possible. We'll show you the minimum number of shipments needed to complete your order. If you choose the second option, we will ship items to you as they become available, beginning with those already in stock. You'll be charged a per-shipment fee for each shipment. Read more about shipping preferences, and find domestic shipping rates or international shipping rates.

Also, please note that the availability listings on our website are intended for single-copy orders. Orders for many copies of the same item may take longer to assemble.

The shipping charge for your order will be displayed on the order summary page just before you submit your order.


Frequently asked questions regarding the Tasks application

Can Tasks be shared?


Unfortunately at this time you cannot share tasks within the Bluetie application.  However, you can assign yourself a Task within one of your Contacts as a follow-up to previous communication in the History section.


How do I create a task?


In order to create a New Task:

1.)  From the application menu, click on the Task List icon.

2.)  In the New Task “Title” field, enter the task name.

3.)  To set a date for the new task, use the Due Date drop-down lists for month, day, and year. To create a task without a due date, check the No Due Date box.

4.)  To establish a priority for the new task, use the Priority drop-down list. Tasks are set with a Normal priority level, by default.

5.)  To choose a task status, use the drop-down menu labeled “status”.

6.) When finished, click Save.

***Tasks can also be created from both the My Day screen and Calendar application.

How do I delete a Task from the My Day screen?

Tasks can be deleted from the My Day screen. To delete a Task, Right Click on the Task itself and choose delete., 

How do I delete multiple tasks?


To delete Multiple Tasks:

1.) Go to the Tasks application.

2.) Mark all Tasks you wish to delete as Completed by checking the box of the Task.

3.) Click the button Delete Completed Tasks.

How do I edit Tasks?


In order to edit Tasks:

1.) Double click on the Task you wish to modify.

2.) Make any necessary changes to the selected task, and then click Save.


Yahoo! Search

Find out what others are asking about Yahoo! Search!

Can I enable/disable this feature?

If you are a BlueTie Pro user, your Enterprise manager has the ability to enable or disable this feature on a user by user basis. Disabling this feature will remove all instances of the Yahoo! search including the search box at the top of the application. Enterprise Managers can click here to learn more.


Can I turn on/off the Highlight & Search function?

Yes. Users can turn on or off the Highlight and search option from the Prefereces menu:

    1)  Click on the Preferences menu.

    2)  From the Email Section, cilck on General Settings.

    3)  Within the Viewing emails category you will see the option for Highlight & Search.

    4)  Select the on or off button and click, SAVE. 

NOTE: This feature can also be disabled when highlighting a word or phrase in email. Simply, click on the "Disable highlight and search" section of the pop-up menu.

How do I use the Highlight and Search method?

First, ensure that this feature has been enabled on your account by clicking on the Preferences menu. Under General Email Settings you will see a section for 'Highlight & Search'.

Next, when viewing an email, simply highlight the word or phrase (up to 50 characters) you would like to search for and after a 1 second pause the pop-up menu will appear.

Lastly, click on the 'Search Yahoo! for 'your criteria'"...' section and your results will automatically populate in a new window.

Is there a character limit on Searches?

Yes.  The Yahoo! search feature will only recognize up to 50 characters per search. Therefore, if you are searching for a phrase, the search & return reults will only apply to the first 50 characters of that phrase.

Is there a limit to the number of Search results I can receive?

Yes. The Yahoo! Search feature can return up to 50 results per search (10 results per page).

Why am I not receiving Search results?

Search results are compiled directly from the Yahoo! database. If you perform as search that produces 'no results', it is likely that Yahoo! does not have an entry for that match in their database.

Hint: If you return 'no results', try to broaden your search by using a general term to begin. (ie. search for cars, rather than Corvairs)  

How-To Guides

Product information guides

Web Email

Complete Guide to Email


Your email allows you to send file attachments along with your outgoing email messages. The File Uploader window allows you to upload multiple attachments (depending on size and application) from both your computer and the File Cabinet application. The multiple File Uploader window will save you time by allowing you to multi-task. To send a file attachment with your email, please follows the steps below.

1)  In the New Email window, click the Attach button.
To the right of the “Attach files from” button is a drop-down list that allows you to select the type of files you would like to choose from. You may select files from “My computer” or “Online files.” or vCard information

2)  Once you click the Attach button, a window labeled “File Upload” will pop up. Select the file(s) that you would like to attach so they appear in the file name field, and click Open.

3)  Once you have chosen the first file, the Email Attachment window will update itself. It will list the file that you have selected and gives you the option to add more files. You may add more files by clicking the Attach button again. Continue this process for each additional file.

4)  The attachment window will display the progress of your file upload(s). Your compose screen will refresh with the attached files displayed by name under 'Attachments'. The size of the files will also be displayed in kilobytes. While the uploader is working, you may fill in the address fields as well as compose the message body.

5)  To remove a file in the Email Attachment window, delete the file name of the selected attachment before pressing Open. This can also be done from the compose screen after the files are uploaded by clicking the Remove button. 




Composing Email

To successfully compose or create a new email message, please do the following:
1) Click the New Email button in your shortcuts, or the New button in the email application. A new window will pop up with a compose screen. Once the compose screen is up, enter the recipient's email address; to do this choose from the options below: 
A) Manually type in a username or email address, separating multiple entries with commas.

B) Use SimpleClick™ to enter individuals or groups without typing in addresses. To use SimpleClick™, click on the To button and your contact list will appear on the left-hand side of the window.

C) You may choose from personal, shared, and enterprise contacts (See SimpleClick™ tabs).  Simply click on the desired names to automatically insert them into the To field of your email.

2) To send carbon copies of your outgoing email to others, enter additional email addresses in the “CC” field by using SimpleClick™ or by manually typing them in.
3) To send a blind carbon copy that does not display the recipient's email address to other recipients, enter the email addresses in the “BCC” field by using SimpleClick™ or by manually typing in the address.
4) To compose the message text, start typing in the large box below. By default, your email message will be composed in Rich Text Format. Rich Text Format allows you to use font styles, multiple fonts, point sizes, etc.
5) To save the message in your Sent-Mail folder, check the Save Outgoing Message option before clicking Send.  By default, this button is unchecked. To automatically save all outgoing messages, this setting is available in email Preferences
6) Messages you are composing may be saved as a draft by clicking the Save icon . 
7) To view or to send messages from the Drafts folder, click on Drafts from either the Inbox, or the Folders view. Click on the recipient’s name. In the Compose view, click Send. To keep the draft without sending it, click Cancel.
8) As an option, you may spell check the message at any time by pressing the Check Spelling button. 
9) When you are ready to send the message, click Send. A written confirmation will appear. Click the OK button to close the window.

Deleting Messages


To delete messages from one folder and send them to the Trash folder, please follow the steps below:
1) Highlight the message you would like to delete and click the red X icon.  You can also press the Delete key on the keyboard or drag the message to the Trash folder.

      a) To select multiple messages for deletion, you may select the messages with your mouse while holding the Ctrl key down on your keyboard. 

      b) To select and delete all the messages in a folder, hold down the Ctrl key and press the A key on the keyboard. 

      c) To set your Trash folder to automatically empty in time intervals, click Preferences and then click General Settings under the Email section.





Downloading Attachments

When an attachment is sent along with an email, a paperclip icon will be displayed next to the email in your inbox. To download an attachment from an incoming email, please do the following:

1) Click on the name of the attachment while previewing the email. 

2) To view the attachment, click Open.

3) To save the attachment, click Save and select the location where the attachment will be placed.

Email Preferences

This section provides a brief description for each Email preference in the web application

General Settings


General Settings:

  • Viewing Emails  

> Select the number of emails you would like to display on a page. 
> Enable or disable the preview pane, which permits you to view or display an email below the list of emails in a folder.  

  • New Message Notifications  

> Select the frequency of new email notifications. These notices pop-up when new messages are received. 

  • Composing Emails  

> Choose whether or not you save outgoing emails to your Sent folder.
> Select the email composer (Rich text or plain text) for each new message you compose.
> HTML display preferences to be inline with text, or as an attachment.
> Choose the auto-save preferences for composing email; select  the desired time frequency and option to save to the Drafts folder.

  • Cleanup

> Choose to automatically delete messages in the Trash folder at a specific time frequency.

POP3 Accounts

If you have a secondary email address that supports POP3 access, BlueTie can retrieve the email and place it in your BlueTie Inbox.

Note: Before you proceed further, you will need to have your server settings, username, and password. If you do not have this information, please contact your Internet Service Provider or System Administrator.

To set up another POP3 service to use with BlueTie, please do the following:

1) Click on Preferences

2) Click on POP3 Accounts

3) Click on Create POP Account

4) Fill in the required information:

Account: Enter a general description of this account, such as Home Email Account.

Username: Enter your Username for this email account.

Password: Enter your Password for this email account.

Timeout: Enter the number of seconds by which the server must respond.

Port: Enter the POP3 port number. (Port 110 is the standard POP3 port).

Leave Messages On Server: Use the drop-down list to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Mail Server: Enter the name of the server. You can get this information from your System Administrator, or by contacting the Support Department for this email account.

5) Click Save after all the information has been entered

Name and Signature

  Name and Signature:

  • Name

> Enter your name exactly as you desire it to appear. Note: the name you enter will be the same name that appears in a person’s inbox.

  • Signature

> Unless this feature is disabled, your signature will automatically be attached to every email you send. Your signature may consist of any information, including contact information, website, phone, etc.

  • Sender Address

        > To select or set the alias from which your emails are sent, select an address (from the list of available aliases) to use as a default.

Spell Check Options

Spell Check Options:

  • Dictionary

        > Choose between the American, Canadian, UK and Australian English dictionaries according to your geographic location.

  • User Dictionary

        > Add words that are commonly used, but not misspelled and should be ignored by default when using Spell Check.

  • Spell Check Options

        > Customize your spell check by indicating what should or should not be caught and reported by spell check.         

Junk Mail Controls

Junk Mail Controls:

Safe and Block List Section:

  • When you add an email address or domain to your Safe list, it will never be delivered to your Junk mail folder.   Click Add to make an entry, or highlight an address and click Removeto delete from your Safe List.
  • When you add an email address or domain to your Block list, it will always been delivered to your Junk mail folder.  Click on Add to make an entry, or highlight an address and click Remove to continue receiving email from this address or domain in your inbox.
  • Your enterprise manager can also add domains and addresses at the enterprise level. These will be displayed in your lists but will be uneditable. Contact your enterprise manager if you need these entries edited.


Delivery and Cleanup Section:

  • Hide Embedded Images:  If you are unable to see the images in your email, please adjust your junk mail controls using this setting to hide/unhide these images.
  • Handling Inbound Junk:  Choose where you would like Junk mail to be delivered.  It will normally go to your Junk mail folder, but if you are a POP user, it is recommended that it be delivered to your inbox and tagged as SPAM:.
  • Automatically Delete Junk Messages: In this sections you can choose to automatically delete junk mail messages that are of a certain age.            


Message Filters

To set up a Message Filter to have your incoming emails directed to a folder within your email folder tree, or forwarded to an external email address, please follow the steps below.

To add a filter:
    1) Click Add.
    2) Name the filter you wish to create.  (i.e. sales inquiries)
    3) Specify the traits of a message that should be filtered with the following options:

  • Subject
  • Message
  • Sender Name
  • From Address
  • To Address
  • Virus-infected attachment(s) removed 

    4) Choose to either move the message or copy it to another folder within your Email, or forward the message to another address.  Click Save when your preferences have been completed.

To Edit a filter:
    1) Click Edit.
    2) Make the appropriate changes to the filter you would like to change, and click Save.

To view a filter:
    1) Highlight the name of the filter to view how they are filtered, and the resulting action.

To Remove a filter:
    1) Highlight the filter you wish to delete and click Remove.

Out of Office Message

If you will be out of the office for a holiday, vacation, or other circumstance, set an auto-responding Out of Office message to alert those who try to contact you via email.

    1) Indicate specific start and end dates, or set your message to begin now and end indefinitely to turn off later.

    2) You may use the default Out of Office message by clicking Use Default Message, which looks like this:

                  I am currently out of the office and will not be checking e-mail.  I will reply to your message as soon as I return.

You may also customize your message to include emergency contact information, or any other important information.

    3) To turn your Out of Office Message on, click Turn Out of Office Message On.

    4) When you return to the office and would like to turn this message off, go to the Out of Office Message option in the Preferences menu and select Turn Out of Office Message Off.

Email Forwarding

To forward all incoming email to one external address:
1) Turn On Email Forwarding
2) Enter the address your email should be delivered to.
3) Indicate if you would like to leave a copy of the message in your BlueTie account by checking the box.
4) Click Save.

Flagging Messages

To flag a message, please do the following:

1. Go the Email application,

2. Click on the Flag As button and select from the following:

Read: Flagging a message as read will un-bold the message to indicate that it has been read.  This will remain in the folder where it is located.

Unread: Flagging a message as unread will change the message(s) to bold to indicate that it has not been read.  This will remain in the folder where it is located.



Keyboard Shortcuts

BlueTie Keyboard Shortcuts

From the message list.

  • Enter or Ctrl-O (open message)
  • Esc (close preview pane)
  • Up/Down Arrow (move selection)
  • Ctrl-A (select all)
  • Ctrl-R (reply)
  • Ctrl-F (forward)
  • Ctrl-P (print)
  • Ctrl-Shift-R (reply all)
  • Del (delete message)

From message preview pop-up window

  • Ctrl-R (reply)
  • Ctrl-F (forward)
  • Ctrl-P (print)
  • Ctrl-Shift-R (reply all)

Managing Email Folders

Keep your email organized with folders.

Creating Email Folders

To create, rename, or delete email folders, please do the following:

1. Right click in the Folders pane and choose the appropriate action.

2.To move a folder, follow these steps:

        a. Select the folder and right-click in the Folder pane

        b. Select the “Move to” option and choose the desired folder you wish to move it to.

Folder Options

Allows user  to view current contacts of that particular folder

Create folder
Allows user to create a sub folder (To create a root folder click here)

Allows user to rename folder

Allows user to remove folder from folder tree

Allows user to empty contents of folder (Only works on Junk and Trash folders)

Save to File
Allows user to move folder and contents of folder to Files

Move To
Allows user to move folder and contents as a sub folder

Moving Messages to Folders

BlueTie offers a drag drop feature that allows you to move messages to a speific folder. To access this feature, simply do the following:

1. Left click on the message

2. Then drag the message over the desired folder.

3. Release the left click button.

In addition, BlueTie offers a secondary option to moving messages. To access this option, simply:

         a. Left click on the message

         b. Then click on the 'Move To' button (located at top on email section).

         c. Select the desired folder to move the message.

Viewing Folders

To view Folder simply click on Folder.

To view sub folders click on (+) symbol next to folder and click on desired folder listed beneath the main folder.


New Email Alerts

To receive new email notifications when new messages arrive, please do the following:

1) Click on Preferences
2) Click on General Settings (under Email section)
3) Under New message notifications 
4) Use drop down and select desired Notify me: choose time and then click Save.

Printing Email

To print an email, please do the following:

1) Click on Email.
2) Click on Print icon (located at top of email section).

Replying To and Forwarding Messages



To Reply to email messages, just click on the Reply button located at the top of the message.


To Forward a message, just click on the Forward button located at the top of the message as well.


Reporting Junk Mail

If a message is received in your inbox and you suspect this to be junk you can click the Report Junk button and this will be reported to the appropriate team.

If a message is received in your Junk-Mail folder and you believe this not to be junk then please click on the Not Junk button and this will ensure delivery from this address in the future.

Retrieving External Email (POP) into Web Account

If you have a secondary email address that supports POP3 access, BlueTie can retrieve the email and place it in your BlueTie Inbox.

Mail Server: Enter the name of the server. You can get this information from your System Administrator, or by contacting the Support Department for this email account.

Password: Enter your Password for this email account.

Timeout: Enter the number of seconds by which the server must respond.

Port: Enter the POP3 port number. (Port 110 is the standard POP3 port).

Leave Messages On Server: Use the drop-down list to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Username: Enter your Username for this email account.

Note: Selecting ‘Yes’ will allow you to view the messages from both your BlueTie account, and from the original email account servers. Selecting ‘No’ will remove the email message from your original email account server.

Note: You will need to have your server settings, username, and password before continuing. If you do not have this information, you may ask your Internet Service Provider or System Administrator.

Rich Text and Plain Text Formatting

Rich Text: To compose the message text, start typing in the Text box. When your email message is composed in Rich Text Format this allows you to use font styles, multiple fonts, point sizes, etc.

Plain Text: To compose the message text, start typing in the Text box. When your email message is composed in Rich Text Format you will be limited to only one type of font. No active links, can not change font color, font style, point size, etc.

Saving Email To The File Cabinet

To save email messages in your email account to your file cabinet:

1. Select an email by highlighting, viewing in the preview pane, or double-clicking to pop up in a seperate window

2. From the toolbar at the top of the email, click on the disk icon (found directly next to the print icon)

3. A file cabinet folder tree will appear

4. Select the desired folder or create a new folder

5. Click 'Save'

6. Next, choose whether you want to save the entire message, just the email attachments, or both

7. Click 'Continue' to finish


Saving Outgoing Email

To save the message in your Sent-Mail folder, check the Save Outgoing Message option before clicking Send. By default, this button is unchecked. To automatically save all outgoing messages, this setting is available in email preferences.

Searching Email

The email application allows you to utilize a search function and search all of your saved email messages.

 - To narrow your search even further, you may perform an Advanced Search, which allows you to specify Sender or receiver information, subject, dates, message body (includes attachments) and sizes of messages to be searched.

-  Once you have made any and all specifications, click Search and all relevant messages will appear.

- To return to your Inbox or any other email folder, click on that folder in the Folder pane on the left-hand side of your screen.

- To search your email messages, click on the Search button in the email application. You may then enter a keyword or words that you are searching for, and may specify which email folder you would like the system to search within (if any need be specified).


SecureSend™ is BlueTie's encrypted file transfer system, which lets you send files with complete confidence, knowing that your confidential data will remain secure.

To Send a File using SecureSend:

1)  Within the Email Application, click the down arrow next to New.  A dropdown will display, giving the option for Email, SecureSend, Folder or Email Marketing.  Highlight and select SecureSend.  The SecureSend interface will open within the application.

2)  Click the Send File button located in the top-right corner of the interface.

3)  Enter the entire email address of the intended recipient(s).  If entering multiple addresses, separate each address by a comma.

4)  If desired, enter a personal message to be sent with the file.

5)  If you would like to be notified when the file has been downloaded, check the "Request notification upon download" box.

6)  If you would like to postpone the file delivery, enter the appropriate date and time you desire.

7)  When you are satisfied that the entered information is accurate, click Send File at the bottom of the interface.

8)  Enter and confirm the desired password for the file.  The password must be at least 5 characters long, and the recipients must enter this password to gain access to the file upon download.  Click Send File.

9)  The SecureSend Upload window will open.  Choose the file you would like to upload, and click Open.  SecureSend will encrypt the file as it uploads (this may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file being uploaded). 

10)  Once the upload is complete, the SecureSend Upload window will display a message stating, "Your SecureSend has finished uploading successfully and has been sent."

11)  Click OK.  The transfer is now complete.

Viewing Messages

This section provides how-to instructions on viewing email messages

Changing how many messages display on a page

To change the number of emails that are visible on a page, do the following:

1) Login to your account
2) Click on Prefereces (located in upper right hand corner)
3) Click on General Settings (located under Email section)
4) Under the Viewing Emails section, you can select the number of emails you wish to display: 10, 20, or 50
5) Click Save

Email Headers

To access the headers of an email:

1) Select an email for which you wish to view the headers of
2) Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the email that looks similar to a lined piece of paper
3) This will display the full headers of the email

Preview Pane

BlueTie offers a Preview pane feature. To use this defaulted feature, single click on an email message. The message will appear in the preview pane. Once you have opened an email message, you can Reply, Reply All, or Forward a message.

Bluetie also allows user to disable this feature through the prefernces menu. To learn how to do this click here.

Show Recipients

To display the Recipients in an email:

Click on the double-arrow icon located in the upper-right corner of the selected email.

  • When the double-arrow is pointed up the recipients are displayed
  • When the double-arrow is pointing down the recipients are hidden


Complete Guide to Calendar

Calendar Sharing

To share a calendar:

1) Click the Preferences link in the top right corner of your account screen

2) Click Calendar Sharing from the Calendar section

3) SimpleClick™ or type the username or email address of the person you are sharing with into the insert field of the appropriate access level.

Note: Calendars can be shared with both members and non-members

4) Press the Enter key or click the Insert button to add the user to your shared list

5) Click the Save button


Calendar Sharing Preferences

To access calendar sharing preferences:

1) Click the Preferences link in the top right corner of your account screen
2) Click the Calendar Sharing link under the Calendar section

Free Busy Sharing (Time Blocks Only)
Free-Busy access allows you to share your calendar with reserved time blocks only.  All other details of your calendar are restricted. 

Read-Only Sharing (Time Blocks plus Details)
Read-only sharing allows you to share your calendar with time blocks and details, without allowing editing.

Full Sharing (Administrative Access)
Full sharing access allows you to not only share your calendar, but give editing and scheduling capabilities to those users you've shared with. *This access level is restricted to members of the system and is not available to non-members.

Creating a New Event


You can create a new calendar event by doing any of the following:

  • From anywhere in the application, click New Event from the Shortcuts window
  • From anywhere in the application, click Quick Add from the Shortcuts window 
  • From the Calendar screen, click the New Event icon
  • From the Calendar screen, right-click on the day of the event and choose New Event
  • From the Contacts screen, right-click on a group or individual, and select New Event




Attendees: Enter the username(s), email address(es), or group of contacts who should be attending.

Subject: Enter a descriptive title of the event or meeting.

Location:  Insert location where all attendees should report for the event.

Notes: Include a description of meeting goals, discussion topics, phone numbers, and other important information.

Mark as Private: Restrict other users who have access to your account from viewing the details of a personal event.


First Available: A scan of the attendees calendars will find the first commonly available time to schedule.

Duration: Select the amount of time for the event to last.

Start and End Dates: Indicate dates of the new event.


Occurs: Set a recurring event daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.  Set an End on or After date to end the recurrence.

Click Save to include the new event into your Calendar.


Editing a Recurring Event

To edit a single instance of an already scheduled recurring event:

1) Hover your mouse over the appointment and right-click
2) Select Edit Instance
3) Edit the instance and click the Save button

Note: All other instances will be preserved.

To edit all instances of a recurring event:

1) Right-click on the event and select Edit Event or double-click on the event
2) Click the Edit button found in the tools menu at the top of the window
3) Edit the instance and click the Save button

If you're editing the instance you can also at that time see the details, attendees, recurrences of the events and any possible attachments and modify accordingly.

Editing an Existing Event

To make an edit to a single existing event, right click on the event and select Edit Event. You can also double click on the event and use the Edit button found in the tools menu at the top of the window.

If you wish to edit one instance of a recurring event, see Editing a Recurring Event

General Settings

1) Click on the Preferences link in the upper right hand of the screen

2) In the Calendar section, click General Settings

Calendar Name: This is the name of your calendar, and is the name seen in the Caledars window when shared. The default format is last name, first name, but can be edited at any time.

Default View: This drop down menu allows you to choose from daily, weekly, and monthly views for your default calendar application view.

Remind: If you wish to use reminders for appointments, either by email or pop up window, use the dropdown menu to select the reminder increment.

Work Week: Check the boxes to create your work days. When another user is searching for a first available time slot in your calendar, non-work days will be excluded.

Work Hours: Select your work day start and end times. When another user is searching for a first available time slot in your calendar, non-work hours will be excluded.

First day of week: Your default view will begin with the day of the week selected from this menu.

Calendar View Increment: Use this menu to select the default time increment in you calendar. This applies to daily and weekly views only.

Free/Busy Access and URL: Once this is enabled, you can share your URL with users of external calendars, such as Outlook. This allows non-members to seach for available time slots, even if they aren't in the BlueTie system.

Inviting Meeting Attendees

You can invite both members and non-memebers*.  These invitations are also referred to as Meeting Requests.

To Invite Attendees:

1) Open a new or existing event window. For an existing event, click Edit

2) To add a contact from your address book into the Attendees field, select Contact List from the tool bar and click on the name of the contact(s)

3) To invite a contact that is not in your address book, simply type a valid email address(s) into the Attendees field

*Members will be receive your meeting request directly their own account. Non-members will be invited via email.

Meeting Requests

Meeting requests are received when another member has invited you to an event. Meeting requests are visible in multiple locations in your account.

My Day - Universal Inbox

Meeting requests are visible in the Universal Inbox. Clicking on the bold text Meeting Requests will take you to the the details of the request. At this point you can choose to Accept, Decline, or mark the meeting as Tentative.


From inside the Calendar application, you can find the Scheduler window to the left (default) of your main Calendar window.  The Meeting Request view is found just above your above your yearly calendars. Clicking on the bold text Meeting Requests will take you to the the details of the request. At this point you can choose to Accept, Decline, or mark the meeting as Tentative.

Bolded Calendar Appointment

Meeting requests are also placed directly inside of  your calendar, in the corresponding time slot. They are distinguishable by bold text. By right clicking on the request , you can choose to view the Details of the request, Accept, Decline, or mark the meeting as Tentative.

Notifications / Reminders

Choose to have either an email or pop-up reminder prior to an event.  This can be chosen for all events, or one individual event.


To receive a reminder for all events:

1) Click Preferences.

2) Go to General Settings under Calendar.

3) Next to Remind, select the time interval you would like to receive the reminder prior to the event. 

4) Indicate either Popup or Email for the type of reminder you would like to receive.

5) Click Save.

If you have reminders turned off for all events, but would like a reminder for a particular event:

1) For an event that has already been scheduled, double click on the event in your Calendar.  Click the Remind button and select the interval in which you would like to be reminded.

2) For a new event, while scheduling click the Remind button and select the interval in which you would like to be reminded.  Click Save.



Printing a Calendar


You may print your Calendar in any view you have set as your default, or any view you choose. 

1) Click the Print icon in the chosen view of the Calendar application.

2) You will be given a printing preview.  Continue in your normal printing process.

Quick Add Appointments

The following keywords can be used with Quick Add to add appointment to the calendar. Quick add will only work for the current week.

Tomorrow, Today, Monday, Mon, Tuesday, Tue, Wednesday, Wed, Thursday, Thr, Thur, Thu, Th, Friday, Fri, Saturday, Sat, Sunday, Sun

Breakfast (defaults to 8:00 am), Lunch (defaults to noon), Dinner (defaults to 6:00 pm for 2 hours), Noon, Midnight

Lunch with Bob on Friday, Meeting with Sue at 3pm on Friday

Recurring Events


When scheduling a New Event, you can a recurrence for daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.  All New Events default to only one instance on your Calendar.

Daily: Set to every 'x' amount of days, or every day.

Weekly: Set to every 'x' amount of weeks, and choice of weekdays.

Monthly: Set certain numbered day of the month, or specific month location (i.e. Second Saturday of each month)

Yearly: Set the day or weekday location of the following year.

All recurring events can be configured to have no end date, or end on or after a certain date.


Right Click Menu Options


You can perform a variety of actions by right-clicking in your Calendar.

For events you have scheduled:

  • View Details
  • Edit Event
  • Delete Event

For events scheduled by someone else:

  • View Details
  • Delete Event

For a recurring event you have scheduled:

  • View Details
  • Edit Event
  • Delete Event
  • Edit instance
  • Delete instance

For a recurring event someone else has scheduled:

  • View Details
  • Delete Event
  • Delete instance

Right-clicking on a free date or time slot:

  • New Event
  • New Task


Sharing Your Calendar

Note: Calendar sharing can only be setup from the account of the calendar being shared

To share a calendar:

1) Click the Preferences link in the top right corner of your account screen

2) Click Calendar Sharing from the Calendar section

3) SimpleClick™ or type the username or email address of the person you are sharing with into the insert field of the appropriate access level.

Note: Calendars can be shared with both members and non-members; Non-members will receive an email to be invited to view your calendar.

4) Press the Enter key or click the Insert button to add the user to your shared list

5) Click the Save button

Viewing a Shared Calendar

When another user has shared a calendar with you, their calendar  name will appear in the Calendar section of the Scheduler section.

Calendar Overlay View
Shared calendars can be overlayed onto your own by clicking the check box to the left of the calendar name in the Calendar section of the Scheduler. The shared calendar appointments will display on your calendar in addition to your appointments and will be distinguishable by the color associated to the calendars. The calendar color can be changed in the Calendar section of the Scheduler by clicking the color box to the right of the calendar name.

Single Calendar View

If you wish to view the user's calendar individually, click the link for the shared calendar name in the Calendar section of the Scheduler. The shared calendar name will then appear in the top left corner of the calendar view
To return to your own calendar, click the link for your calendar name in the Calendar section of the Scheduler
the box of the shared calendar(s).

Note: If you have Full-Access to a Shared calendar, then you can create a new event in the same way that you create events for your own calendar. For more information see Calendar Sharing Preferences.


Viewing Calendar


Click here to learn how to setup your default Calendar view.

You can switch your view in the Calendar application with one click on the view type icons.

Easily switch between:

  • View Today
  • Monthly View
  • Weekly View
  • Daily View



Complete Guide to Contacts

Adding to a Group

To add contacts to an existing group:

1) Click the Contacts icon
2) Right Click on the Group In the Simple Click Pane on the left hand side.
3) Click on Create New Group.
4) SimpleClick™ the contact(s) from the contact pane on the left (Note: groups cannot be added to groups)


1) Click on the Contacts icon
2) Click on the View button and select Groups, then Enterprise or Personal depending on the list you wish to view.
3) A list of groups that exist under Enterprise / Personal Contacts will appear in the grid below.
4) Select the Modify button next to the group.
5) Click on the users listed on the left to add them to the group.
6) Click SAVE.

To add contacts to a new group:

1) Click the Contacts icon
2) Click on the arrow next to New.
3) Click on New Group.
4)  SimpleClick™ the users which you would like to add into this group.
5) Click the Save button

Change a Display Name

To Change A Display Name

1) Click the Contacts icon
2) Click on the contact name from the Display Name column
3) Click on Edit.
4) In the Display Name section, choose the way you would like the contact displayed
Note: You can specify a custom format by selecting the custom format from the drop down menu.
5) Click the Save button

Create a Contact

To create a new contact:

1) Click the New Contact link from the Shortcuts window
2) Use the available fields to enter in the contact information
3) Click the Save button
4) A menu will then popup to allow you the option of adding this contact to multiple groups.
5) Simply check the box next to the group name to add the contact to the group(s) desired (if any).
6) Click Close to finish or Add Another Contact to continue adding additional contacts.


1) Click the Contacts icon
2) Click the Drop down arrow next to New.
3) Select New Personal/Enterprise Contact.
4) Enter in the appropriate information and click Save.
5) A menu will then popup to allow you the option of adding this contact to multiple groups.
6) Simply check the box next to the group name to add the contact to the group(s) desired (if any).
7) Click Close to finish or Add Another Contact to continue adding additional contacts.

To create a contact under an existing group:

1) From the Simple Click menu, right click on the group name and select New Contact.
2) Enter in the desired contact information and click Save.
3) Next, select any additional groups you would like the contact to be added to (if any).
4) Click Close to finish or Add Another Contact to continue adding additional contacts.


Creating a Group

You may create a new Personal Contacts group in multiple places within the application:

1) From the SimpleClick menu you can right click on the My Contacts group and select New Group from the drop down.
2) From there you will be brought to the Group Creation screen where you can designate the group name and add the desired users to the group simply by clicking on their contact on the left.
3) Click Save when finished.

1) Click on the Contacts icon.
2) Click on the New button drop-down and select Personal Group.
3) Once within the Group Creation screen, simply click on the users from the list on the left and click Save when finished.




Display Options


You may view your contacts in a format of your preference.

Card View

 To View Contacts In the Card Format

1) Click on the Contacts icon.

2) Under View, select Card View.


Edit Display Columns

 To Edit the Display Columns

1) Click the Contacts icon, and under View, select Choose Display Columns.

2) Indicate the fields you would like to be displayed and click Save.


List View

 To View Contacts In the List Format

1) Click on the Contacts icon.

2) Under View, select List View.

Preview Pane

To adjust Preview Pane Settings.

1) In the Preferences menu, go to General Settings under Contacts.

2) Choose to display either 20, 50, or 100 Contacts at a time in your view.

3) Turn the Preview Pane on or off:  If the Preview Pane is enabled, the contact's details will appear under your contacts list.  If it is disabled, contact details will be displayed in a       pop-up window.

4) Click Save.


Edit a Contact

To edit a contact:

1) Click the Contacts icon

2) From the list of contacts, click on contact you wish to edit.

3) In the new window that opens, choose the fields you wish to edit (Overview, Detailed, Custom Fields)

4)Click Edit.

5) Edit the contact information and click the Save button


Export Contacts

1) Go to the Contacts icon, and in the Actions drop-down menu, select Import/Export Contacts.

2) Choose the contacts your wish to export (Personal, Enterprise, Shared).

3) Choose the format you wish to export them into (CSV/Comma Separated Value, or vCards in a zip file).

4) Click  Export.

Importing Contacts (.CSV & .VCF)

You can import a previously existing contact list via a .csv file from ACT!, MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Goldmine and more.

1) Go to the Contacts icon, and in the Actions drop-down menu, select Import/Export Contacts.

2) Click Import and Browse to choose the .csv file of contacts to import.  (See the sample .csv file for reference)

3) Choose the personal group from the drop-down menu to import to (if any).
         Note: To upload contacts to Personal Contacts select No Group.

4) Select Import and all compatible data will be imported, next you will be brought to the Field Mapping screen in the case that any of the fields were unrecognized upon initial import..

5) On the field mapping screen you will see a list of the columns that  were unable to be imported directly to BlueTie defined fields. Next to the list you will see a drop-down menu that will allow you to choose the BlueTie defined field name or a user-defined field name to map the information to.

      EXAMPLE: If you original .csv file labeled the birthday column as D.O.B. you would see this in the list on the left. You will also see an example of the data that correlated with this field. From the drop-down you can select the Birthday field to map the D.O.B. column to this way your contact information is not lost.  If you would like your contacts birthday to display as D.O.B. simply create this as a user-defned field and map to the field from the drop-down.

 6) Once finished, simply click on Accept and the contacts will be fully imported.


You can also import contacts via the .vcf format as well. With this option you are only limited to importing one contact at a time.

1) Go to the Contacts icon, and in the Actions drop-down menu, select Import/Export Contacts.

2) Click Import and Browse to choose the .vcf file  to import. 

3) Choose the personal group from the drop-down menu to import to.

4) Select Import and proceed with steps 4 through 6 as stated above.

Managing My Contact Information


Edit and Email your contact information.

Editing My Contact Information

To edit your contact information:

1)  Click on the Contacts Application

2)  Click the Actions dropdown

3)  Click Edit My Information

4)  A new window will open (you may need to set your browser to allow popups for

5)  Make any desired changes to your information

6)  Click Save (located in the top-right of the window)


Emailing My Information

 To Email my Information:

1) In the Contacts application, highlight the Contact(s) you wish to send your vCard to.

2) Select the Actions drop-down menu and Email My Information.  Select whether you wish to send you Personal, Work, or All information.

3  ) A new email will automatically attach your information and the Contact's email address.


 To Automatically Append a Vcard to your Outgoing Emails

1) Click on Preferences> General Email settings

2) Under Composing Emails you will see an option to 'Automatically Attach Contact Info'.

3) Select the information you would like sent (Work, Personal, All)

4) Click Save

Print Contact or Contact List

To Print a Contact

1) Click on a contact to preview contact.

2) Select the Print Option.

To Print a Contact List

1) Click on the Contacts Icon at the Top of the screen.

2) Select View and choose to view the Contacts you are looking to Print.

3) While viewing these contacts, click the printer Icon which is located between the 'save to file' button and the 'red 'x' delete button'.

Saving a Contact to File

 To Save a Contact To File:

 While previewing the Contact's information, click Download and choose where to save the information to. 

Share Enterprise Contacts

Note: Enterprise contact sharing can only be setup from the Enterprise Manager account

To share enterprise contacts:

1) Login using the Enterprise Manager account
2) Click the Preferences link in the top right corner of your account screen
3) Click Share Enterprise Contacts from the Enterprise section
4) Choose the group that you wish to share from the drop-down menu
5) Click the Create Sharing for Groups button
6) A new pop-up window will appear. Specify the type of access (Read Only, Modify Access, or Full Access) you would like to grant from the drop-down menu at the top of the    screen.
7) SimpleClick™ the member that you would like to share with from the Contact listing on the left.
8) Click the Save button


Shared Contacts

Note: Contacts must be in a Contact Group in order to be shared and can only be setup from Sharer account

To share contacts: 
1) Click the Actions Drop Down Menu from the Contacts section.

2) Click the Manage Sharing option.

3) Choose the group that you want to share from the drop-down menu.

4)  Click the Modify button.

5)  A new pop-up window will appear. SimpleClick™ the members you would like to grant sharing access to. 

6) Select the level of access you would like to grant. (Read Only, Modify, Full Access).

7) Click the Save button


View and Manage Shared Contacts

To view shared contacts at anytime:

1) Click the Shared tab on the bottom left hand side of your contact window

To view and manage shared contacts:

1) Click the Contacts icon

2) Select View from the Contacts application.

3) Choose the appropriate shared Contacts to view.

4) Your ability to manage these contacts will be dependent on the level of access you were granted to these shared contacts.

Uploading a Photo


To upload a photo to a Contact:

1)  Preview the Contact's information.

2) Click on the Add Photo image and Browse for the appropriate file. 

3) Click Upload.

These are the valid image types that we currently support for upload:


View a Contact


You can view many aspects of Contact information.

Contact Addresses - Mapquest Directions

 To Map Out Directions to a Current Contacts Address.

1) In the Contact's preview, click on the address you wish to map out. 

2) A new window will populate the address for Mapquest directions.

3) Enter the Information accordingly.

Custom Fields

 To View or Edit Custom Fields

1) In a Contact's preview, click on the Custom Fields tab.

2) Click Edit to create these fields.

Detailed View

 To View the Detailed Information for a Contact.

1)  Preview a Contact and select the Detailed tab.


 To View the History of a Contact.

1) Preview the Contact and select the History tab.  View or Edit the history for this contact.




When you preview a Contact, the Overview will be displayed.


Viewing and Managing Enterprise Contacts

To view enterprise contacts at anytime:

1. Click the Enterprise tab on the bottom of your contact window

To view and manage enterprise contacts:

1. Click the Contacts icon
2. Select View>Enterprise Contacts.
3. Select which group you would like to view or just select All.

The available buttons will vary depending on the level of access you have to the Enterprise contacts (Read Only, Modify Access, or Full Access). The access level granted can only be changed by an Enterprise Manager.


Learn more about sending faxes right from your inbox.

Receive an eFax

During the eFax account set-up process you are assigned a fax telephone number which others may use to send you faxes.

eFax subscribers have all inbound faxes delivered directly to the email address or addresses they have specified during the eFax account set-up process. Users may specify up to 5 email addresses, each of which will receive a copy of all inbound faxes.

Received faxes appear in the user’s inbox with From defined as “eFax” <>, and Subject defined as “eFax from [name, if any, configured in sending fax] – X page(s), caller ID: XXX-XXX-XXXX. 

The actual content of the fax message is included with the email as an attachment, in either Adobe PDF, Tagged Image FileTIF, or eFax proprietary EFX format, as specified in the users’ preferences during eFax account set up. This preference may be modified by logging directly into the user’s eFax account at

Faxes received by eFax customers are stored online for 1 year by eFax in each user’s eFax Message center, which can be accessed by logging directly into the user’s eFax account at

NOTE: Fax-On-Demand users may not receive faxes.

Send an eFax

To send a fax using eFax:

1. In the email application, click the NEW dropdown arrow.

2. Select FAX -- If you do not have eFax credentials stored in BlueTie, click "Learn More/Sign Up".

3. The Compose Fax window will open.

4. Click TO to bring up your Simple Click contact list.  Click the contact(s) you'd like to send the fax to.  The contact’s fax number will automatically be added (If contact has no fax number, you will be prompted to enter one).  Additionally, you may manually enter fax numbers into the TO:  field.

5. If you'd like to include a coversheet, ensure that the "Include Cover Page" box is checked.

6. We recommend that you fill out the cover sheet with the following fields: To; Company; Fax Number; From; Date; Re (Subject). All text from the fax/email message will be included as a ‘Cover Message’ in the fax coversheet.

7. Add desired attachments.  

NOTE: attachments included with the messages will be provided to recipients as additional fax pages.

8. Click SEND

You will receive a confirmation email message stating that the fax transmission was successful. If the fax was sent using the on-demand process, a summary of the charges will be included in the confirmation message. If the fax transmission was not successful, you will be notified that the transmission failed.

Setting eFax Preferences

To set your eFax preferences:

1. While inside your BlueTie account, click on Preferences

2. Click eFax Settings underneath the Email heading

3.  If you have already registered for an eFax account, you may view, edit or delete your eFax account number and pin.

4. You may also check the box to have your contact information automatically updated with your eFax fax number.

NOTE:  If you have not registered with eFax, you may click the "Learn More/Sign Up" button from the eFax preferences (which will bring you to eFax's website in a new browser window).


Sign Up for eFax

To Sign Up for an eFax Account:

There are two ways to register for an eFax account within the BlueTie application.

Method #1

1. While inside your BlueTie account, click on Preferences

2. Click eFax Settings underneath the Email heading

3. Click the Learn More/Sign Up button

4. A new browser window will open, taking you to the eFax website where you may sign up

Method #2

1. While inside your Email Application, click the New dropdown arrow

2. Select Fax

3. In the eFax pane that opens, click the Learn More/Sign Up button

4. A new browser window will open, taking you to the eFax website where you may sign

Upon completion of the registration:

You will receive a confirmation email from with the subject line “Welcome to eFax Plus”. This confirmation email contains your new eFax Number and PIN.

Within your eFax confirmation email message, you will see a button in the email header which will allow you to save your credentials in you BlueTie account. When you click this button, your credentials will be saved, and you will be given the option to add your fax number to your enterprise contact.

You will also be sent an email message with pointers on how to use eFax within the BlueTie application.

Use Fax-On-Demand

Fax-On-Demand is a low-cost fax service that you can use as-needed, without having to commit to monthly payments.

To use Fax-On-Demand:

1. While inside your Email Application, click the New dropdown arrow

2. Select Fax

3. Click the Send Now Using Fax-On-Demand button

4. Enter your billing information

5. Click Save

6. The Compose Fax window will open.

7. Using your Simple Click list, click the contact(s) you'd like to send the fax to.  The contact’s fax number will automatically be added.  Additionally, you may manually enter fax numbers into the TO:  field.

8. If you'd like to include a coversheet, ensure that the "Include Cover Page" box is checked.

9. We recommend that you fill out the cover sheet with the following fields: To; Company; Fax Number; From; Date; Re (Subject). All text from the fax/email message will be included as a ‘Cover Message’ in the fax coversheet.

10. Add desired attachments.  

NOTE: attachments included with the messages will be provided to recipients as additional fax pages.

11. Click SEND

You will receive a confirmation email message stating that the fax transmission was successful. If the fax was sent using the on-demand process, a summary of the charges will be included in the confirmation message. If the fax transmission was not successful, you will be notified that the transmission failed.

Using a Cover Page

To use a coverletter with your eFax:

1. In the email application, click the NEW dropdown arrow.

2. Select FAX -- If you do not have eFax credentials stored in BlueTie, click "Learn More/Sign Up" and register for an eFax account.

3. The Compose Fax window will open.

4. Ensure that the Include Cover Page box is checked

5. Enter the Subject of the Fax in the Subject Field

6. Enter the body of the coverletter.

NOTE: eFax's coverletter composition interface is only compatible with plain text characters.  No special characters, fonts, colors or any other text customization is permitted.

You may also create your own coverletter in a separate program (ie., Microsoft Word) and attach that as the first sheet of the fax, effectively creating your own coverletter.  You may use whichever fonts and customizations to this coverletter as you'd like.

Email Marketing

Complete Guide to Email Marketing

How to change or add a Constant Contact account

To change or add a Constant Contact account that is saved in BlueTie:

1. Click on your Preferences link

2. From the Email section, click on General Settings

3. Scroll down to the Marketing Campaign Section

4. Enter your existing Constant Contact username and password and click Save and Continue

6. Once your account has been verified, BlueTie will store your username and password in your preferences and then log you into your account on the Constant Contact site.

*These same steps should be followed if you would like to remove an existing Constant Contact account and add a new one. Just simply delete the existing info and provide the new account name and password.

How to create a new account

1. Enter your email application

2. Click on the arrow next to the New button on your tool bar

3. Using the dropdown menu, select Marketing Campaign

4. From the next screen, choose the option to Sign Up

5. Fill in all of the fields* and then click Create Account

6. Once your account has been created, BlueTie will store your username and password in your preferences and then log you into your account on the Constant Contact site.

*Please note that when creating a new account, the fields to create username and password do not have to be the same as your BlueTie login credentials.



How to export your contacts for email campaigns

To export your contacts for use in an email marketing campaign:

1. Enter your Contacts application

2. Click on the Actions button from the tool bar

3. Select Import/Export Contacts from the menu

4. In the Export section, choose the contact group(s) to export by checking the appropriate boxes

5. Then select the Constant Contact option and click Export

6. Next, you will be prompted to save or open the exported file

7. Save and label for easy retrieval during the email campaign process

How to launch an email marketing campaign

To launch an Email Marketing campaign through BlueTie:

1. Enter your email application

2. Click on the arrow in the New button on your tool bar

3. Using the dropdown menu, select Marketing Campaign

4. From the next screen, choose from the options: Sign Up, Learn More, Already a User

5. Follow the prompts to begin email marketing

How to use your existing Constant Contact account

1. Enter your email application

2. Click on the arrow next to the New button on your tool bar

3. Using the dropdown menu, select Marketing Campaign

4. From the next screen, choose the option to Use Existing Account

5. Enter your existing Constant Contact username and password and click Save and Continue

6. Once your account has been verified, BlueTie will store your username and password in your preferences and then log you into your account on the Constant Contact site.

Enterprise Manager

Complete Guide to Enterprise Manager

Account Defaults


The Enterprise Account Default represents the plantype that is associated with all new accounts created within the enterprise.  An enterprise manager has the capability to modify this plan for individual users or for the entire enterprise at any time.  To learn more about modifying individual user plans click here.

To Modify the Account Default:

    1)  Go to Preferences and select Account Defaults.

    2)  Under Application Access, proceed with adding or removing desired features. 

    3)  Click Save.

Add Additional Storage


Only Enterprise Managers may grant additional storage.

Login to Enterprise Manager:

    1) Click View Accounts.

    2) Click on the Username of the user that you would like to grant additional storage.

    3) Click Modify Access while viewing the user profile.

    3) Under Add-Ons, use the drop-down to choose the additional storage amount you would like to grant the user.

    4)  Click Save.

Adding Email Aliases

Email Aliases reflect any address that a user is able to send or receive mail from. Additional email aliases can be added or removed from accounts at any time.  The steps for adding email aliases are listed below.  To learn how to remove email aliases click here.

 For Individual Users:

    1)  From the application menu, click on the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Click on the View Accounts button and select the user you want to alias.

    3)  From the user profile screen, select the Email Aliases button.

    4)  Click on the New Alias button and enter the desired email alias.

         a. If the enterprise has multiple domains, choose the domain you wish to alias from the drop down menu.

    5)  OPTION: To set the alias as the default address simply check the Set As Default button.

    6)  Click Save.

***All email aliases are listed on the user profile screen under the email section.

Aliasing All Users:

    1)   If email aliases follow the format, username@domain, you can alias all users in the enterprise at once.

    2)  From the preferences menu, click on Email Domains & Aliases.

    3)  Next to the approved domain you wish to alias, select Manage this Domain.

    4)  Select the Alias All Users button and choose whether to simply alias all users or to alias and set as default.

    5)  Once it is completed, click OK to return to the Email Domains and Aliases menu.

Related Links:

    - Using Your Domain Name
    - Auto Aliasing
    - Removing Email Aliases

Adding Fields to User Profiles

An Enterprise Manager can add fields to user profile to accomodate the necessities of their company.  For example, add a field where employee ID numbers can be viewed and stored.

Managing User Defined Fields:

    1)  From the enterprise preferences menu, select the Add Fields To Users Profiles section.

    2)  Enter the name of the custom field in the text box.

    3)  Click Add.

    4)  To remove or rename, select the appropriate function listed next to the custom field you wish to modify.


Related Links:
    - Edit User Profile



Enabling Auto-Aliasing will create an email address automatically upon user creation using the format.

To Enable:

    1)  From the enterprise menu, select View Divisions.

    2)  Click the Modify button next to the divsion you wish to auto-alias.

    3)  From the auto-aliasing screen, select the radial buttons next to each of the following:
            a. the approved domain
            b. this division and all sub-divisions
            c. user@domain format

    4)  When finished click SAVE and you will be redirected back to the Modify Division menu.


    1)  Aliases are created with the user@domain or user.enterprise@domain format only. All other desired aliases must be created manually.

    2)  If the enterprise contains multiple domains, auto-aliasing can only be configured for one domain.  Users can be aliased for additional domains through the manage domain feature within the enterprise prefereneces menu.  


 Related Links:
- Adding Email Aliases
    -Removing Email Aliases


Billing and Technical Contacts


Billing and Technical Contacts are added to an account upon enterprise creation. 

To View or Change Contact Information:

    1) Go to the Enterprise Preferences section in the Enterprise manager account.
    2) Locate the section you wish to view or edit (Billing / Technical Contact).
    3) Make changes as need and click OK
    4) The information is now updated and saved


To view or change other billing information click here.



Customize your email application with BlueTie Branding. This feature gives you – as an Enterprise Manager – the ability to upload a logo and select a default color scheme that will change the way the application looks to each user in your organization.  Branding your BlueTie email is quick and easy. To begin customizing your company’s email application, simply follow the steps below:

To Begin: (Enterprise Managers only)

  1. Login to your BlueTie account and click on the Enterprise icon.

  2. Next, click on the ‘Brand Enterprise’ button located on the Enterprise Manager toolbar.
  3. The branding screen will then appear.

Option 1: Select a Skin

This section will allow you, as the Enterprise Manager, to change the color scheme of the application.

  1. From the branding screen, click on the ‘Edit’ button across from the ‘Select a Skin’ option.

  2. On the next screen, use the drop down to select a color scheme. The screenshot preview will change as you navigate through the color schemes.

  3. Click ‘Save’.

  4. You will then be redirected to the main branding screen. A green check box will appear next to the section(s) that has been successfully branded. If you are finished with branding click ‘Publish’ and your changes will begin to populate. 

 ***If you wish to upload a logo, proceed with the steps listed in Option 2 below.


Option 2: Upload Logo

This section will allow you, as the Enterprise Manager, to upload a logo of their choice. This logo will take the place of the BlueTie logo located at the top left corner of the email application.

  1. From the branding screen, click on the ‘Edit’ button across from the Upload Logo section.

  2. On the next screen, use the browse button to select the file you wish to use and then click ‘Upload Logo’

  3. Click ‘Save’.

  4. You will then be redirected the main branding screen. A green check will appear next to the sections that have been successfully branded. To save your changes and exit the branding feature click ‘Publish’.

 Note: Publishing can take up to 15 minutes to populate and become visible within the application. You may need to refresh your screen to see the reflected changes. 

Cancelling Accounts


 To Cancel Accounts:

    1)  From the application menu, select the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Go to View Accounts.

    3)  Check the box next to each user you wish to cancel.

    4)  Select the Cancel Account button located at the bottom of the user account listing.

    5)  A notifcation will appear asking you to confirm the cancellation by clicking YES.

    6)  To view cancelled accounts, select Cancelled Accounts from the filter drop down located above the User Division category.

    7)  Cancelled accounts can be restored quickly and easily for up to 30 days after the cancellation date by selecting Restore.

    8)  Restored users will move back to the Active Accounts listing visible by clicking the View Accounts section of the enterprise menu.  


***It is recommended that email aliases be removed from cancelled accounts to prevent future conflictions.  To remove aliases from specific accounts see the Removing Email Aliases section of the How-To Guide.


Related Links: 
    - Un-activated Account Slots
    - User Creation
    - Locking Accounts

Company Profile


The Company Profile will hold all all of your company's contact information. To view or change this information at anytime please use the following steps:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise Preferences section of the Enterprise Manager account. 

    2)  Select the Company Profile section.

    3)  View or change the desired fields and click OK.


Related Links: 
    - Billing Contact
    - Technical Contact
    - Edit Billing Information

Creating a User

Creating users is simple with BlueTie's step by step user creation process.

To Create an Account:

1)  From the enterprise menu, select Create Account.

2)  Select the division you would like the account to be created in and select Create Account.

      ***Only applicable for enterprises containing mutiple divisions.

3)  On the Account Information screen enter the new user information. Required fields are:

      • Username (ex. jsmith)
      • Password (must meet password requirements listed on the right)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Phone

4)  When finished, click Next and proceed to the Price Plan screen.

       a. To customize the user plan: 
                     - Select the Customize Plan button.   
                     - Add or remove plan features by using the check boxes to the left of each feature. 
                     - Click Save.     

       b. To select a base plan:
                     - Select the radial button next to the desired plan and click Finish.

***NOTE:  Un-activiated account slots will be automatically activated for users created with the same plan type as the inactive account. To learn more about managing un-activated accounts click here.

Related Links:
    - Auto-Aliasing
    -Adding Email Aliases
    - Edit User Profile
    - Login as User
    - Modify Access
    - User Security Settings 


Creating Divisions

To create a new division:

1) Click the Enterprise Manager icon

2) Click the View Divisions button

3) Click the Create Division button

4) Select where the new division should be created and then click the Create Division button

5) Type in the Division Name and then click the Continue button

6) Select the manager of the division

7) Check the usernames from the Enterprise list that you would like the new manager to administer

8) Move the selected users to the new division by clicking the Move To button

Disable/Enable User Wizards

 *Turning off the User Wizard is NOT recommended as it guides the user through important information and security configurations*

When enabled, users are prompted to complete the user wizard upon their initial login. The wizard will walk the user through the acceptance of the Terms of Service, password updates, and other general account configuration procedures.  The User Wizards are enabled by default upon enterprise creation.

To Disable / Enable User Wizards:

    1)  From the enterprise preferences menu, select the Edit General & Regional Settings section.

    2)  Select the radial button next to your preference under the Wizard category.

***NOTE: Changes made to this preference only apply to users created after the modification and not to existing users.

Division Settings


Many preferences can be set for a single division in the Modify Divisions page.

To Access:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Click on View Divisions.

    3)  Select the division you wish to modify by clicking the Modify button.  If you wish to apply the changes to all subdivisions, click on the Modify button next to the highest division possible.

***The following settings are customizable from this screen:

Division Name: Set the name of the division you are working with.

Default Plan: To set the appropriate email plan for users in this division, select Set Default Plan and choose the appropriate plan. 

Auto-alias new users: To automatically assign a user's alias upon creation, click  Enable Auto-aliasing.   Choose the appropriate domain to be aliased and the division it should be applied to (this division or all sub-divisions as well) and the format of the alias.  Click Save Settings.  To learn more, click here.

Managers: To assign a user as a manager of a division, click Add Manager and select a user from the list given.  You may have multiple division managers, but only one Enterprise Manager in the top-level division.

Password expiration: Select Modify.  You can set the password expiration to a certain amount of days or never require a password change.  These settings can be applied to this division and all sub-divisions.  Click Save Settings.

Session timeout: Select Modify.  You can set the timeout session in minutes up to 999 minutes, and restrict your users from changing this setting by checking the box marked "Users cannot change this timeout setting".   You can also apply this to a single division, or this division and all sub-divisions.  Click Save Settings.

Manage Users: These settings can be configured for the managers of this division.  Restrict or allow certain permissions by checking the box of the ability that should be allowed.

Application Access: Features can be customized for users in this division.

    4)  Click Save Changes.


Related Links:
Modify User Access
    - Session Timeout Settings
    - User Security Settings
    - View Divisions


Domain Management

BlueTie allows the Enterprise Manager to manage their own domains directly through the BlueTie account.

To access the domain management screen:   

    1) Click the Enterprise Preferences button in the upper-right corner of the Enterprise Manager account

    2) Select Email Domains and Aliases from the Enterprise Management section

    3) From this page you will be able to view all of the domains approved on the account. This page allows you to:
            a. Request a new domain
            b. Remove an existing domain
            c. Manage an existing domain
            d. View all users and their aliases

To Manage a Domain:

    1)  Click the Manage Domain button next to the domain you wish to modify

    2)  You will have 4 options:
              a. Alias all users
              b. Remove all aliases
              c. Remove domain
              d. Manage forwarding

    3)  Choose the function you would like to perform and follow the steps provided

Related Links

    - Using Your Domain Name

Edit User Profile

The Enterprise Manager can edit the user's profile direectly from the user information screen.

To Edit the Profile:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, click View Accounts.

    2)  Click on the user you wish to edit and select the Edit Profile button.

    3)  Modify the information in the available text boxes and click SAVE.


Related Links:
    -  Edit User Display Name
   -  Adding User-Defined Fields

Email Archive Services

BlueTie’s Email Archival service is designed to address both legal compliance and email auditing needs.  All messages sent and received by archived users are permanently stored online along with any attachments, and can be accessed and searched from any computer with an Internet connection.  

To Enable Email Audit:

1) Click  the Email Audit button from the Enterprise Manager account.

2) Click the Manage Accounts button

3) Archive Services may be enabled by performing one of the following tasks:

a) You may use the Audit All/Audit No Accounts button to turn Archive Services on or off for all users.
b) Use the Always turn on auditing checkbox.  This global setting will turn on auditing for all current and future users.
c) Or simply click the checkbox next to the usernames of the specific accounts that you would like Archive Services enabled on.

4) Check the Notify all accounts that they may be audited button to place a flag on each user's MyDay screen informing them that their mail may be monitored. 

5) Click Save

·         *Note that this interface will display up to 50 users at one time.  If there are more than 50 users in the enterprise, the page dropdown on the right of the screen will need to be used to manage those additional users.

Please download our Getting Started Guide here.


Email Footers

Enabling an Email Footer will append a message to all outgoing company emails.  Email footers are not visible to the user when composing email and can only be edited by the Enterprise Manager.

To Enable: 
          1)   From the Enterprise Preferences menu, select the Email Footer section. 

          2)  Select the radial button next to Enable.

          3)  Type in the desired footer message and click Save

     ***Email footer message can be no longer than 2000 characters in length.

To Disable: 
          1)  Select the radial button next to Disable in the Footer Settings section. 

          2)  The text box will become hidden. 

          3)  Click Save

Related Links:
    - User Name & Signature
    - Out of office reply

Enable/Disable Outlook Sync

The Enterprise Manager has the ability to enable or disable the availability of a user to download the Outlook Sync client.

This is managed through the Modify Access screens on the User Accounts.

To Enable/Disable Outlook Sync:

    1)  To begin, select the View Accounts button from the enterprise menu.

    2)  Click on the username that you wish to modify.

    3)  From the user profile menu, select the Modify Access button.

    4)  Proceed with adding or removing Outlook Sync by using the check boxes to the left of the feature and clicking SAVE.

    5)  Plan modifications will be visible under the Application Access section of the user profile.

Global Junk Mail Control

Global Junk Mail Settings are used to set junk mail preferences for all users within the enterprise.


Safe List and Block List:

       These lists allow the enteprise manager to assist users in managing junk mail and to help ensure delivery of good mail.

       1) To add an address to either list, type the email address or the domain extension ( in the field provided.

       2) Then, click the desired button (Add to safe or Add to block) for addition to the enterprise lists.

       3) Clice Save at the bottom of the page

**These enterprise lists will be visible to each user in their personal Safe and Block list screen. However, users will be unable to edit those entries. Only the enterprise manager can add or remove from the Enterprise Safe and Block lists.


Importing Enterprise Contacts


1)  Go to your Contacts section, and click Actions and then  Import/Export Contacts.

2)  Select  Import and follow instructions.

The file must be in .csv (Comma Separated Value) format.

To manage contacts sharing click here.

Locking Accounts


Enterprise Managers have the ability to lock a user account at any time. Locking an account prevents the user from having any access to their account.  The Enterprise Manager also has the ability to transfer all of the data from a locked account to another user.  Click here for information on how to transfer user data from one account to another.

To Lock Accounts:

    1)  From the enterprise menu, click on View Accounts.

    2)  Select the account(s) to be locked by checking the box next to the username.

    3)  When finished, select the Lock Account(s) button at the bottom of the page.

    4)  A notification will appear stating that the users were locked successfully.

    5)  Select OK and you will be redirected to the active accounts screen.

    6)  To view the locked accounts, select Locked Accounts from the Filter drop down menu located above the divisions column of the accounts section.


To Unlock Accounts:

    1)  Check the box next to the user you wish to unlock and click on the Unlock Account(s) button located at the bottom of the screen.

    2)  A notificaiton will appear stating that the user(s) had been successfully unlocked.

    3)  The account will then appear in the active accounts list.


Related Links:
- Cancel Accounts
    - Create Accounts
    - Transferring data from locked accounts


Login as User

The Enterprise Manager has the ability to login to a user account without needing to obtain or reset the users password.  By using the login feature, the Enterprise Manager is logged directly into the users account and can modify settings as needed.

To Login as User:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, click on View Accounts.

    2)  Click on the username to go to the User Profile screen.

    3)  Click on the Login as User button.

    4)  You will now be automatically be logged into the users account.

***NOTE: Only one person can be logged into an account at a time, therefore logging in will potentially log the user out of their session. To verify that the user is currently offline, check the status listed under the username on the User Profile screen.


Related Links:
    - User Email Preferences

Mailing List Creation and Management

Note: Mailing lists can only be accessed by the Enterprise Manager account

In the Preferences menu under the Enterprise Section, select Mailing Lists.

To Create a New Mailing List:

    1)  Click Create New Mailing List.

    2)  Enter the mailing list you wish to create (i.e.

    3)  Add the email aliases that should receive mail coming to that address (i.e. and click Add.

    4)  Click Save when finished.

To Manage an Existing Mailing List:

    1)  Highlight the Mailing List you wish to modify and click Edit.

    2)  Add aliases as detailed above, or highlight an alias and click Remove to take an alias off the Mailing List.

    3)  Click Save to apply your changes.

To Delete a Mailing List:

    1)  Highlight the mailing list and click Remove.

    2)  A notifcaition will appear asking you to confirm your selection.

    3)  Click OK and then Done to reflect your changes. 

***Note:  Mailing lists ( cannot be currently aliased or associated with a specific user account.  If it is, remove the email alias from the user account, create the mailing list using the steps above, and then add the user to the mailing list.

Related Links
- Adding Aliases
    - Removing Aliases

Modify Access / Plan


The Enterprise Manager has the ability to modify access including the addition and removal of plan features for individual users through the enterprise manager menu.

To Modify Access:

    1)  To begin, select the View Accounts button from the enterprise menu.

    2)  Click on the username that you wish to modify.

    3)  From the user profile menu, select the Modify Access button.

    4)  Proceed with adding or removing plan features by using the check boxes to the left of each feature and clicking SAVE.

    5)  Plan modifications will be visible under the Application Access section of the user profile.

Related Links: 
    -  Account Default Plan

Password Requirements

Enterprise Managers can modify security settings for there enterprise including password requirements and  timeout settings.  

Set Password Expiration Requirements by Division:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise icon and select View Divisions.

    2)  Select Modify next to the division you wish to change.  You can set the password expiration to a certain amount of days or never require a password change.  These settings can be applied to this division and all sub-divisions. 

    3)  Click Save Settings.


Set Password Requirements in the Enterprise Preferences:

    1)  Click Preferences menu and select Edit Security Settings.

    2)  Choose the minimum characters required (set to 6 as default, no less than 5 character limit).

    3)  Indicate in the check boxes whether passwords should contain numeric or lowercase/uppercase letters.

    4)  Click Update.


Set Password Requirements on a User-by-User Basis:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon and select the user your wish to modify.

    2)  Go to Security Settings.  Set password preferences.

    3)  Click Save.

Related Links:  
    - Session Timeouts
    - Password Reset

Removing Email Aliases

The Enterprise Manager has the capability to remove individual aliases, all user aliases, or all enterprise aliases.  The steps and links below will help you in determining which option is best.

Removing An Alias from a User Account:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, select View Accounts and click on the user you wish to modify.

    2)  From the User Profile screen, click on the Email Aliases button. 

    3)  On the Edit User Aliases screen, click the Remove button next the alias you would like to remove.

    4)  To remove all aliases, select the Remove All Aliases button at the bottom of the screen. 
               ***This is recommended for cancelled accounts.

    5)  When finished, click DONE.

Removing All Aliases for a Domain:

    1)  From the Preferences menu, click on the Email Domains and Aliases link under the Enterprise section.

    2)  Select the Manage Domain button next to the domain you wish to remove aliases from.

    3)  Click on the Remove All Aliases button and select OK on the confirmation pop-up.

    4)  All aliases under that domain have now been removed for the entire enterprise.


Related Links:
    - Auto-Aliasing
    - Adding Email Aliases
    - Domain Management

Requesting and Adding a Domain

To begin using your custom domain in your accounts, it must first be requested for use in your enterprise.

To Request a Domain:

    1)  In the Enterprise Preferences, click Email Domains and Aliases.

    2)  Request Domain

    3)  Enter the domain name you wish to add.  You may use Check availability to ensure that it is not already in use.

    4)  Send Request and the domain will be verified for ownership and validity.  Once it is approved, (requests are generally processed by the end of the business day) you may add aliases to your users.

    5)  Follow the same process for each additional domain you add.

Related Links: 

    - Using Your Domain Name
    - Domain Management
    - Adding Email Aliases
    - Removing Email Aliases



Searching for a user

The Enterprise Manager can locate users in several ways:

Using the Search Function:  

    1)  From the View Accounts screen, type in the search box the user (username.enterprise) that you are trying to locate.

    2)  Click Search, and the user(s) will appear below that match the criteria will appear.  


Search by Letter:

    1)  To narrow the number of users you are viewing, you can use the letter buttons to view only the usernames that begin with that letter.

    2)  To return to a normal view, select View Accounts or the All button at the beginning of the alphabet listing.


Using the Filter:

    1)  The filter allows the Enterprise Manager to view users by seperating them by account status. The status fields are:
             - Active Accounts (default view)
            - Locked Accounts
            - Cancelled Accounts

Session Timeout Settings


Set Session Timeout Settings by Division:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon.

    2)  View divisions and select Modify on the division to edit.

    3)  You can set the timeout session in minutes up to 999 minutes, and restrict your users from changing this setting by checking the box marked "Users cannot change this timeout setting".   You can also apply this to a single division, or this division and all sub-divisions. 

    4)  Click Save Settings.


Set Session Timeout Settings on a User-by-User Basis:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Select the user you wish to modify.  Set the timeout session as needed (up to 999 minutes) and check the box if you don't want the user to be able to edit this setting.

    3)  Click Save.


Related Links:
User Security Settings


Setting Up Your Domain

How do I setup my domain email addresses in BlueTie?

Before you make any changes to your MX record, log in to your BlueTie account, click the Preferences link, and choose the Email Domains and Aliases option in the Enterprise section. Click the Request Domain button, type your domain name (do not include 'www' prefix) and click Submit Request. BlueTie Support will process the request and send you an email when the request has been processed. Once processed, your domain name will appear on the aliases page. Click the Manage My Domain button to automatically create aliases for all users and manage forwarding. To add additional email aliases to an account, simply click the Enterprise icon and then click on the user name and click the Email Aliases button. After the email addresses our setup in our system, you will then need to have the registrar change the MX record.

What is an MX record?

MX stands for "mail exchanger," also known as a Mail Relay record. When you attempt to send a message to your email address (, the MX record tells other sites where your mail should be sent. This is similar to how website addresses & DNS records work. In fact, an MX record is part of the DNS record and indicates to servers where to go to locate your website.

Changing your MX record is generally done in one of two ways:

• Many companies provide a separate login page for users to gain access to their accounts. If you have this ability, log in to your account and change your MX record to point to

• You may need to contact your registrar or domain host directly. Call, fax, or email the company to request an MX change to

How long does it take to change an MX record?

There are two factors that come into play when changing your MX record. The first is the response time of the ISP to actually enter the changes into their system. Once the changes are entered, they will propagate to the rest of the servers on the Internet, one server at a time. This will usually occur within 24-48 hours, but may happen as fast as 2-3 hours. BlueTie can not control either of these circumstances, but will work to help make your transition as easy as possible.

I am leaving BlueTie, how do I switch back?

You will need to call the registrar or use the built in interface to change your settings back. BlueTie does not record your old settings, therefore you should keep those in a safe place.

How do I purchase my own domain name?

You may register a name from any domain registrar or go to BlueTie's partner registrar site

Sharing Enterprise Contacts

 Enterprise contacts can be shared with any user, as long as the user has sharing capabilities.

To Manage Sharing for Enterprise Contacts:

    1)  Click Preferences and select Share Enterprise Contacts under Enterprise.

    2)  Exapnd the All Contacts group to view shared users and their access levels.

    3)  Click Edit Sharing.

    4)  To share with a user or group, select Add users/groups.  Select or enter users/groups you wish to share with and their access level from the drop-down menu.  Click Save when complete, and Update.

    5)  You can modify Sharing access on the Edit Sharing page by indicating Read-only (default), Modify, or Full Access.

    6)  Click Update.

Access Levels:

    Read-Only:  Users are able to view enteprise contacts only.  They will not be able to edit or delete the enterprise contact.

    Modify:  Users have the ability to modify user-defined fields, display name, and assign contacts to groups.

    Full:  Contains all the functionality of the modify access level and additionally allows users to delete contacts.


Related Links:
    - Import Enterprise Contacts



Transferring Data from an Account

 The Enterprise Manager has the ability to select and transfer data from a locked account to an active account.

To Transfer Data:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon.

    2)  From the Filter drop-down menu, select Locked Users.

    3)  Click Transfer Data for the user you wish to transfer.

    4)  Select the target account to transfer to from the drop-down list of users.

    5)  Next select the types of data you would like to transfer from the following list:

          • Select All
          • Contact Manager
          • Calendar
          • SecureSend
          • Task List
          • File Cabinet
          • Email 

    6)  Click Transfer.

Related Links: 
    - Locking Accounts
    - Cancelling Accounts
    - Email Forwarding


Un-activated Account Slots

Un-activated account slots are accounts that are not currently assigned to individual users. They act as account 'placeholders' for your enterprise.  To activate a slot, you may complete the normal user creation process in which the slot would then automatically be converted into the user created or you may follow the activation process listed below.

To Activate a Slot:

1)  From the enterprise menu, select View Accounts.

2)  Next to the slot you wish to use click the Activate link.

3)  Select the division you would like the account to be created in and select Create Account.

      ***Only applicable for enterprises containing mutiple divisions.

4)  On the Account Information screen enter the new user information. Required fields are:

      • Username (ex. jsmith)
      • Password (must meet password requirements listed on the right)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Phone

5)  When finished, click Next and proceed to the Price Plan screen.

  • To customize the user plan (if applicable): 
                         - Select the Customize Plan button.   
                         - Add or remove plan features by using the check boxes to the left of each feature. 
                         - Click Save.    
  • To select a base plan:
                         - Select the radial button next to the desired plan and click Finish.


To Cancel a Slot:

1)  From the enterprise menu, select View Accounts.

2)  Next to the slot, click on the Cancel link.

3)  Are you sure? If so, click OK.

***NOTE: Cancelled slots CANNOT be recreated.


Related Links: 
    - User Creation
    - Cancelling Accounts

Updating Billing information


To Add or Change Credit Card Information:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise Preferences section in the Enterprise manager account and select
          View or  Change Billing Information.

    2)  To add a new card, select Add Credit Card.  When all required information has been entered, click Add.

    3)  To edit an existing card, click Edit.  Once you have modified  your information, select Save.


Related Links:
Billing & Technical Contacts
    - Company Profile 
    - Billing Inquiries


Upgrade Your Enterprise


As the Enterprise Manager, you may upgrade your enterprise to the BlueTie Pro plan.   In the Preferences menu, click Upgrade to BlueTie Pro and follow the prompts.

Click here to learn more about BlueTie Pro, and how to upgrade.

User Security Settings

The Enterprise Manager can modify security settings on an individual user basis including the ability to reset passwords.

To Modify Security Settings:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, click on View Accounts.

    2)  Click on the user you wish to modify.

    3)  Click on the Security Settings button.

    4)  Password Settings:
            a. Reset the user's password
            b. Require a new password upon login
            c. Change password requirements
            d. Modify Session Timeouts

    5)  Modify the necessary settings & click SAVE.


Related Links: 
    - Password Requirements
    - Session Timeout Settings


Using Your Own Domain

Please follow the steps below in order to use your domain name as part of your email address:

1) If you currently do not own a domain name you will need to register a domain name.

2) Request Domain to be approved for use in the BlueTie system. Domain requests will be placed in pending status until the MX records for the domain are pointed to

Note: You will have 7 days to point your MX records before the domain is rejected.

3) While in pending status, setup the email aliases for your account

Note: While in pending status, you will NOT be able to send / receive email using your domain name in the BlueTie system.

4) Point MX records to Please keep in mind that there is a propagation period for the MX records to update throughout the Internet. The propagation time will vary between hosting companies so it is recommended to check with the domain hosting company to see how long the propagation period will take.   Once the MX records are pointed, you will receive an email indicating that the domain has been approved and you can then send and receive email using your domain email addresses. It may take a few hours for mail to start flowing to your mailbox. It may take a day or two before all email will flow into your mailbox. 


Viewing Divisions


To View a Division's Settings:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise icon and View Divisions.

    2)  Click on a division name to view the users included in that division, and any managers assigned.

    3)  Click Modify to view a division's settings.


Related Links:
    - Division Settings
    - Auto-Aliasing
    - Account Default Plan

File Cabinet

Complete Guide to File Cabinet

Accessing File Cabinet Folders


1) Click the Files icon.

2) Your files will be displayed in "My Files". 

3) Double click on a folder to access it's contents.


Adding File Cabinet Storage


For additional file cabinet storage, contact your Enterprise Manager.

If you are the Enterprise Manager:

    1) Click View Accounts

    2) Click on the Username of the user you would like to grant additional storage to

    3) Click Modify Access while viewing the user profile.

    3) Under Add-Ons, indicate the storage increment you would like to increase by in the drop-down menu.

    4)  Click Save.


Changing Shared Access


To edit or remove access from a shared folder:

    1) Go to the Files icon.

    2) Select the folder under My Files.

    3) Click Share.

    4) Edit the desired access (Read-Only or Full Access) level by adding or removing users to the appropriate boxes.

    5) Click Done.


Check In/Check Out Shared Folders


Shared files can be checked in or out for edits by users who have access to them.

1) Go to the Files icon.

2) Highlight the file you wish to check out for editing and click Check out.

3) Once you are finished, highlight the checked out file and click Check In.

Creating New File Cabinet Folders


1) Click on the Files icon.

2) Click on the New Folder button [located in the upper right-hand corner].

3) Enter the name of the new folder and click Save.

4) To create a new subfolder within a folder, double-click on the folder in which you want to create the new folder.  Click New Folder, name the new folder and Save.



Deleting Folders, Subfolders, or Files

To delete a folder, subfolder, or a file from the File Cabinet:
    1) Go to the Files icon.
    2)  Highlight the item or items that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
    3) To confirm that you want to move the selected item to the Trash Folder, click Yes.
Note: Deleted items are placed in the Trash Folder until you click Empty Trash.

Downloading a File


1) From your File Cabinet, click on the file that you want to download.

2) Follow your browser's instructions for saving the file to your computer.


Moving a File or Subfolder


To move a file or a subfolder into a different folder in the File Cabinet directory:

1) Select the item you want to move.

2) Click on Move.

3) From the Target Folder options, select the folder into which you want to move the selected item.

4) When finished, click OK.

5) To cancel, click Cancel.


Renaming a Folder



1) Highlight the folder you wish to rename.

2) Click the Rename button.

3) In the Name field, enter the new name for the folder.
4) When finished, click OK.

Sharing a Folder


To share a folder :

 (Note: Any or all files you want to share, through the File Cabinet, need to be within a folder.)

1) Highlight the folder name and click the Share button at the top.

2) Select Read-Only or Full Access and enter the username or email address to share with in the appropriate box.

Read-Only allows others only to view files within the folder.

Full Access allows others to upload files to the folder, in addition to viewing the file contents. Full Access is useful for sharing documents that will be worked on by more than one person.

In the Message Body field, type a message that provides recipients who are not members with information regarding the folder and their access rights to it.
3) When you are finished, click Done.
Members with whom you have shared a folder will receive the following message in the Notifications sections of My Day: "<Username> has shared a folder with you."
Non-members with whom you have shared a folder will receive the following message via email: "You have been given access to <user’s> files. To view the shared files, click on the link below." They can then click on the link in the email to access the shared folder.

Storing Email in File Cabinet


To store email or an email folder in a File Cabinet folder:

1) Select the email or the email folder, and then click Save to File.

2) Next, a file selection window will appear. Choose the folder for where you would like to put the email. Then click OK.

3) In the dialog box, select the options for which components of the email you wish to save, then click Continue.

Uploading a File


1) Click on the folder into which you want to store the uploaded file.

2) Click Upload file [located in the top-right corner].  A file uploader window will pop-up.

3) Select the file that you would like to upload.  You can upload multiple files into the folder by clicking the Add button.

4) Click Upload once all desired files have been selected.

5) The File Uploader will indicate the progress of your file transfer. Once it is finished, the window will display a confirmation message.

Note: While the uploader is working, you may move into other applications such as Instant Messaging or Email.

5) Click “OK” to close the pop-up window.

Note: Your file cabinet will automatically refresh to display the newly added file(s).





Using Shared Folders


To access a folder that is shared with you:
1) Click on the plus sign to the left of Shared Files in the Files pane. A list of users who have shared files with you will appear under Shared Files.
2) To view the contents of the Shared Files folders, click on the folder and its contents will appear in the Shared Folders view.
3) Click on the folder that you want to view.
4) To download files in a shared folder, simply click on the filename.
5) To upload files to the shared folder currently being viewed, click the button labeled “Upload File” and follow your browser's instructions.

View/Retrieve/Delete Trash contents


1) To delete a folder, subfolder, or a file from the File Cabinet, check the item or items that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
2) To confirm that you want to move the selected item to the Trash Folder, click Yes.
Note: Deleted items are placed in the Trash Folder until you click Empty Trash.

Hosted Exchange

To View the Hosted Exchange Knowledge base please copy and paste this link into your browser:

Instant Messaging

Complete Guide to Instant Messaging

Audio Alerts

 Users have the option to enable or disable audio alerts.  Accounts are set to disable this feature by default.

To Enable:

    1)  Select the Instant Messaging icon at the top of the page.

    2)  An IM window will then pop-up.  From the IM window click on the Options button located under the text box.

    3)  The options screen will appear.  To enable audio alerts, check the box and click SAVE.

    4)  You will then be redirected back to the IM conversation screen.


Blocking Users


BlueTie's Instant Messaging application allows users to block individuals that they do not wish to receive messages from.  Blocking a user will also prevent the user from being able to view your online status.  You will appear as offline to all users in your block list.

To Block a User:

    1)  From the application click on the IM icon.

    2)  Next, click on the Options button located under the text box.

    3)  Select the Add button below the block list and type in the username you wish to block.

    4)  Click OK and the user will appear in the Block list.

    5)  When finished, click SAVE.


Related Links:
    -Modifying Online Status

Changing Online Status


To Change Online Status:

    1)  From the application click on the IM icon.

    2)  Next, click on the Options button located under the text box.

    3)  You have the following options for dispalying your status:

          • Display to everyone
          • Display to users in my enterprise
          • Hide

    ***The Hide option will indicate that you are Offline to all users.

    4)  Place a check in the box next to the desired status and click SAVE.


Related Links: 
    - Blocking Users


Currently Online List


Your Currently Online list will display users that are online for Instant Messaging.

Add or Remove Users

 Users have the ability to modify their currently online list to reflect only those users they wish to view.  The currently online list can be managed from multiple places.  From the Preferences menu, locate the Instant Messaging section and select the 'Currently Online Settings' link.  From the IM application, you can click on the Online status text (ex. Online (1/4) ) which shows the number of users currently online vs. the total number in the list and you will be redirected to the Edit List page.

To Add a User:

    1)  From the Edit List screen, type in the username you wish to add and hit the Insert button.

    2)  The user will then be appended to the bottom of the currently online list.

    3)  Users can also add to their list simply by clicking on the username visible from the contacts list on the left of the Edit List screen.  Doing this will automatically add the user to the end of the list so long as the user is not already a member of the list.

    4)  When finished, click SAVE.


To Remove a User:

    1)  From the Edit List screen, click on the user and hit the Remove button.

    2)  When finished, click SAVE.


Refreshing the Currently Online List

 Clicking the refresh button will allow you to ensure that your currently online list shows the most recent changes.

To Refresh:

1)  Locate your Currently Online List.

2)  Across from the Header text that reads Currently Online, hit the Refresh button.

3)  The online list will then regenerate and display your current list.  

Viewing the Currently Online List


If your Currently Online List is not visible it may mean that the window has been closed or that the list has been disabled. 

Closed Lists:

1)  If the online list has been closed, click on the Currently Online link above the BlueTie application icon.

2)  The list will then populate on the left side of the application.


Diabled Lists:

1)  From the Preferences menu, locate the Instant Messaging section.

2)  Click on the Currently Online Settings link.

3)  Uncheck the box entitled 'Disable Currently Online List'  and click SAVE.

4)  Changes made will be reflected upon next login. 

Ending a Conversation


IM conversations are not deleted simply by closing the IM window.  A user must choose to end the conversation or must sign out of the account in order for a conversation to disappear.

To End a Session:

1)  From the IM window, open the conversation you would like to end (if you are talking with multiple users).

2)  Once the conversation is populated in the IM window, select  the Message drop down from the top of the screen.

3)  Next, select End Conversation, and the session will be deleted.


Managing Multiple Conversations


You may conduct many conversations with mutiple users simultaneously. 

To begin a conversation with a new user, enter their username in the "Send message to" field.  All users you are Instant Messaging will appear in the "Users" list in the IM window.  To switch between conversations, click on the user you wish to continue Instant Messaging with.

A new IM count will appear next to the username they were sent from.

Pop-up Notifications


You will receive a pop-up notification that says "A new instant message has arrived.  Would you like to view it? "   Click Ok to view the message and/or respond.  Click Ignore to go back to it later.  If you click Ignore, you can view the IM by clicking the flashing IM icon.

To disable these notifications, click on the IM icon, and Options. Remove the check in the box that says "Enable Pop-up Notifications".


Receiving Instant Messages


By default, you will receive an audio and pop-up notification of the delivery of a new Instant Message.  Click OK on the pop-up notification to view and/or respond to the IM, or Ignore to go back to it later.

The IM icon will flash as well, when you receive a new Instant Message.  You can also click on that icon to view your new IMs.\


Save Current Conversation


While in the IM client, click on the Messages drop-down menu and click Save As.  Choose the destination of where the IM conversation should be saved.


Sending Instant Messages


While viewing your Currently Online list, click on the username you wish to send an IM to.

You can also click on the IM icon, and manually enter a username. 

Type your message in the bottom box, and click Send or hit Enter on your keyboard.


Layout Manager

Find out more about the Layout Manager

Configure a Layout

To configure a custom layout:

1) Drag the pod you wish to relocate by the top shaded bar and drop it into a new location. 

2) Go to your Layout Manager and click Save Layout As... 

3) Enter the name of the layout and click Save.


Deleting Layouts

If you wish to delete a saved layout:

1) Select the layout you want to delete from the Layout Manager

2) The layout will display, and you may then select Delete Layout

3) Click Yes to confirm your changes.


Layout Manager Autosave Preferences

To auto save your Layout Manager Preference:

1) Click Preferences

2) Under General Settings click Layout Settings

3) Select from the following settings

     -Save changes automatically (do not prompt me).

    -Always prompt me before saving changes

    -Never save my layout changes

4) Click Save


Rename a Layout

To rename one of your saved layouts:

1) Select the layout you would like to rename from your Layout Manager and it will be displayed.

2) Select Rename Layout from the Layout Manager drop-down menu, and you will be prompted to rename it.

3) Assign a new name for the Layout and click Save.


Restore Default Layout

To restore the standard layout format:

1) Click on Layout Manager

2) Select Load Defaults


Saving a Layout

To Save the your layout:

1) After you have made the modifications to the current layout you are using, click Save Layout.

* NOTE* "Save Layout" is different than "Save Layout As...". 
"Save layout" will save the current format you are working in while "Save Layout As..." will create an entirely new layout.

Mobile (Android/IOS) /Third Party Email (Outlook/Thunderbird)

BlueTie Pop/IMAP Server Settings are as follows:
Note:  We no longer provide support for Outlook 2010 or earlier.

Android Mobile Device Email Setup

Email Setup

Step 1:
From the home screen, open the Settings, and then touch Email.

Step 2:
Enter your Email address and Password then select Next.*

Step 3:
Enter a name for your account
, the name to be displayed on outgoing messages then select Done. Your account is setup and your Inbox will be displayed. If prompted for type of account go to Step 4.

Step 4:
Select the type of email account. (POP/IMAP)

Step 5
Enter your Incoming Server Settings:

Note: IMAP is a mirror image of your webmail emails, so if you delete emails via IMAP account, it will delete the emails from your webmail account as well. IMAP is recommended when you have multiple accounts setup. You'll also see all of your webmail folders ( and vice-versa) when using IMAP. Pop brings over a copy of your inbox messages only



Then select Next.

Step 6
Enter the Outgoing Server Settings:

You'll also either need to check the box for Outgoing Server Requires Authentication or you'll need to enter your full email address and password again:

Apple/IOS Mobile Device Email Setup

Go to Settings > Mail, then tap Accounts.

Tap Add Account, tap Other, then tap Add Mail Account.

Enter your name, email address, password, and a description for your account.

Tap Next.

Mail will try to find the email settings and finish your account setup.

If Mail finds your email settings, tap Done to complete your account setup.

If Mail can't find your account settings automatically:

If Mail can't find your email settings, then you need to enter them manually. Tap Next, then follow these steps:

Choose IMAP or POP for your new account. If you aren’t sure which one to choose, contact your email provider.

Enter the information for Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server. These would be:


Outgoing Server (Requires Authentication with Bluetie Email/Password):

Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts for Android

Android Calendar Support


  1. Get the app
  2. Initial setup
  3. Switch between calendar and tasks
  4. Add/Remove profiles
  5. Manual syncing
  6. Syncing contacts

  1. How To Obtain the BlueTie Calendar for Android
    • We are on the Google Play Store, search for BlueTie Calendar on you phone or click the badge below.
      Android app on Google Play

  2. Setting Up Your Initial Profile
      Setting up your initial profile couldn't be easier.
      The first time you load the BlueTie Calendar App, The following screen will appear.
      Just fill in your Username and Password and click configure.

  3. Switching Between Calendar(events) and Tasks
      To switch between the Calendar(events) and Tasks push the menu key on your phone.
      Then click either Tasks or Events (depending on what mode you are in).

  4. Add/Remove a Profile
      1. Click the menu button on your phone and click settings.
      2. Click the Profiles Button.
    • Adding a Profile
      1. Click the Add Profile Button.
      2. Click the BlueTie Logo.
      3. Click on Username and enter your username and Click on Password and enter your Password and click Apply
      4. Click Apply.

    • Removing a Profile
      1. Long Press on the profile you want to delete.
      2. Click delete.

  5. Manually ReSync Your Calendars & Tasks
      Do the following steps to manually sync your calendar:
    • a.) Click the menu key on your phone and press settings.
    • b.) Click on "Calendars and Addressbooks".
    • c.) Long press on the calendar that you wish to sync.
    • d.) Click "Synchronise Now or Force Resynchronisation".

  6. Sync BlueTie contacts to your phone
    • Navigate to the settings menu on your phone.
    • Locate the accounts section and press "Add account"
    • Press "Add account" and select BlueTie Mobile Sync
    • Choose the address-book you want to sync with. Look for the word address-book in the smaller text
    • Tap the BlueTie Mobile Sync account in the settings menu
    • Select the BlueTie account to enable syncing
    • Tap the check box to begin syncing
    • Success! Your BlueTie personal BlueTie contacts are now synced to your phone You can view these contacts from the Android Contacts App.
      Note: You can only sync contacts to your phone, not back to BlueTie

Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts for iPhone

Android Calendar Support


  1. Initial setup
  2. View Calendar
  3. View Tasks
  4. View Contacts
  5. Remove Account

  1. Setting up your account
    • Navigate to the Settings menu on your iPhone.
    • Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars
    • Select Add Account
    • Select Other
    • Here you can choose either Calendar or Contacts Select Add CalDAV Account to sync your calendar Select Add CardDAV Account to sync your contacts
    • Enter '' into the server field Also enter your bluetie login information Select Next when done
    • If you are setting up a calendar account, you can choose to enable Calendar and/or Reminders (Tasks)
    • Success! Your BlueTie events/contacts are now being synced with your iPhone

  2. View Calendar events
    • Open the Calendar App
    • Select Calendars on the bottom of the screen
    • If there is not already a check, press the account so it will show up on the calendar. You may also want to disable any other calendars that you don't need. Additionally, you can refresh the calendar by swiping down on this screen
    • From the main calendar screen you can press a day to view events occurring on that day
    • To create a new event, press the plus symbol in the top right, or long press on a time during the day
    • Enter the details of the event you are creating
      NOTE: Make sure the event is being added to the correct calendar, otherwise it will not sync with BlueTie
    • Press Done to save the event and have it sync with your BlueTie calendar

  3. View Task reminders
    • Open the Reminders App
    • Press anywhere on a new line to create a new task.
    • You can also edit the task more specifically by pressing the i symbol

  4. View Contacts
    • Open the Contacts App
    • Press on Groups in the top left to select which contacts to sync
    • Here you can select which contacts to show in the App
    • From main Contacts screen, you can create new contacts with the plus symbol
  5. Remove a Calendar/Contacts account
    • Navigate to the Settings menu on your iPhone.
    • Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars
    • Press the account you want to delete
    • Select Delete Account to remove the account from your iPhone

Mobile Calendar, Contact and Tasks Sync


Mozilla Thunderbird

Please click the links below for instructions on setting up Mozilla Thunderbird.

POP Setup

Configuring POP3 Setup for Thunderbird

1.      Click on Tools

2.      Click on Account Settings

3.      Click on Add Account

4.      Select Email Account

5.      Fill in Your Name and Email Address and click the Next button

6.      Select  POP as the type of incoming server

7.      Type into the Incoming Server field and click the Next button

8.      Type your User Name (username.enterprise or email address) and click Next

9.      Leave Account name as your email address and click Next

10.  Verify Download messages now is checked and Click the Finish button

11.  You will be prompted for the password, fill in and choose if you want Thunderbird to remember the password and then press OK

12.  Click Tools and select Account Settings

13.  Click Outgoing Server from the pane on the left and click the Add button

14.  For the Server Name, type

15.  Check the box for Use name and password and fill in your User Name (username.enterprise)

16.  Click the  OK button and then click the OK button again


Configuring POP3 Setup for Thunderbird w/SSL

1.      Click on Tools

2.      Click on Account Settings

3.      Click on Add Account

4.      Select Email Account

5.      Fill in Your Name and Email Address and click the Next button

6.      Select  POP as the type of incoming server

7.      Type into the Incoming Server field and click the Next button

8.      Type your User Name (username.enterprise or email address) and click Next

9.      Leave Account name as your email address and click Next

10.  Verify Download messages now is checked and Click the Finish button

11.  You will be prompted for the password, fill in and choose if you want Thunderbird to remember the password and then press OK

12.  Click Tools and select Account Settings

13.  Click Outgoing Server from the pane on the left and click the Add button

14.  For the Server Name, type

15.  Check the box for Use name and password and fill in your User Name (username.enterprise)

16.  Under the Use Secure Connection check SSL

17.  Click on the Server Settings and select Use Secure Connection (TLS)

18.  Click the  OK button and then click the OK button again

IMAP Setup

IMAP Setup

1) Click Create a new account

2) Select Email account

3) Fill in Your Name and Email Address and click the Next button

4) Select  IMAP as the type of incoming server

5) Type into the Incoming Server field

6) Type your User Name (username.enterprise or email address) and click Next

7) Leave Account name as your email address and click Next

8) Verify Download messages now is checked and Click the Finish button

9)  You will be prompted for the password, fill in and choose if you want Thunderbird to remember the password and then press OK

10) Click Tools and select Account Settings

11) Click Outgoing Server from the pane on the left and click the Add button

12) For the Server Name, type

13) Check the box for Use name and password and fill in your your User Name (username.enterprise)

14) Click the  OK button and then click the OK button again

Configuring IMAP Setup for Thunderbird w/SSL

1.      1) Click on Tools

2.      Click on Account Settings

3.      Click on Add Account

4.      Select Email Account

5.      Fill in Your Name and Email Address and click the Next button

6.      Select  IMAP as the type of incoming server

7.      Type into the Incoming Server field

8.      Type your User Name (username.enterprise or email address) and click Next

9.      Leave Account name as your email address and click Next

10.  Verify Download messages now is checked and Click the Finish button

11.  You will be prompted for the password, fill in and choose if you want Thunderbird to remember the password and then press OK

12.  Click Tools and select Account Settings

13.  Click Outgoing Server from the pane on the left and click the Add button

14.  For the Server Name, type

15.  Check the box for Use name and password and fill in your your User Name (username.enterprise)

16.  Under the Use Secure Connection check SSL

17.  Click on the Server Settings and select Use Secure Connection (SSL)

18.  Click the  OK button and then click the OK button again

Updated BlueTie Home POP/IMAP/SMTP Server Settings

When configuring your mail clients for your BlueTie Home account, please use the following settings:

IMAP is highly recommended over POP.

IMAP Incoming Server:
IMAP Incoming Server Port: 993
Please turn on SSL

POP Incoming Server:
POP Incoming Server Port: 995
Please turn on SSL

SMTP Outgoing Server:
SMTP Outgoing Server Port: 587
Please turn on TLS

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at

Mobile Sync

Depending on the make and model of your device, you may use your phone's own IMAP and SyncML application, or use our free software built specifically for your phone.

Check to see if your device is supported:


Outlook Sync

BlueTie's Outlook Sync allows users to synchronize their Calendar, Contacts and Tasks between Outlook and their BlueTie account.

Cancel Sync

To cancel a sync that is in progress, click on the cancel sync row in the Outlook Sync Client.This will cancel the sync and update the sync status found under each application.

Capture Log Files

In some instances, BlueTie may need your Outlook Log Files to troubleshoot Outlook-related issues.

To access the Log Files:

1. Open Outlook

2. Click the Sync Icon

3. In the Sync Menu, click TOOLS

4. Select LOGGING

5. When the Logging dialogue box appears, click VIEW LOG

6. A Windows Notepad window appears, detailing all the tasks attempted in the most recent synchronization

7. Save this file to your computer

8. Send to BlueTie Support as requested by the Support Rep.


Change Password Within Sync Client

Whenever you change your password within BlueTie, this change will need to be reflected within the Outlook Sync client.

This is managed within the Sync Client manager, which may be accessed by:

1. Open Outlook

2. Click on the Sync Icon (top-left corner of Outlook)

3.  In the Sync window that opens, click TOOLS.

4. Click OPTIONS

5. Click ACCOUNT on the left-side of the window

6. Enter your current password in the Password field.

7. Click OK

Change Time Between Sync Attempts

You may change the amount of time between syncing your BlueTie account and Outlook at any time.

This is managed within the Sync Client manager, which may be accessed by:

1. Open Outlook

2. Click on the Sync Icon (top-left corner of Outlook)

3.  In the Sync window that opens, click TOOLS.

4. Click OPTIONS

5. Ensure that the SYNC option is selected on the left side of the window

6. Within the SCHEDULER heading, click the SYNCHRONIZE EVERY box, and using the dropdown menu, select how often you would like the Sync to occur.

7. Click OK

Configure Outlook Sync Client

After the successful download, the Outlook Client will open automatically.  This may take a few minutes. 

The user can also access the sync client anytime following  the‘Start>Programs>Outlook Sync>Outlook Sync Plug In’ path. 

Once the client is open, users will need to enter their username or email address and password (shown below) – this is required for first time use of the client, and must be updated whenever the user modifies their password.  All of the following settings can be accessed, and modified, at anytime.

Downloading Outlook Sync

The Outlook Sync tool can be downloaded directly from your BlueTie Preferences.

To access your Preferences:

1. Login to your BlueTie account.

2. Click on Preferences, located in the top-right corner of your account.

To download the Outlook Sync tool:

1. Click on the Outlook Sync preference.

2. Click Download.

Instructions for installing Outlook Sync may be found here.


Installing Outlook Sync

NOTE: You must first download Outlook Sync to your computer.

Instructions may be found here.
To install the Outlook Sync tool, please follow these instructions:
    1. Open the Outlook Sync Installer (from your computer); a new window will open.  Outlook must be closed to run the installer.
    2. Choose Install Location
    3. Click Finish (ensure that the Choose to Run box is checked)
    4. The Outlook Sync Popup Menu will open
    5. Open the Sync Menu Options.  This can be done by clicking on TOOLS, and then OPTIONS, or by simply clicking on the SYNC ALL button.
    6. Enter your BlueTie username and password in the appropriate fields.
    7. Click the Sync Button on the left of the menu, and Uncheck the box next to Notes (which is currently unsupported by BlueTie).
    8. Click OK
    9. Click the SYNC ALL button (or, if you only wish to sync specific features, click the appropriate button).

Depending on the amount of data in your account, it may take a few minutes to synchronize your BlueTie account with Outlook.
Once your accounts are In-Sync, Outlook will open.
To perform future Syncs, simply click the Sync icon in the top-left corner of Outlook.

Sync BlueTie and Outlook with Outlook Sync Client

Before synchronizing your BlueTie Account with Outlook, you will need to both Download and Install the Outlook Sync client.  
Instructions to Download may be found here.
Instructions to Install the client may be found here.
Please then open the Outlook Sync client and go to File>Synchronize or simply double-click on the sync all option. You can manually sync an individual application by double-clicking on it as well. 
If you have configured an automated sync schedule, you do not have to perform these steps.  However, in order for the schedule to perform, the Outlook Sync client must be active – Outlook and the web application may be closed.

Sync BlueTie and Outlook within Outlook Client

In Outlook a sync can be initiated by either clicking the Outlook Sync shortcut icon or by clicking on the Outlook Sync Plug In option in the menu bar.

Uninstall Sync Client

To begin the uninstall process, go to: 

Start>Programs>Outlook Sync >Uninstall. 

Alternatively, go to Start>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs. 

Select Outlook Sync Plug in and then click the Change/Remove button. Click Yes to continue.

At this point in the uninstall process you can choose to retain or delete all client users' local files and settings. Retaining the settings will speed up your use of any new installations of the sync client.  Click Uninstall to start the removal of the client.  Once the process is complete a confirmation will appear and you can close the windows.



How-To Edit Personal Preferences

Add/Edit/Delete Credit Card

BlueTie allows you to add a credit card(s) to your application to be used with BlueTie's featuretisment partners.  To add/edit/delete a credit card:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2. Click Credit Cards under the General heading

3. Click Add Card to add a new credit card, Edit to edit already saved information, or Delete to delete a card already on file.

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window


Attached Contact Information to Sent Emails

To set your account to automatically attach your contact information (in vcard format) to all outbound email:
1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open
2. Click General Settings under the Email heading
3. Under the Compose Email heading, set the Automatically attach contact info dropdown to attach the appropriate information to your emails.
You may choose between None, Work Information, Personal Information, All Information.
4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Automatically Delete Trash

You may set up your account to automatically delete the contents of your Trash folder after every logout, or when the mail within the Trash folder is either one or two weeks, or one month old.

NOTE:  Once the mail has been deleted from the trash folder, you will no longer be able to retrieve those messages.  It's best to periodically check your trash folder for any accidentally deleted messages to ensure that you don't lose critical or necessary emails.

To edit your setting, please follow these steps:

1)  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2)  Click on General Settings underneath the Email Heading.

3)  Scroll to the bottom of the window.

4)  Underneath the Cleanup heading, use the dropdown to select the duration you'd like to keep the messages within your Trash folder before deletion.

5)  Click  Save in the top-left corner of the preferences window

Change Date Format

To choose your desired date display format:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2. Click Regional Settings underneath the General heading

3.  Use the Date Format dropdown to select the appropriate date display.

NOTE: Your options are MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Change Layout Settings

To change your Layout Autosave Preferences:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2. Click Layout Settings under the General heading

3. Select the desired Layout Autosave option

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Change Password

Follow these steps to successfully change your password:

1)  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2)  Click  Change Security Settings

3)  Underneath Change Password enter your password information. The password requirements are found to the right of the fields. 

NOTE:  You will need to enter your current password first, then enter, and re-enter the new password.

4)  Click  Save in the top-left corner of the preferences window

Change Session Timeout

Follow these steps to successfully change your Session Timeout setting:

1)  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2)  Click  Change Security Settings

3)  Underneath Session Timeout enter the desired number of minutes you'd like your account to remain open with inactivity.

NOTE:  You may enter '999' minutes to set your account to never automatically logout.

4)  Click SAVE in the top-left corner of the preferences window


Change Time Format

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2. Click Regional Settings underneath the General heading

3.  Use the Time Format dropdown to choose the appropriate time display.

NOTE: You may choose between a 12 hour or 24 hour clock.

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Change Time Zone

Follow these steps to change your Time Zone:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2. Click Regional Settings underneath the General heading

3. Use the Time Zone dropdown to select the appropriate Time Zone

4.  Click  Save in the top-left corner of the preferences window

Creating and Editing An Email Signature

Follow these steps to create and/or edit your Email Signature:

1)  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2)  Under Email heading click Name and Signature

3)  Within the Signature text box, enter your desired Email Signature

4)  Click  Save in the top-left corner of the preferences window

Disable/Enable Yahoo! Highlight & Search

To Disabable or Enable the Yahoo! Highlight & Search feature:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Under the Email section, click General Settings

3. Under the Viewing Emails heading you may flag Highlight and Search as On or Off.

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Locate Support Information

To locate your Support Contact information:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2. Click Support Information under the General heading

This will allow you to:

  • View your Support ID
  • Email BlueTie Support
  • View BlueTie Support's phone number and hours of operation
  • Link directly to BlueTie's support site



My Day Notifications

To edit your My Day Notifications settings:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Click Notifications under the My Day heading

3. Under Notifications Display Settings, use the dropdowns to select the whether you'd like your Notifications to be automatically deleted, and how many notifications you'd like to have displayed.

4. Under Special Event Notifications, choose how long you would like an event to be displayed on your My Day page after the event has passed.

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Save New Email Addresses

Your BlueTie account has the ability to compare your sent email against your contact list to look for new email addresses.  If the address has not been added to your contact list yet, you may set your account to automatically save that address.
1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open
2. Click Save New Addresses under the Contacts heading
3. Click Yes next to Check sent mail for new addresses
4. Use the Save new addresses in dropdown to select the group you would like new contacts saved to
5. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Set Account to Automatically Save Drafts

To set your BlueTie account to automatically save Email drafts as your are composing your message:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Click General Settings under the Email heading

3. Under the Compose Email heading, use the Auto-save emails while composing dropdown to select the frequency that you would like your email draft to be saved

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Set New Email Message Notification

To set your BlueTie Application to automatically check for (and notify you) of new email messages:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Click General Settings under the Email heading

3. Use the dropdown below New Message Notifications to select how frequently you would like BlueTie to check for new emails in your account

4. Select Yes or No to be notified (via popup) of new messages in your Inbox

5. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Set Number of Displayed Email Messages Per Page

To set the number of messages you may view in one page within your Email Application:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Click General Settings under the Email heading

3. Use the dropdown under the Viewing Emails heading to select your desired number of messages per page.  You may choose between 10, 20 or 50.

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window


Set Your Account to Automatically Save Sent Messages

To enable or disable the setting to have your account automatically save sent messages:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Click General Settings under the Email heading

3. Under the Compose Email heading, set Automatically save outgoing messages to Yes or No

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

Turn on Rich Text Email Composer

To turn on Rich Text Email Compser, and send emails with different fonts, colors, sizes, etc:

1.  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open

2. Click General Settings under the Email heading

3. Under the Compose Email heading, select the Rich Text Composer button.

4. Click Save located in the top left corner of the preferences window

NOTE:  You may revert back to Plain Text Composer at any time by selecting Plain Text Composer and saving your settings

Update Secret Question and Answer

Follow these steps to update your Secret Question and Answer for Security:

1)  Click on the Preferences menu located in the upper right hand of your account.  The preferences window will open.

2)  Under General Settings click Change Security Settings

3)  Under the Secret Question/Answer heading, use the dropdown to select your prefered Secret Question

4)  In the text box immediately below the Question, enter your Secret Answer

5)  Click Save in the top-left corner of the preferences window

Real-time Mobile Email

BlueTie Real-time Mobile Email synchronizes email, contacts, calendar, and tasks between your mobile phone and BlueTie’s award-winning hosted email service, providing flexibility to access the same consistent set of information anytime from anywhere like never before.

Enabling Real-time Mobile Email - Administrator

Real-time Mobile email is a paid feature and must be enabled by an Enteprise Administrator. 

To enable (Enterpris Managers):

1. Click Enterprise Manager button

2. Click on the username that you wish to enable Real-time Mobile Email for

3. Click the Modify Access button

4. Check the box next to Real-Time Mobile Email*

5. Click Save

*Real-time Mobile Email also requires the user to have Mobile Sync and when checking the box, you will be prompted to also select Mobile Sync, if it is not already enabled.

Once the above is completed, instruct your user to log out and then log back in.  They will then access the Mobile Wizard via their user preferences menu.

Enabling Real-time Mobile Email - User

The first step to enabling the Real-time Mobile Email feature is to enroll your device. To enroll your device:

1. From the web application, click on Preferences

2. Click Mobile Sync from the General Preferences menu

3. Using the Wizard, select your device include, manufacturer, model, country, carrier and phone number

*Confirm that the device you've selected supports Real-time Mobile Email. This confirmation is displayed in the wizard immediately after you've completed your selections.  If your device is not supported, you should contact your administrator to have the functionality disabled in order to avoid charges. To find a device that is supported, visit the supported devices list anytime here.

4. Click Next to continue

5. Verify your password (same password as your account), Click OK

6. Using the Wizard, either send your device the download instruction or using a browser on your device, type in the URL listed in the Wizard.

Registered Email


How can I receive a receipt which acknowledges that the recipient has received the message that was sent?

Click on user preferences>Email>Registered Mail>Under the receipts heading you would want to then check the check box to activate this feature.

Acknowledgment emails generally come within a few minutes.

How do I enable SecuRmail encryption?

Click on user preferences>Email>Registered Mail>Under the ENCRYPTION header you will see a checkbox that states ‘Enable Secu®mail encryption’. Please check this to activate this feature.

You can also choose to check the box underneath this option to have Encryption turned on by default on all Registered emails that are sent.

How do I let the people that I am sending to know I am sending with proof of delivery, content and time?

1) Click on user preferences>Email>Registered Mail>Banner Section
2) You can choose to have the system always ask if you want to enable these banners which will alert the recipient or you can choose to always enable these banners.

How do I send a Registered Email once this has been enabled on my account?

Once you have composed a new email in the email compose window, if the Registered mail product is activated on the user account, you will see an option to ‘Send Registered’. You would want to click on this and a new dialog box will pop up. This dialog box will give you options to send this registered email as a marked or unmarked Registered email and also give you the option to send with the SecuRmail encryption. For more information on the SecuRmail encryption, please follow this link:

Sending Flowers with FTD

Learn about sending flowers with FTD right from your account.

Send someone flowers or a gift with FTD

There are multiple ways to shop with FTD within your BlueTie application.

Method #1

1. Open the My Day application

2. In the Special Events pane will be a list of all upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

3. Click Send Flowers under the name of the person you'd like to send flowers to

4. The FTD Store will open within the BlueTie Application

5. Shop!

Method #2

1. In your SimpleClick pane, double-click on the name of the individual you would like to send flowers to

2. This will open that individual's contact information card

3. Click the Send Flowers icon located on the left side of the contact

4. The FTD Store will open within the BlueTie Application

5. Shop!

Method #3

1. In your Contacts Application, double-click on the name of the individual you would like to send flowers to

2. This will open that individual's contact information card

3. Click the Send Flowers icon located on the left side of the contact

4. The FTD Store will open within the BlueTie Application

5. Shop!

Using contacts to send flowers

To ensure that you don't miss a special event (birthday or anniversary), add that date to a person's contact details:

1. Open the Contacts Application

2. Click View, and ensure that you are viewing your personal contacts (only the Enterprise Manager may edit Enterprise Contacts)

3. Find the person you'd like to add the special event to, double-click on their name

4. Their contact card will pop open in a new window.  Click Edit.

5. Select the Detailed tab

6. Enter the appropriate birthday and/or anniversary.  Use the MM/DD/YYYY format (ex., 09/16/2008).

7. Click Save at the top of the Contact card.

You will now be prompted before the special event on your My Day screen's special event pane.

Sending Gifts with Amazon

Learn about sending gifts with Amazon right from your account.

Canceling an Order

Canceling an Item

You can cancel your order for any item sold by, provided that the order has not yet entered the shipping process.

Visit the order summary in Your Account. If we can recognize you as a customer with any unshipped orders, you will see a box to the right. Click the relevant link in that box to visit the order summary page. (If you do not see that box, click here to sign in to Your Account, and select the order you wish to alter.)

Once you've reached the order summary, click the "Need to cancel an item?" button. On the next page, click the checkbox next to any item you want to cancel. Be sure to click the "Cancel checked items" button when you are finished.

If the item you want to cancel has already entered the shipping process, it cannot be canceled by you or by our customer service department. However, you can return the item for a refund. Visit our Returns Center for more information.

Disabling Amazon Store (Ordering a Gift)

To Disable Amazon Store (Ordering a Gift) feature:
Enterprise Administrators are the only users who have the authority to disable Featuretisements if you would like these features disabled contact your Enterprise Admin
1) Select the Enterprise Manager
2) Click on View Divisions
3) Choose the division that  will be adding  the Amazon Featuretisement and click Modify  (if this is not an option create a sub-division and move the users that will receive the  Send a Gift Featuretisement  within that sub-division)
4) Click Modify
5) Uncheck the box: Send a Gift Featuretisement
6) Click Save Changes

Enabling Amazon Store

To Enable Amazon Store (Ordering a Gift) feature:

Enterprise Administrators are the only users who have the authority to access Featuretisements if you would like these features enabled contact your Enterprise Admin

1) Select the Enterprise Manager

2) Click on View Divisions

3) Choose the division that  will be adding  the Amazon Featuretisement and click Modify  (if this is not an option create a sub-division and move the users that will receive the  Send a Gift Featuretisement  within that sub-division)

4) Click Modify

5) Check the box: Send a Gift Featuretisement

6) Click Save Changes


Ordering a Gift

Ordering a Gift through

When in your My Day page your "Special Events” will contain: Birthdays, Holidays, and Anniversaries. For these "Special Events" you will have an Order a Gift clickable hyper-link that will direct you to the Amazon Store.

You can Search by Category or use the integrated Search Bar to narrow down your results.

1.) Click Order a Gift (the Amazon Store will populate)

2.) Search for your desired gift or browse by category

3.) When Item is found, Add to Shopping Cart. If more than one item is being purchased repeat search and Add additional items to your Shopping Cart.

***At any time you can view your items by Clicking the Shopping Cart button***

4.) When you are finished and all desired Items are within your Shopping Cart Click Proceed to Checkout you will then receive this message:

Your items have been added to a shopping cart on where you can securely complete your transaction. This page was opened in a new window; if you do not see the shopping cart page you may need to temporarily disable software that blocks pop-ups.


Complete Guide to Tasks

Completed Tasks

Users can access tasks from the My Day, Tasks, & Calendar pages.  To mark a task as completed use the following steps:

From My Day:

    1)  Located the Task List section.

    2)  Locate the task you wish to mark as complete.

    3)  Check the box next to the task.

    4)  The task will be marked as completed and will appear with a strike through it.


From Tasks:

    1)  Select the Tasks application and locate the task you wish to status. 

    2)  Check the box next to the task and it will be marked as complete.


    3)  Right click on the task and select Edit Task.

    4)  Under the Details section, use the status drop-down and select Completed.

    5) Click SAVE.


From Calendar:

    1)  Right click on the task and click Edit.

    2) Use the status drop-down and select Completed.

    3)  Click SAVE


Related Links:
  -  Task Status
    -  Delete Tasks



Create New Task

BlueTie provides users multiple locations to create a new Task. 

From Shortcuts:

1)  Locate the Shortcuts section listed below the SimpleClick Pane on the left side of the application.

2)  Click New Task.

3)  The New Task window will open.  Fill in the appropriate fields.   You may create a due date (if desired) by using the calendar at the bottom of the window.

4)  Click SAVE.


From Tasks:

1)  Select the Tasks Icon from the top of the page.

2)  Click on the New Task button.

3)  The New Task window will open.  Fill in the appropriate fields.   You may create a due date (if desired) by using the calendar at the bottom of the window.

4)  Click SAVE.


From Calendar:

1)  Select the Calendar Icon from the top of the page.

2)  Select the New Task button located next to the New Event button.

3)  The New Task window will open.  Fill in the appropriate fields.   You may create a due date (if desired) by using the calendar at the bottom of the window.

4)  Click SAVE.


Related Links:
Task Priority
    - Set Due Date
    - Task Status


Delete Tasks

Tasks can be deleted from multiple application screens.

From My Day:  

    1)  From the Task List section, right click on the task.

    2)  Select Delete Task.

    3)  Are you sure? If yes, then click OK.


From Tasks:

    1)  To delete ALL completed tasks, select the Delete Completed button at the top of the page.

    2)  To delete a single task, right click and select  Delete Task or click on the red "X" located accross from the task.


From Calendar:

    1)  Right click on the task and select Delete Task.




Edit Tasks


You can edit a task from the My Day, Calendar, or Tasks applications.

From My Day:  

    1)  From the Task List section, right click on the task.
    2)  Select Edit Task.

From Tasks:

    1)  To Edit a task from within the Tasks application you have 2 options:
             a.  Right click and select Edit Task. 
             b.  Double click on the task and the Task menu will appear.

 From Calendar:

    1)  Right click on the task and select Edit Task.


Related Links:
    - Task Status
    - Task Priority
    - Set Due Date

Modify Due Date


Users can modify a due date by using the edit task feature or by using the drag and drop feature in the calendar application.

From My Day:

      1) Right click and select Edit Task
      2) Change the Due Date and click SAVE.


From Tasks:

     1) Double click on the task to pull up the edit menu. 
     2) Modify the Due Date and click SAVE.


From Calendar:

    1) Right click on the task and select Edit Task.


    2) Left click on the task and drag & drop it into the day that reflects the new due date.


Related Links:
    - Set Due Date

Set Due Date

Users can set a due date when creating a new task or by modifying exsiting tasks.

From My Day:

      1) Right click and select Edit Task
      2) Change the Due Date and click SAVE.

 From Tasks:

     1) Double click on the task to pull up the edit menu. 
     2) Modify the Due Date and click SAVE.

 From Calendar:

    1) Right click on the task and select Edit Task.
    2) Select the Due Date and click SAVE.


Task Priority


The following priorities may be chosen according to the urgency of the task:

  • Low
  • Normal
  • High

This can be set when creating a new task, or by editing an existing one.

Task Status


You may update the status of a task to indicate progress towards completion.  The following status' can be chosen from the drop-down menu:

  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Completed
  • Waiting on someone else
  • Deferred

To edit the staus of a task, double click on it within the Tasks, Calendar, or My Day applications.  When you check the box next to a Task, it's status will automatically be updated to Completed.


Travel Feature

Complete Guide to Travel

Book A Flight

To Book  A Flight Through Your BlueTie Account:

  1. Enter your BlueTie calendar
  2. Click on the Book Travel button in the toolbar. This will bring up a window.
  3. Choose your option to search one way or round trip travel
  4. Enter the destinations for departure and arrival using either the name of the city or the airport code. (There is a link to see what airports exist)
  5. If you want surrounding airports for arrivals/departures as well as the main terminal listed check the box for including nearby airports.
  6. Enter departure and arrival dates (and times, if necessary)
  7. By default the number of travelers is one adult aged 18-64. To change this or if you need more options Click on the advanced search link.
  8. Within the advanced search you can then change the number of travelers, choose the airline, choose the cabin/class, and choose to display the reservation as a separate list on the calendar (which is the default) and you can check the preference of having a nonstop flight by checking the box
  9. Then proceed by pressing search flights
  10. If you are using the calendar, all available flights will be displayed.
  11. You can view the details or choose the flight
  1. If you chose a round trip flight after choosing the flight for arrival to your destination, then you will be given the choice of a return flight. Repeat the above steps 4-11
  1. Press Book These Flights; when "Book These Flights" is clicked, a new window will open, and you will be redirected to the Orbitz website to complete booking this package.

Book A Hotel

  1. Enter your BlueTie calendar
  2. Click on book travel
  3. Click on the hotel tab
  4. Enter the destination based on city, point of interest or airport.
  5. Enter a hotel (optional)
  6. Choose check in and check out date.
  7. Choose the number of travelers, by default its 1.
  8. Choose the desired star rating, if no preference
  9. Chose any hotel from the list of available hotels.
  10. Press Book This Hotel; when "Book These Hotel" is clicked, a new window will open, and you will be redirected to the Orbitz website to complete booking this package.

How To Get Travel Documents Sent To Your E-mail Address

If you are unable to locate your original "Travel Document" e-mail or event within BlueTie simply login to Orbitz and go to "My Trips" Under "Trip Tools", click e-mail itinerary".

Once you have clicked the link "E-mail itinerary":
Enter your BlueTie e-mail address in the form field (you can also add more e-mails separated by commas).
Enter in any note in the given field (optional).
Click "Send"

How To Recieve Confirmation The Flight or Hotel Was Booked

You will recieve an e-mail from Orbitz with your travel itinerary and travel selections. The information will be added to your BlueTie calendar as a new event and a copy of the confirmation e-mail will be attached to the relevant event as a PDF.

Note: Users who do not have the travel featurtisement turned on but do have both e-mail and calendar cna have events added to their calendar based on the Orbitz confirmation messages.

Setting Travel Preferences

To Set Your Travel Preferences:

1) Click on Preferences

2) Choose Travel Settings

3) Here you can save time and set your Default travel settings for future searches.

Upgrade Your Account

Upgrade to BlueTie Pro for ultimate functionality and advanced features:
  • An additional 5GB of global storage- that’s a total of 10GB!
  • Mobile Access from anywhere using your mobile device
  • Outlook integration using our POP, SMTP, IMAP services
  • DirectConnect to sync your account with Outlook
  • Our SecureSend feature to transmit your confidential files
  • Access to BlueTie’s Lite application
  • Instant Messaging feature
  • Additional storage available for $2 in increments of 2GB
  • Share files with non-members
  • Email Archive Services to address both legal compliance and email auditing needs for $3 per user/month
  • Toll-free Customer Service and email support
How to Upgrade to BlueTie Pro:
Only an Enterprise Manager has the ability to upgrade an entire enterprise. The Enterprise Manager is the person that created the enterprise and provisioned the email accounts.  If you are a user in an enterprise, and not the Enterprise Manager, please speak with your administrator regarding your interest in the BlueTie Pro product.

1.  If you are the Enterprise Manager, click the Upgrade Now button within the Enterprise Manager. 

2.  You will be presented with a list of benefits and additional features that come with the BlueTie Pro plan.  Select Upgrade Now to continue.

3.  Complete the Payment Information screen, and select Sign Up when complete.

4.  You will be directed to a confirmation page, and your accounts will then be upgraded immediately!  Welcome to BlueTie Pro!

If you are interested in upgrading or need more information, please call 1-800-BLUETIE to speak with a BlueTie Sales Representative.
Learn more about BlueTie Pro.


This section contains a quick overview of each application.


Email integration: Can't get out of your inbox?  No problem!  Stay informed even in your inbox when you are invited to an event, when attendees respond to your event, or any meeting updates are sent out!

Quick Add: Enter an event into your Calendar by simply typing what it is and when, and you’re done!

Easy rescheduling: Need to move an appointment? Simply drag-and-drop it to its new date on your calendar, and all attendees will be notified of the change.

Send Attachments with Meeting Requests:  Ensure all attendees have the agenda before the meeting starts!

Email All Attendees: Send an email to all of your meeting attendees with updates!

My Day at a glance: View all of today’s events, meetings, special events and appointments in your My Day page.

Tabular Views:  Change your daily, weekly and monthly calendar views with one click!  Also view your meeting requests on one tab right from your calendar!

Free/Busy URL: This URL may be provided to users of Microsoft Outlook or other compatible calendar applications so that they may view your free / busy data when scheduling meetings from within their own calendar applications.

Need a reminder?: Never miss another meeting! You’ll receive a pop-up or email notification in the time increment of your choice prior to the event.

Keep it Private: Schedule a private event, so other users with your Calendar will see that you are busy, but won’t see the details.

Contacts and Tasks integration: Schedule an event with one of your Contacts groups, share your calendar with someone, or schedule a follow-up event in your Contact’s history. You can also view a task on it’s due date in your Calendar.

Take attendance: View who has accepted your meeting so you know how many bagels to bring!  You may also have an email sent to you when attendees respond.

Shared Calendar: Give other users access to your schedule in Full, Read-Only, or Free/Busy Access levels.

First Available: Have an urgent meeting to schedule? Find the first available time common to all attendees without sifting through everyone’s Calendar!


Can I customize how I view my Calendar?
Yes! The BlueTie calendar allows you to view your schedule by day, by week, or by month. Your scheduled appointments, meetings, and events will appear in each view of your calendar.

Does Calendar work with people in different time zones?
Yes. When you make an appointment and invite attendees, BlueTie automatically adjusts for the time zone settings of each individual user.

How many people can I share my Calendar with?
As many as you would like!

Where can I find more information on how to use my Calendar?
Click here to go to our Calendar How-to Guide.



Enterprise Contacts: Organize your company, or the network of people in your enterprise for fast and easy management of all users. This feature is available to your Enterprise Manager.
Shared Contacts: Share your personal contacts with another user, or view a coworker’s contacts.
Currently Online: See who’s online and send them an instant message. If a user is online in any of your contacts lists, their user icon will be highlighted.
Email and Calendar integration: Email or schedule an event with all contacts in a group.
vCards: Manage your personal and work information in your vCard and upload your photo. You may send your personal, work, or all contact information attached to an email.
Private Contacts: Mark someone as a private contact, which won’t be accessible to anyone but you, regardless of sharing preferences.
Upload a photo to a contact: Forgetful? Upload a photo of your contact and never forget a name again.
Import/Export Contacts: You may upload or download your personal and enterprise Contacts into a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file, or vCard format.
Printer-friendly views: Print an individual contact or a group in an organized layout.
Contacts Search: Quickly find who you are looking for.
Drag-and-Drop capability: Organize your Personal contacts into groups with our drag-and-drop technology. 
Contact History: Add notes to a contact and schedule a follow-up event. You may also search for the most recent email communication from a contact.
Fast directions: Click on an address within one of your contacts, and map out directions through MapQuest!


Supported Contacts Formats:
-Comma-Separated Value (CSV file)
-vCard format (.vcf)
Photo Uploading accepted files:


Can I import my contacts from another program? What about exporting?
Yes. Convert your contacts file into either a .csv format, or .vcf file, upload, and you’re off! You may export your BlueTie contacts in the same formats.
How do I email some of my contracts from a group, but not all of them?
Using BlueTie’s patented SimpleClick™, you can easily pick and choose who to send to with one click of your mouse. Simply click the “To” button while composing the email, and select the contacts you wish to include. 
Do I have to share all of my contacts with someone?
No. You may choose the groups you wish to share, or you can share all of your contacts. Access levels can also be assigned to Modify, Read-Only Access, or Full Access.
How do I add someone to Enterprise Contacts?
Contact your Enterprise Administrator for Enterprise Contact changes. This feature is available to the Enterprise Manager only.
I don’t have the Instant Messaging feature. How do I get it?
BlueTie’s IM client is offered along with many other features in our BlueTie Pro plan. If you are the Enterprise Manager, click the “Upgrade Now” button in the application to signup, or contact a BlueTie Sales Representative at 1-800-BLUETIE.  Click here to begin the upgrade process!
I need more information. Where can I find it?
Click here for our Contacts How-to Guide. 



Fax from your Email: Fax documents from your inbox with a few simple clicks!  No more fax machine maintenance or clunky machines.   Start sending and receiving faxes now!

Free Trial: Not sure if eFax is for you?  Try it for free for a 30 day period!

Afraid of commitment?: Use our Fax On-Demand service whenever you need to.  Send individual faxes as needed for one low price!

Sign me up!: Are you loving the simplicity of our efax service?  Sign up for your membership and get faxing!  Already have an account?  Great!  Just enter your credentials in the preferences and you’re off!

Fax with ease: Send a fax using your contact information!  Don’t worry about remembering that number- it’s only a few clicks away!


Membership categories

·        Free Trial for 30 days!

·        Fax On-Demand- $0.75 (USD) for the first page, and $0.25 for each additional page per fax transmission

·        eFax Account- Starting as low as $16.95 (USD) per month


What about a cover sheet? 
When you create a fax, you may use the compose window to create your own cover sheet, and attach the document you wish to fax. 

How do I send a fax?
To use our Fax On Demand service, go to your inbox, click on the New dropdown, and select Fax. 

I already have an eFax account and I love it!  How can I use it in my account?
Go to your Preferences menu and enter your eFax subscriber number and PIN into the eFax Settings.

Who do I contact for support?
The Fax-On-Demand service support is managed by our own Support Team and you may contact us here.  Membership and Free Trials are managed and supported by eFax support.  Click here for the eFax help page.



Storage!: With 10 GB shared between your Email and File Cabinet, never worry about going over quota again!

Attach your vCard: Send your work, personal, or all of your information along with an email.

Expanding recipient fields: Add in as many email addresses as you like and the appropriate fields will expand to display all of your recipients. 

Email Importance: Incoming emails may be flagged for importance so you know when something is urgent.

Auto-complete: Enter the first few letters of the email address you are sending to, and our auto-complete feature will do the work.  Any email address from your contacts will automatically populate!

Anti-Spam:  BlueTie’s efforts to deter unsolicited email have proven to be effective in filtering out the bad emails from your inbox, and reducing false positives to your Junk Mail folder. You can also raise or lower your own Spam sensitivity.

Anti-Virus: We use the latest technology to keep your inbox clean. By blocking messages with viruses attached, you can feel confident that your system won’t be compromised.

Email Forwarding: Send all incoming email to another address, and if you wish, save a copy on BlueTie.

Reply and Forward flags: Can't remember if you responded to an email?  Our Reply and Forward flags will job your memory!  Any email you have already responded to or forwarded will be flagged so you won't forget.

Out of Office message: Let everyone know that you’re on a tropical vacation, and won’t be checking your email while you’re on the beach.  

Outlook integration: Access all you need in your Outlook account with our POP, SMTP, and IMAP services. Click here to learn more about other clients!

Calendar invitation notifications: If you are invited to an event, the meeting invitation will be sent to your inbox with conflict notifications, options to accept or decline, and the ability to send a note to the meeting host as a response.

Unlimited aliases: If you use multiple email aliases, you can receive them all in your BlueTie account! Mailing list management tools are also available to Enterprise managers.

Search: Quickly find what you are looking for! Enter a keyword, name, or email address to find an email, or search using our advanced options including date range and folders, just to name a few.

Message filters: Organize your email, even before it hits your inbox! Filter by email address, name, subject or keyword into a folder of your choice. The sky is the limit!

Drag-and-drop organization: Quickly move your emails from one folder to another.

Spell Check: Customize your spell check dictionary with your own lingo!



Maximum attachment size: 25 MB
Security Measures:
  • Password Hashing
  • 128-bit SSL Encryption
  • 168-bit Triple-DES
  • Firewalls
  • VPNs
  • Terminal Security
  • Strict Employee Data Privacy Policies and User-Level Access Controls.


Can all email in my enterprise be audited?
Yes! With the BlueTie Pro plan, you have the option of enabling Archive Services (additional charges may apply). With Archive Services enabled, all incoming and outgoing user emails will be permanently stored online along with any attachments, and can be accessed and searched from any computer with an Internet connection. You may also set the preference of whether or not your users are notified that they are being audited.
To upgrade to BlueTie Pro, click here!
How does your Spam filtering and Virus Protection work?
Spam filtering subjects the emails to multiple layers of detection and criteria before it reaches the inbox. We scan for many definitions and commonly seen variations, with our definitions updating everyday.
Virus Protection scans email and when a virus is found, it will be blocked and you will receive a notification of the action we have taken to protect your data. Our virus definitions are updated hourly to provide you with the most secure system possible.
Need more info? Go here!
What is your SecureSend feature and how do I get it?
SecureSend is BlueTie's unique and secure file-sending feature that allows you to send files while having complete confidence that your information and confidential data will remain safe. 
Upgrade to BlueTie Pro to have access to this advanced feature, and many many more!
How can I learn about all the things your Email can do?
Go here to learn more about this intuitive and highly functional feature!

Email Marketing

BlueTie's new Email Marketing, powered by Constant Contact, allows you to send professional email marketing messages or surveys directly from your BlueTie account!

Fast and Simple: Create your custom Email Marketing message or survey right from your account with the click of an icon!

To code or not to code..: It's up to you!  Whether you are an expert in HTML or not-so-savvy, Email Marketing accomodates everyone! 

Free Trial Period!:  Not so sure if Email Marketing is for you?  Try it for 60 days on the house!  We know you'll love it.

Easy as pie: Choose from templates, colors, boxes, fonts and formatting to make your message shine!  Then kick back, and relax...



Why wouldn't I just send a marketing message or survey from my regular BlueTie account?
Well, why would you when you have all the tools at your fingertips with Email Marketing?!  Just fill in the blanks and off you go. 

I want to use my own code.  What formats are acceptable?
Constant Contact allows HTML and XHTML coding for their email messages and surveys.  Have fun!

I have some questions.  Where can I go?
Here's a link to the FAQ page on Constant Contact's site.






Enterprise Manager

Jump right in and take control. BlueTie’s Enterprise Manager feature allows you to manage all of your employee’s BlueTie accounts from one centralized location. From resetting passwords to adding and deleting accounts, you can do it all. Account management has never been so easy!


Add & Delete Users:  Create new users or delete accounts with just a few clicks. Make a mistake? Don’t worry, cancelled accounts can be viewed and restored for 30 days from the time of cancellation.
Divisions: Time to branch out! Create subdivisions to help you distinguish between office locations or even departments. Move users into the appropriate sub-division and let the sub-divisional enterprise managers take charge of their employees.
Domain Management: With BlueTie you can manage your own domain directly through the application. You can request new domains, remove existing domains, and even add & remove aliases for all users.
Mailing Lists: Who gets what? By creating mailing lists through the enterprise preferences menu, you can allow multiple users to send and receive email coming from the same address. Add and delete users from a mailing list quickly and easily to accommodate your company’s needs.  
Global Preferences: Use the enterprise section of the preferences menu to set the defaults for your entire enterprise. Modify your enterprise junk mail settings, security settings, contacts sharing, and even billing information from one main menu.
User Preferences: Need to get more specific? No problem. By clicking on a username you can modify individual user settings including application access, passwords, junk mail settings, or even email aliases without making changes to the entire enterprise.


Enterprise Manager vs. Sub-Divisional Managers:
- The main Admin has rights to manage the entire enterprise while sub-divisional administrators only have access to modify users within their division and any sub-divisions below it.
- The main division can only have one Admin while all sub-divisions have multiple admin capabilities.
Enterprise Manager Access:
- All enterprise manager functions can be accessed directly though your BlueTie account. No separate login is needed.

Q & A

How do I access Enterprise Manager?

As the Admin, you can access Enterprise Manager by clicking on the Enterprise Icon at the top of the application. Enterprise preferences can be accessed through the main preferences menu of the application located at the top right hand corner of the application.
How do I create a user?
By selecting the ‘create account’ button you are instantly provided with a setup wizard to walk you through the creation process.
How do I delete a user?
Need to delete an account? No problem. Simply check the box next to the user you wish to delete and select the ‘delete account’ button. You can even select multiple users and delete them all at once.
How do I reset a user’s password?
From the enterprise section of the application click on the ‘View Accounts’ button and then on the user you wish to edit. From the user profile screen, click on the ‘Security Settings’ button, enter the new password, and click ‘Save’.
How do I add or remove email aliases for specific users?
To modify a user’s email aliases simply click on the user from the View Accounts screen, and then on the ‘Email Alias’ button within the user profile screen. To add an alias, select ‘new alias’ and type in the desired alias. To set this as the default alias for the user simply check the ‘Set As Default’ button before saving. To remove an alias, click on the ‘Remove alias’ button and click save.  

File Cabinet



Take it with you: By accessing your files in a secure location in the web interface, you can bring everything you need, wherever you go!
Easy distribution: Shared files will allow you to keep all of your important documents in one place, and share them with another user for fast distribution.
Team Effort: Are you managing a project? Share a file with your team, and everyone can access anything they need to get the job done.
Large Files and Storage: With 1GB of storage, you can save and share files without the hassle of large email attachments.
Access Rights: Shared Files may be assigned an access level of Read-Only or Full Access. 
Share with everyone: Even non-members can benefit from BlueTie’s features! Share a folder with a non-member, and attach a message to tell them that your File Cabinet is the best around!



What’s the difference between sharing with a member, and a non-member?
When you share with someone in your enterprise, or any BlueTie user for that matter, enter their “username.enterprise” in the appropriate access level box. That user would then receive a notification on their My Day page, telling them that a file has been shared with them. When sharing with a non-member, you may enter their email address in either access-level box, and include a message about the file.
Can I revoke sharing abilities from someone?
Sure! Go to the folder that you want to revoke, and click Share. Users that have been shared with will be displayed there. Highlight the user and click Remove.
Where can I find more information about the File Cabinet?          
Click here to go to the File Cabinet Guide.

Instant Messaging




Integration: You may view who is online in each of your Contacts lists, including Enterprise, Personal and Shared lists. You may also see a summary of users online in the Currently Online list.
SimpleClick™: From your Currently Online list, select the Contact you wish to send a message to.
IM Preferences: Set your preferences for Instant Message notifications. Need some peace and quiet? Set your status to “Hide” and you will not be seen as Online. You can also add users to your IM block list.
Instant Communication: Need to ask a chatty coworker a quick question? Shoot them an IM and if they continue to pester you, add them to your block list or hide.
Saved Conversations: If there’s important information in an IM conversation, simply save it and refer to it later on when needed.
IM-style multitasking: Hold several conversations in one window. Select the user on the right side in order to continue your conversation. 



I want all of my Enterprise Contacts to be in my Currently Online list. How do I do that?
Go to the Preferences menu and select the Currently Online Settings in the Instant Messaging category. Click Edit List under Currently Online, and check the box that says “Show all enterprise contacts in my currently online list”. This will add them all, in addition to the users you have already included in the list.
How do I switch between IM conversations with several users?
If you have multiple conversations at once, select the user on the right side that you wish to continue talking with. Just be careful you don’t send the wrong IM to the wrong user!
I’m done with a conversation. How can I clear it off my IM window?
Click on Message in your IM window and select End Conversation in the drop down menu. You can also do this with the keyboard shortcut, by hitting Ctrl and Delete simultaneously.
I don’t want the pop-up notification of a new IM. Can I turn them off?
Of course! Click on the IM icon, and select Options. Here, you may disable the audio notifications, and the pop-ups. If you receive a new IM, your IM icon will be flashing.
The IM client is extremely intuitive, but where can I find more information?
Click here to go to the Instant Messaging Guide.
I don't have the IM feature, but I want it.  How can I upgrade my account?
Click here to get instructions on how to upgrade to BlueTie Pro, and the advanced features offered!

Layout Manager


You want it, you got it!: Indulge your inner control freak and manage the layout of your entire account just the way you like it!

Simplify your flow: Navigate your account with ease by organizing your most frequently used applications and pods in a way that works for you.

Choices, Choices: Create multiple layouts and save them for easy access.  Different layouts can apply for the many functions of your account.


I got too excited and moved everything all around- can I restore the default settings?
Yes!  Under the Layout Manager, select Load Defaults.

How do I delete a layout I created?
In your Layout Manager, select the layout you wish to delete, and once displayed, select Delete Layout.

I logged in on a different computer and my favorite layout is not displayed.  Where did it go?
Any layout you create and save will be available for use in the future.  The last viewed layout is cached in the browser and the different computer won’t have that stored for you.  Your saved layouts will be preserved and are ready for use on any computer!

I keep receiving a pop-up asking if I want to save the layout changes- can I turn that off?
Of course.  In your Preferences menu, go to Layout Settings.  You may automatically save changes, receive the prompt prior to saving changes, or never save your layout for ultimate flexibility.

Logging In

Various methods for logging into the web applications

BlueTie Lite Login


Logging into the the BlueTie Lite version of the application is ideal for those users with a dialup connection.  The Lite application will allow access to your Email and Contacts.

The login information is the same as a Rich login, requiring your username (either in "username.enterprise" format, or any alias you have in place with your account) and a password to begin your session.

If you forgot your password, please refer to the login page and complete the verification process in the "Forgot your Password?" link.  You will be issued a new password and prompted to change it to something unique upon your next login.

Mobile Login


To access your account with a mobile device, you must have WAP 2.0 enabled.

Point your mobile browser to, and enter your username (either "username.enterprise" format or any alias associated with your account) and password to access your email, calendar, contacts and tasks.


Rich Mode Login


The Rich mode of the application will display all features and functions available to your account.

The login information requires a username (either in "username.enterprise" format, or any alias associated with your account) and a password to login to your account and begin your session.

If you forgot your password, please refer to the login page and complete the verification process in the "Forgot your Password?" link.  You will be issued a new password and prompted to change it to something unique upon your next login.

Secure Login (SSL)


While logging into your BlueTie account is always secure, the Secure login mode will provide ultimate security during your session. 

The login information requires a username (either in "username.enterprise" format, or any alias associated with your account) and a password to login to your account and begin your session. 

If you forgot your password, please refer to the login page and complete the verification process in the "Forgot your Password?" link.  You will be issued a new password and prompted to change it to something unique upon your next login.

Mobile Sync and Outlook Sync

BlueTie Sync Mobile and Outlook Sync - allowing you to sync Contacts, Calendar appointments and Tasks with Microsoft Outlook 2003 & 2007 and over 800 supported mobile devices – available immediately and at no extra charge.

My Day



YOUR Day: My Day will show you all of your appointments, meeting invitations, new emails, daily tasks, and contacts in one central location! Welcome to today! 
Daily management: Not only does My Day give you a snapshot of what is going on today, but you can manage each application from this page! Cross off completed tasks, accept event invitations, or create a new email, appointment, or contact.
Notifications: See who shared a folder with you, invited you to a lunch meeting, or shared their calendar with you! You will always be the first to know.



How does My Day make my day more productive?
See everything that is happening so you always know what is ahead. View your scheduled appointments, meeting requests, tasks to be completed, and important notifications of newly shared folders. Being productive was never so simple!
What can I do with My Day?
Your shortcuts to compose email, add a contact or create a new task or event is always available from My Day. Send an IM to someone from your currently online list, or view someone’s contact information.
Where can I learn more?
Click here for the troubleshooting guide.

Real-time Mobile Email


BlueTie Real-time Mobile Email synchronizes email, contacts, calendar, and tasks between your mobile phone and BlueTie’s award-winning hosted email service, providing flexibility to access the same consistent set of information anytime from anywhere like never before.


 For information on how to get started please click here.

Registered Email - NEW!


Lost in Cyberspace?: You won't wonder if your email got there anymore. You can be certain with Acknowledgments and Receipts that your email was indeed sent and received! How is that for peace of mind?

Take it to court: ...Your email, that is! Registered Email provides court-admissible evidence of e-mail correspondence. Not enough for ya?

Feeling insecure?: RPost's SecuRmail service provides simple-to-use, compliant end-to-end encryption of email message body and all attachments, delivered right to the recipient's desktop. You can even pick your own password!


How do I use this thing?
It's so easy! Simply create a new email, and once you're ready, click "Send Registered". You can click "Send" within the pop-up menu to send with a banner, remove the banner, or let the creative juices fly and assign a password for email encryption.

What are these emails that are coming back to me?
You will get an Acknowledgment message first, and this lets you know that the email was sent through the RPost system. Be patient and you'll get a Receipt once the message is received by the servers from the other end. Cool, huh?

Send Flowers with FTD


Everyone loves flowers!: Make someone’s day and send them flowers right from your account!  FTD, the industry leader in fresh flowers and gifts, powers this new fantastic feature!

 You’re never too busy: The fast and simple process of ordering flowers couldn’t be easier! 

 Flowers made easy: Never forget another birthday, Mother’s Day, or Administrative Professionals Day with our Special Events notifications of any upcoming holiday or gift-giving occasion! 

 We’ve got your back: We remind you about the occasion, we store the contact's information to help you order, and we walk you through it all.  Who loves you?  We do.


 I need to change something about my order.  Who can I talk to?
We give you the power, but the folks at FTD can assist you with any order changes you may need.  Please visit the FTD Support page here for more information.

This is so convenient!  How can I order as quickly as possible?
You may store your credit card information right in your account to speed up the process!  Go to your Preferences menu, and enter all the details into the Credit Card Settings.  No re-entry required next time!


Send Gifts with Amazon


Anything your heart desires!: Shop for a gift at right through your email account!  To get or to give- it’s up to you!

Your business and school needs: Make back to school (and work) shopping easy!  Order your books, supplies, and business accessories from your email account and save a trip to the store.

On a mission: Amazon helps you brainstorm gift ideas, organize your shopping lists, and view baby and wedding registries from your friends and family.  Don't forget to add to your own wish list!


How do I use my current Amazon acccount?
Once you proceed to the checkout after shopping, you may enter the email address and password that is currently registered for your Amazon account.

Who can I contact with questions about my order or billing?
Amazon can assist you with any account inquiries, order tracking and details, or billing questions.  Click here to be directed to the Amazon Help page that includes self-service tools and email or call-back support services!





Organized To-Do list: Keep all of your daily activities in one place and update priority, status and due dates. Check off your completed tasks as you go along.

Check it off!: Mark your tasks as complete and when you're ready you may delete all completed tasks.  Doesn't that feel good?

Contacts Integration: Indicate a task or follow-up action for one of your contacts in the History section, to be included in your task list for the day or week. 

Condense your day: With your task list on your My Day page, you’ll always know what is due that day, or needs to be done soon. Start your day with your goals in mind!

Calendar integration: Review your tasks and appointments in one place to manage your day in the most time-efficient manner. Use our drag-and-drop technology to move a task from one day to another.

Tasks Preview Pane: In the Tasks application, view all of your tasks in one place and click on each individual task to view their details in the preview pane display.



Where do I manage my Tasks?
Almost anywhere in your account! You can modify tasks in the shortcuts menu, on your My Day page, the Tasks icon, or in your Calendar.
How do I edit a task?
You can move a task’s due date in your Calendar with the drag-and-drop feature, or double-click the task to edit details. You can also manage your tasks from My Day, Shortcuts, the Tasks application or in your Contacts in the History section.
How do I delete the Tasks that are completed?
After completing a task, you can check it off to indicate that it has been done. To clear the completed tasks, select the Tasks icon and click “Delete Completed”.
I love this feature. Where can I learn more?
Click here for the Tasks Guide.

Travel Feature

BlueTie Travel Search Book Travel 

BlueTie's new Travel planning feature, powered by Oribitz, enables you to easily book flights and hotels right from your BlueTie Calendar, in context with your other events and commitments. 

Convenience!:  Need to fly across the country for a business meeting?  Quickly search for and book your trip through your BlueTie Calendar. 

Travel details in one click:  Once you receive your confirmation in your email, click the link and voila!  Your travel details will be added to your Calendar.

What works for you?:  Your flight search results will be displayed among your existing scheduled appointments in your calendar.  You can decide which flight would accomodate your schedule, at a glance!

Options, Options, Options:  Select your personal travel preferences, right within your BlueTie preferences menu.  Airlines, passengers, default airports, hotels and more can all be set to return what you are looking for with every search.

Everything in one place: Once you determine the details of your trip and book with Orbitz, the details of your trip are added to your calendar, and the confirmation email is sent to your account.  Could it be any easier?

The best part- VACATION!: Does looking at your busy calendar wear you out?  Schedule your personal vacation within your calendar, and take some time off- you deserve it!  Just don't forget to turn on your "Out of Office" message, and let everyone know that you're in a tropical location far far away...

Did you know?:  You can customize the view of your results, and sort according to what criteria is important to you?  Well, you can!  Just another feature that is all about you!

Quick Add:  You can also begin your travel search by using the Quick Add feature of the Calendar.  For example, if you enter "flight to Boston", your search window will pop-up, with your custom preferences already populated and ready to find your trip of choice!


Why would I want to book travel with BlueTie?
Orbitz provides the fastest and easiest travel search with the lowest prices around.  Not to mention the integration with your BlueTie account and your everyday life- why wouldn't you want to book through BlueTie and Orbitz?

I already have an Orbitz account- how can I integrate my BlueTie account?
Adjust your preferences in Orbitz to use your email address within BlueTie for confirmation and notifications.  After your search is completed with BlueTie, and you are directed to the Orbitz site, you may sign into your Orbitz account to complete your transaction.

How do I add my trip to my Calendar?
You will receive an email confirmation with your itinerary, and trip details.  Click the appropriate link to schedule it on your Calendar, and you're done!

If I have a problem, who do I contact?
If you encounter an issue with your search options, email confirmation or calendar scheduling, you may contact BlueTie at 1-800-BLUETIE or
If you have a problem with your itinerary, travels plans, or booking, contact Orbitz here for FAQ's and contact information.

Yahoo! Search

BlueTie's Yahoo! search feature, powered by, will assist you with your everyday searching needs.    

At anytime in the application, you may search for anything that you are looking for. 

In-Email Search:  Your boss told you to find office supplies in his latest email.  Now what?  Highlight the word or phrase (i.e. "office supplies") within the email, and hover over it to select the "Search Yahoo! for office supplies..." option.  No typing needed!


Can the highlight search feature be disabled?
Yes, it can.  You can remove this in your Preferences under General Settings, or when highlighting a term within your email.  Select "Disable highlight and search".  This can be re-enabled in your Preferences menu, and you will always have the option to use the search bar in the interface when this option is turned off.

How are the search results generated?
Search results are categorized and returned directly from Yahoo!

When I enter a term, I don't get any search results.  What's wrong?
Certain terms may not return any results.  Specific terms, companies, etc may return 'no results' if they are not found in the Yahoo! database. Think of a broader term, then try again!

Settings and Reference Material

Settings and Reference Material

3rd Party Software

This section provides suggested settings for common Anti-virus / Internet Security applications.

Configure Browser Privacy

Norton Internet Security
Step 1:
Open Norton Internet Security
Step 2: Double-click Privacy Control in the main program window
Step 3: Click Advanced in the Privacy Control Blocking window
Step 4: If the website address is already in the list, click the name of the site
Step 5: If the website is not already in the list, click Add Site and click OK
Step 6: Uncheck Use default settings and verify that Permit is selected for all Global Settings


Disable Email Scanning

Norton Antivirus 2003, 2004, 2005
1.) Exit any email programs that are running
2.) Start Norton AntiVirus. If Norton AntiVirus is installed as part of Norton SystemWorks or Norton Internet Security, then start the program.
3.) Click Options
4.) If you see a menu, click Norton AntiVirus
5.) In the left pane, click Email
6.) In the right pane, uncheck Scan incoming Email and Scan outgoing Email
7.) Click OK
8.) If you are running Norton AntiVirus 2005, then in the Protection Alert dialog box, on the drop-down menu, click Permanently, and then click OK

McAfee Security Center (Virus Scan 8)
1.) Right click the McAfee VirusScan 8 icon from the system tray
2.) Select Open Security Center from the menu.
3.) Click the VirusScan icon from the right-side of screen
4.) Click Configure Virus Scan Options
5.) Select the Active Shield Tab
6.) Un-check the box that says Scan email and attachments
7.) Click Apply and close window

Trend-Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security
1.) Right-click on the blue and white pill in the system tray and choose Open Main Console
2.) Click the Anti-virus icon (If using PC-Cillin Antivirus then select Email from the right side of the window)
3.) Click Mail Scan
4.) Un-check Scan incoming messages retrieved using supported email clients
5.) Click the Apply button
6.) Click the Outgoing tab and uncheck Scan outgoing messages retrieved using supported email clients 
7.) Click Apply
8.) Close the PC-Cillin and restart the email client

Disable Internet Security

Norton Internet Security
Step 1:
Close all browser windows
Step 2: Disable Internet Security by right-clicking the icon in the system tray and choosing Disable
Step 3: Open Internet Explorer
Step 4: Click the Tools menu at the top of your browser, and select Internet Options
Step 5:
Click the Privacy tab and press the Default button (if active)
Step 6: Click the Sites button and type into the Address of Web Site field
Step 7: Click the Allow button
Step 8: Click the Security tab, then click on the Internet globe icon and click the Default Level button
Step 9: Login to the web application
Step 10: Verify that BlueTie functions correctly
Step 11: Re-enable Internet Security by right-clicking the icon in the system tray and choosing 'Enable'

Web Accelerators

Web accelerators can cause problems with the web application by caching old information. Problems that may be encountered include, emails not deleting, calendar not displaying correctly and icons or text not displaying properly. Unfortunately, even though temporary Internet files and cookies can be removed from the browser, the accelerator will still hold its own cache. After minimum testing, right now this can only be resolved by uninstalling the accelerator.

To remove the Google Web Accelerator:

  1. Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel to open the Windows Control Panel.

  2. Click on Add or Remove Programs to open its window.

  3. Click on Google Web Accelerator. A Remove button will appear below the Google Web Accelerator item.

  4. Click the Remove button.

  5. Close the Add or Remove Programs window and the Windows Control Panel.

Note: Any web accelerator can potentially cause the above problem and can be removed by following similar steps as provided above.

Bounce Back Messages

To view common bounce back message and requirements for inbound and outbound mail, please click on the following link:

DOS Commands

This section contains various DOS commands that can be used when troubleshooting


Step 1: Click on the Start menu
Step 2: Click on Run
Step 3: Type: cmd (command for Windows 98) and press Enter
Step 4:
In the DOS window, type: ping

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: ping


Telnet is a command which can be used to communicate with a server. This command is especially useful when trying to determine if a particular port is open for one of our applications. Please see the links below for how to telnet to our required ports.

6081 - Secure File Upload

1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) Press Enter
5.) In the DOS window type: telnet 6080
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to: 

+3XSâ–¬    UploadServer♠2.0.1g

 8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: 6080
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to: 

+3XSâ–¬    UploadServer♠2.0.1g

8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Port 110 -

1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) Press Enter
5.) In the DOS window type: telnet 110
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  +OK POP3 Ready 00020a8d
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: 110
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  +OK POP3 Ready 00020a8d
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Port 25 (or 5125) -

1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) Press Enter
5.) In the DOS window type: telnet 25 (substitute 5125 if that's what's being used)
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to: 220 BlueTie EMTA Server
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: telnet 25 (substitute 5125 if that's what's being used)
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to: 220 BlueTie EMTA Server
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Port 6050 - Instant Messaging

1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) Press Enter
5.) In the DOS window type: telnet 6050
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  +sIMServer2.5.3
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: telnet 6050
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  +sIMServer2.5.3
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Port 6060 - SecureSend

1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) Press Enter
5.) In the DOS window type: telnet 6060
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  ¼φ
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: telnet 6060
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  ¼φ
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Port 6080 - File Upload

1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) Press Enter
5.) In the DOS window type: telnet 6080
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  +3XSâ–¬    UploadServer♠2.0.1g
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port

Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) In the Terminal window type: telnet 6080
6.) Press Enter
7.) If connected to the port the server will respond with something similar to:  +3XSâ–¬    UploadServer♠2.0.1g
8.) If the server does not respond, please contact system administrator to open the port


A traceroute is used to indicate the path a computer takes to connect to a particular computer or network. A traceroute also indicates the time that it takes to connect between each "hop" along the network. If experiencing issues with network speed, we suggest running a series of traceroutes during slowness to determine where the slowness is occurring on the network.

In Windows:
1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) In the DOS window type: tracert
5.) Press Enter
6.) Use the table below to analyze the hops in the trace route

In Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) Type: traceroute
6.) Press Enter
7.) Use the table below to analyze the hops in the trace route


< 1 - 20ms Excellent
20 - 40 ms Good
45 - 60 ms Fair (possibility of slowness)
60 - 90 ms Below Average
90 ms - Higher Poor


Email Clients

This section provides recommended settings and configurations for email clients.

Checking Email Headers

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Right-click on email message
2.) Choose Options

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003
1.) Right-click on email message
2.) Choose Options

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click on email message
2.) Click the View menu
3.) Click Headers
4.) Click All

Apple Mail
1.) Click on email message
2.) Click the View menu
3.) Click Message
4.) Click Long Headers

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click on email message
2.) Click the View menu
3.) Click Source

Qualcomm Eudora
1.) Double-click on email message

Increase the Server Timeout

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click the Mail tab
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Click the 'Advanced' tab
6.) Slide the 'Server Timeout' knob all the way to the right
7.) Click 'Apply' (if available), then 'OK', and then 'Close'.

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and Outlook 2003
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts and click Next
4.) Double-click the BlueTie account
5.) Click on More Settings button
6.) Click the Advanced tab
7.) Slide the 'Server Timeout' knob all the way to the right
8.) Click 'OK', then 'Next', and then 'Finish'

Leave a Copy of Messages on Server

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Double-click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Advanced tab
5.) Verify that Leave a Copy of Messages of Server is checked

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts and click Next
4.) Double-click the BlueTie account
5.) Click the More Settings button
6.) Click the Advanced tab
7.) Verify that 'Leave a Copy of Messages of Server' is checked

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Account Settings
3.) Click Server Settings underneath the BlueTie account
4.) Verify that 'Leave messages on server' is checked in the server settings section

Apple Mail
1.) Click Mail
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Advanced button
5.) Verify that 'Remove copy from server after retrieving a message' is UNCHECKED.

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Double-click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Options button
5.) Verify that 'Leave a copy of each message on the server' is checked

Qualcomm Eudora
1.) Click the Eudora menu
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the Checking Mail icon
4.) Verify that  'Leave on server for ... days' is checked
5.) Fill in number if desired

Outgoing Server Requires Authentication

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click the Mail tab
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Verify that the email address is entered in all lowercase letters (General Tab)
6.) Click the Servers tab.
7.) Verify that "Server Requires Authentication" is checked
8.) Click the Settings button and verify that "Login using same settings as my incoming mail server" is selected
9.) Click 'Apply' (if available), then 'OK', and then 'Close'.

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts
4.) Click Next
5.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
6.) Click on More Settings and then click the Outgoing Server tab.
7.) Verify that "SMTP server requires authentication" is checked and "Use same settings as my incoming mail server is selected"
8.) Click 'OK', then 'Next', and then 'Finish'
9.) Click send / receive to check for errors

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Account Settings
3.) Click Outgoing Server from the left
4.) Select the BlueTie outgoing server
5.) Click the Edit button
6.) Verify that Use Name and Password is checked
7.) Verify the username is entered correctly

Apple Mail
1.) Click Mail
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Account Information button
5.) Click the Server Settings button
6.) Verify that Authentication is set to Password
7.) Verify that username and password are entered correctly

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click Mail
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Click Account Settings
6.) Click the Advanced Sending Options button
7.) Verify that "SMTP server requires authentication" is checked and "Use same settings as receiving mail server" is selected
8.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner

Qualcomm Eudora
1.) Click the Eudora menu
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the Checking Mail icon
4.) Verify that  'Authentication' is set to Passwords
5.) Click the Sending Mail icon
6.) Verify that Allow Authorization is checked

Preventing winmail.dat files

Winmail.dat files are proprietary to Microsoft applications and are not able to be viewed within the web interface. You can, however, view them when reading your email in Microsoft Outlook or by using a 3rd party winmail.dat viewer.

To prevent sending winmail.dat files, the sender should set the default email format in Outlook to Plain Text and NOT use Microsoft word as the default editor for email messages.

To have the sender configure this setting:

1. Open Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express

2. Click Tools

3. Click Options

4. Click the Mail Format tab

5. Set Compose in this message format to Plain Text

6. Un-check the check box to use Microsoft Office Word to edit email messages

Setting the Default Account

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click the Mail tab
4.) Click the BlueTie account
5.) Click the Set as Default button

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003

1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts and click Next
4.) Click the BlueTie account
5.) Click the Set as Default button

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Account Settings
3.) Click the BlueTie account from the left
4.) Click the Set as Default button

Microsoft Entourage

1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click Mail
4.) Click the Set as Default button

Verify IMAP Settings

Microsoft Outlook Express or Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click the Mail tab
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Verify that the email address is entered in all lowercase letters (General Tab)
6.) Click the Servers tab
7.) Verify that the incoming mail server is an IMAP server
8.) Verify that the incoming server is
9.) Verify that the outgoing server is
10.) Verify that the username is entered correctly under logon information.
11.) Verify that Server Requires Authentication is checked
12.) Click the Settings button and verify that Login using same settings as my incoming mail server is selected
13.) Click the Advanced tab
14.) Verify that the incoming port is 143 and the outgoing port is either 25 or 5125
15.) Click Apply (if available), then OK, and then Close

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) or 2003
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts
4.) Click Next
5.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
6.) Verify that the username is entered correctly under logon information.
7.) Verify that the incoming server is under server information
8.) Verify that the outgoing server is under server information
9.) Click the More Settings button
10.) Click the Outgoing server tab
11.) Verify that My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication is checked
12.) Verify that Login using same settings as my incoming mail server is selected
13.) Click the Advanced tab
14.) Verify that the incoming port is 143 and the outgoing port is either 25 or 5125
15.) Click OK, then Next, and then Finish

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Account Settings
3.) Click on Server Settings underneath the BlueTie account
4.) Verify that the servername is
5.) Verify that the username is entered correctly
6.) Check with user to verify whether Leave messages on server is checked
7.) Click on Outgoing Server (SMTP) from the box on the left
8.) Click on and then click the Edit button
9.) Verify that the outgoing server is under server information
10.) Verify that Use name and password is checked and that the username is entered correctly
11.) Click the OK button
12.) Verify that the password is entered correctly by clicking on Tools then Options
13.) Click on the Privacy icon and then click the Passwords tab
14.) Click on the View Saved Passwords button
15.) Click on the Show Passwords button and click Yes to verify that the password is entered correctly
16.) Click the Close button

Apple Mail
1.) Click Mail
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Account Information button
5.) Verify that email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
6.) Verify that that the Incoming Mail Server is set to
7.) Verify that username and password are entered correctly
8.) Verify that Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) is set to
9.) Click the Server Settings button
10.) Verify that the outgoing port is set to either 25 or 5125
11.) Verify Authentication is set to Password
12.) Verify that the outgoing username and password match the incoming username and password
13.) Click the Advanced button
14.) Verify that Keep copies of messages for offline viewing is set to Don't keep copies of any messages

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click Mail
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Click Account Settings
6.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly
7.) Verify that the username is entered correctly under Account ID
8.) Verify that the IMAP server is
9.) Click the Advanced Receiving Options button
10.) Verify the IMAP port is set to 143
11.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner
12.) Verify that the SMTP server is
13.) Click the Advanced Sending Options button
14.) Verify the SMTP port is set to either 25 or 5125
15.) Verify that SMTP server requires authentication"is checked and Use same settings as receiving mail server is selected
16.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner
17.) Click OK

Qualcomm Eudora
1.) Click the Eudora menu
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the Getting Started icon
4.) Verify that the User Name is entered correctly
5.) Verify that the Mail Server is set to
6.) Verify that a Real Name is entered. This is usually First, Last name
7.) Verify that the SMTP Server is set to
8.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
9.) Click the Checking Mail icon
10.) Verify that Mail Protocol is set to IMAP
11.) Verify that Authentication is set to Password
12.) Verify that Save Password is checked
13.) Click the Sending Mail icon
14.) Verify that Allow authorization is checked


Configuring Outlook Express or 2000 w/SSL for IMAP service

  1. Launch Outlook Express
  2. Click Tools --> Accounts, The Accounts window appears
  3. Click the Mail tab
  4. Click the Add button then choose Mail, the Internet Connection Wizard appears.
  5. Add your Display Name. Enter the name you want others to see in the From: field when you send E-mail, then click Next.
  6. Enter your E-mail address, then click Next
  7. Change the value beside "My incoming mail server is a". to IMAP.
  8. Input the IMAP server into the Incoming mail server field.
  9. Input the SMTP server into the Outgoing mail server field. Click Next.
  10. Enter your complete E-mail address or User Name ( in the Account Name field.
  11. Enter your BlueTie account password and click Next.
  12. Note: You can set Outlook Express to remember your password if you don't want to type it in every time you check for new messages.
  13. Click Finish, the Internet Connection Wizard will close.
  14. Click the Mail tab, the Mail Accounts window appears
  15. Click the account you just created, then click the Properties button
  16. Click the Servers tab
  17. Check the box beside My server requires authentication, then click the Settings button
  18. Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server and click OK
  19. Click on the Advanced tab.
  20. Check the box, "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" for both the Incoming (IMAP) and Outgoing (SMTP) mail servers.
  21. Click Apply, then OK to close the properties window. The Internet Accounts window will reappear.
  22. Click OK to exit the Internet Accounts window, your E-mail set-up is complete.


Configuring Outlook 2002 or XP w/SSL for IMAP service

  1. Launch Outlook 2002/ XP
  2. Click Tools --> Email Accounts, The Accounts window appears
  3. Check the Add new Email Account button
  4. Click Next
  5. The Server Accounts window appears select IMAP.
  6. Click Next
  7. The Internet Email Settings window appears
  8. In the User Information fields add you’re Your Name. Enter the name you want others to see in the From: field when you send E-mail.
  9. Enter your e-mail address
  10. In the Login Information field Enter your complete E-mail address or User Name
  11. Enter your e-mail account password
  12. Note: You can set Outlook Express to remember your password if you don't want to type it in every time you check for new messages.
  13. In the Server Information field Input the POP3 server into the Incoming mail server field.
  14. Input the SMTP server into the Outgoing mail server field.
  15. Click on More Settings
  16. Click on the Outgoing Server tab
  17. Check the box beside My server requires authentication
  18. Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server
  19. Click on the Advanced tab
  20. Check the box, "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" for both the Incoming (IMAP) and Outgoing (SMTP) mail servers.
  21. Click OK
  22. Click Next
  23. Click Finish, the Internet Connection Wizard will close.

Verify POP Settings

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click the Mail tab
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
6.) Click the Servers tab
7.) Verify that the incoming mail server is a POP3 server
8.) Verify that the incoming server is
9.) Verify that the outgoing server is
10.) Verify that the username is entered correctly under logon information
11.) Verify that  Log on using Secure Password Authentication is NOT checked
12.) Verify that Server Requires Authentication is checked
13.) Click the Settings button and verify that Login using same settings as my incoming mail server is selected
14.) Click the Advanced tab
15.) Verify that the incoming port is 110 and the outgoing port is either 25 or 5125
16.) Verify that This server requires a secure connection is NOT checked under the Incoming and Outgoing Server Port Numbers
17.) Click Apply (if available), then OK, and then Close

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and Outlook 2003
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts
4.) Click Next
5.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
6.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
7.) Verify that the username and password are entered correctly

8.) Verify that  Log on using Secure Password Authentication is NOT checked
9.) Verify that the incoming server is under server information
10.) Verify that the outgoing server is under server information
11.) Click the More Settings button
12.) Click the Outgoing server tab
13.) Verify that My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication is checked
14.) Verify that Login using same settings as my incoming mail server is selected
15.) Click the Advanced tab
16.) Verify that the incoming port is 110 and the outgoing port is either 25 or 5125
17.) Verify that This server requires a secure connection is NOT checked under the Incoming and Outgoing Server Port Numbers
18.) Click OK, then Next, and then Finish

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Account Settings
3.) Click on Server Settings underneath the BlueTie account
4.) Verify that the servername is
5.) Verify that the username is entered correctly
6.) Verify that Use Secure Connection is set to Never and that Use secure authentication is not checked
7.) Check with user to verify whether Leave messages on server is checked
8.) Click on Outgoing Server (SMTP) from the box on the left
9.) Click on and then click the Edit button
10.) Verify that the outgoing server is under server information
11.) Verify that Use name and password is checked and that the username is entered correctly
12.) Click the OK button
13.) Verify that the password is entered correctly by clicking on Tools then Options
14.) Click on the Privacy icon and then click the Passwords tab
15.) Click on the View Saved Passwords button
16.) Click on the Show Passwords button and click Yes to verify that the password is entered correctly
17.) Click the Close button

Apple Mail
1.) Click Mail
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Account Information button
5.) Verify that email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
6.) Verify that that the Incoming Mail Server is set to
7.) Verify that username and password are entered correctly
8.) Verify that Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) is set to
9.) Click the erver Settings button
10.) Verify that the outgoing port is set to either 25 or 5125
11.) Verify Authentication is set to Password
12.) Verify that the outgoing username and password match the incoming username and password
13.) Click the Advanced button
14.) Verify that Keep copies of messages for offline viewing is set to Don't keep copies of any messages

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click Mail
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Click Account Settings
6.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly
7.) Verify that the username is entered correctly under Account ID
8.) Verify that the POP server is
9.) Click the Advanced Receiving Options button
10.) Verify the POP port is set to 110
11.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner
12.) Verify that the SMTP server is
13.) Click the Advanced Sending Options button
14.) Verify the SMTP port is set to either 25 or 5125
15.) Verify that SMTP server requires authentication is checked and Use same settings as receiving mail server is selected
16.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner
17.) Click OK

Qualcomm Eudora
1.) Click the Eudora menu
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the Getting Started icon
4.) Verify that the User Name is entered correctly
5.) Verify that the Mail Server is set to
6.) Verify that a Real Name is entered. This is usually First, Last name
7.) Verify that the SMTP Server is set to
8.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
9.) Click the Checking Mail icon
10.) Verify that Mail Protocol is set to POP
11.) Verify that Authentication is set to Password
12.) Verify that Save Password is checked
13.) Click the Sending Mail icon
14.) Verify that Allow authorization is checked

Configuring POP3 for Outlook Express and 2000 w/SSL
  1. Launch Outlook Express
  2. Click Tools --> Accounts, The Accounts window appears
  3. Click the Mail tab
  4. Click the Add button then choose Mail, the Internet Connection Wizard appears.
  5. Add your Display Name. Enter the name you want others to see in the From: field when you send E-mail, then click Next.
  6. Enter your E-mail address, then click Next
  7. Do not change the value beside "My incoming mail server is a". It should remain set to POP3.
  8. Input the POP3 server as into the Incoming mail server field.
  9. Input the SMTP server as into the Outgoing mail server field. Click Next.
  10. Enter your complete E-mail address or User Name ( in the Account Name field.
  11. Enter your BlueTie account password and click Next.
  12. Note: You can set Outlook Express to remember your password if you don't want to type it in every time you check for new messages.
  13. Click Finish, the Internet Connection Wizard will close.
  14. Click the Mail tab, the Mail Accounts window appears
  15. Click the account you just created, then click the Properties button
  16. Click the Servers tab
  17. Check the box beside My server requires authentication, then click the Settings button
  18. Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server and click OK
  19. Click on the Advanced tab.
  20. Check the box, "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" for both the Incoming (POP) and Outgoing (SMTP) mail servers.
  21. Click OK
  22. Click Apply, then OK to close the properties window. The Internet Accounts window will reappear.
  23. Click OK to exit the Internet Accounts window, your E-mail set-up is complete


Configuring Outlook 2002/ XP w/SSL for POP3 service

  1. Launch Outlook 2002
  2. Click Tools --> Email Accounts, The Accounts window appears
  3. Check the Add new Email Account button
  4. Click Next
  5. The Server Accounts window appears select POP3.
  6. Click Next
  7. The Internet Email Settings window appears
  8. In the User Information fields add you’re Your Name. Enter the name you want others to see in the From: field when you send E-mail.
  9. Enter your e-mail address
  10. In the Login Information field Enter your complete E-mail address or User Name
  11. Enter your e-mail account password
  12. Note: You can set Outlook Express to remember your password if you don't want to type it in every time you check for new messages.
  13. In the Server Information field Input the POP3 server into the Incoming mail server field.
  14. Input the SMTP server into the Outgoing mail server field.
  15. Click on More Settings
  16. Click on the Outgoing Server tab
  17. Check the box beside My server requires authentication
  18. Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server
  19. Click on the Advanced tab
  20. Check the box, "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" for both the Incoming (POP) and Outgoing (SMTP) mail servers.
  21. Click OK
  22. Click Next
  23. Click Finish, the Internet Connection Wizard will close.

Verify Ports

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click the Mail tab
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
6.) Click the 'Advanced' tab
7.) Verify that the incoming port is 110 (143 if using IMAP) and the outgoing port is either 25 or 5125
8.) Click 'Apply' (if available), then 'OK', and then 'Close'.

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and Outlook 2003
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Email Accounts
3.) Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts and click Next
4.) Double-click the BlueTie account
5.) Click on More Settings button
6.) Click the Advanced tab
7.) Verify that the incoming port is 110 (143 if using IMAP) and the outgoing port number is either 25 or 5125
8.) Click 'OK', then 'Next', and then 'Finish'

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Account Settings
3.) Click on Server Settings underneath the BlueTie account
4.) Verify that the port is 110 (143 if using IMAP)
5.) Click 'Outgoing Server (SMTP)' from the box on the left
6.) Click on and then click the 'Edit' button
7.) Verify that the outgoing port number is either 25 or 5125
8.) Click 'OK' and then 'OK' again

Apple Mail
1.) Click Mail
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the Server Settings button
5.) Verify that the outgoing port is set to either 25 or 5125
6.) Click the Advanced button
7.) Verify that the Port at the bottom of screen is set to 110 (143 if using IMAP)
8.) Click the 'X' in the upper left corner of window

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click Tools
2.) Click Accounts
3.) Click Mail
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Click Account Settings
6.) Click the Advanced Receiving Options button
7.) Verify the port is set to 110 (143 if using IMAP)
8.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner  
9.) Click the Advanced Sending Options button
10.) Verify the SMTP port is set to either 25 or 5125
11.) Close the window by clicking the box in upper-left corner
12.) Click 'OK'

Qualcomm Eudora
Eudora sets the default ports automatically depending on the type of account created. To change the outgoing port please see below:
1.) Click the Eudora menu
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click the Getting Started icon
4.) Change the SMTP Server from to

Verify Username and Password

Microsoft Outlook Express and Outlook 2000
1.) Click the 'Tools' menu
2.) Click 'Accounts'
3.) Click the 'Mail' tab
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
6.) Click the 'Servers' tab
7.) Verify that the username and password are entered correctly by logging into web application using the entered information
8.) If unable to login through the web application, reset your password using the 'Forgot your password' link or contact an Enterprise Manager to verify your settings
9.) Verify that 'Server Requires Authentication is checked
10.) Click the Settings button and verify that 'Login using same settings as my incoming mail server' is selected
11.) Click 'Apply' (if available), then 'OK', and then 'Close'

Microsoft Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003

1.) Click the 'Tools' menu
2.) Click 'Email Accounts'
3.) Click 'View or Change Existing Email Accounts'
4.) Click 'Next'
5.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
6.) Verify that the username and password are entered correctly by logging into web application using the entered information
7.) If unable to login through the web application, reset your password using the 'Forgot your password' link or contact an Enterprise Manager to verify your settings
8.) Verify that 'Server Requires Authentication' is checked
9.) Click the 'More Settings' button
10.) Click the 'Outgoing server' tab
11.) Verify that 'My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication' is checked
12.) Verify that 'Login using same settings as my incoming mail server' is selected
13.) Click  'Next', and then 'Finish'

Mozilla Thunderbird
1.) Click the 'Tools' menu
2.) Click 'Account Settings'
3.) Click on 'Server Settings' underneath the BlueTie account
4.) Verify that the username is entered correctly by logging into web application using the entered information
5.) If unable to login through the web application, reset your password using the 'Forgot your password' link or contact an Enterprise Manager to verify your settings
6.) Click on 'Outgoing Server (SMTP)' from the box on the left
7.) Click on and then click the 'Edit' button
8.) Verify that 'Use name and password' is checked and that the username is entered correctly
9.) Click the 'OK' button
10.) Verify that the password is entered correctly by clicking on 'Tools' then 'Options'
11.) Click on the 'Privacy' icon and then click the 'Passwords' tab
12.) Click on the 'View Saved Passwords' button
13.) Click on the 'Show Passwords' button and click 'Yes' to verify that the password is entered correctly
14.) Click the 'Close' button

Apple Mail
1.) Click the 'Mail' menu
2.) Click 'Preferences'
3.) Click the BlueTie account
4.) Click the 'Account Information' button
5.) Verify that email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username
6.) Verify that username and password are entered correctly by logging into web application using the entered information
7.) If unable to login through the web application, reset your password using the 'Forgot your password' link or contact an Enterprise Manager to verify your settings
8.) Click the 'Server Settings' button
9.) Verify 'Authentication' is set to Password
10.) Verify that the outgoing username and password match the incoming username and password

Microsoft Entourage
1.) Click the 'Tools' menu
2.) Click 'Accounts'
3.) Click 'Mail'
4.) Double-click on the BlueTie account
5.) Click 'Account Settings'
6.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly
7.) Verify that username and password are entered correctly by logging into web application using the entered information
8.) If unable to login through the web application, reset your password using the 'Forgot your password' link or contact an Enterprise Manager to verify your settings
9.) Click the 'Advanced Sending Options' button
10.) Verify that 'SMTP server requires authentication' is checked and 'Use same settings as receiving mail server' is selected
11.) Click 'OK'

Qualcomm Eudora
1.) Click the 'Eudora' menu
2.) Click 'Preferences'
3.) Click the 'Getting Started' icon
4.) Verify that username and password are entered correctly by logging into web application using the entered information
5.) If unable to login through the web application, reset your password using the 'Forgot your password' link or contact an Enterprise Manager to verify your settings
6.) Verify that the email address is entered correctly and is assigned to the username

Verify your client Version and get Updates

How to get updates and view version of your application.

To check your version of Apple Mail

To view which version of Apple Mail you are using:

  1. Click on Mail
  2. Click on About Mail

To check your version of Eudora

To view which version of Eudora you are using:

  1. Click on Eudora
  2. Click on About Eudora

To check your version of Outlook and get Updates

To view which version of Outlook you are using.

  1. Open your Outlook Application
  2. Click on Help
  3. Click on About Microsoft Outlook

To get Microsoft Office updates click here

To check your version of Thunderbird

To view which version of Apple Mail you are using:

  1. Click on Thunderbird
  2. Click on About Mozilla Thunderbird

To view which version of Entourage you are using:

To view which version of Entourage you are using:

  1. Click on Entourage
  2. Click on About Entourage

Rules and Restrictions


In an effort to combat the effects of spam email on our customers, BlueTie has implemented several new email rules and restrictions. Stringent rules are being applied industry-wide and in following this trend, we hope to decrease the amount of spam coming into the system by applying the following rules and by identifying the predictable behavior and system specifications that spammers use. Please click the following link for more information regarding the email delivery to and from BlueTie customers: 

System Requirements

Please see below for a list of our current system requirements:

Supported Operating Systems



Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Vista

Macintosh OS X / Linux

Supported Web Browsers

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8  (PC)
  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0+ (PC / Mac)
  • Safari Version 3.0+ (PC/Mac)

Supported Email Clients

Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP

  • Microsoft Outlook Express 6
  • Microsoft Outlook 2000
  • Microsoft Outlook 2002
  • Microsoft Outlook 2003
  • Microsoft Outlook 2007
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Qualcomm Eudora

Macintosh Apple OS X

  • Microsoft Entourage
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Qualcomm Eudora
  • Apple Mail (IMAP not recommended)


  • Mozilla Thunderbird


The latest version of Java is required for optimal functionality of the web application. Java is used for application functionality such as uploading files, attachments, and Instant Messaging.

Checking Java Version

Step 1: Click the Start menu
Step 2: Click the Control Panel
Step 3: Double-click the Java icon
Step 4: Click the About button under the General tab

Uninstall / Reinstall Java

1.) Click Start
2.) Click Control Panel
3.) Click the Add or Remove Programs icon
4.) Click the Java program from the list of installed programs. If Java is not listed, visit to download and install the latest version of Java
5.) Click the Remove button
6.) After removed, visit and download and install the latest version of Java

MX Record

What is an MX record?

MX stands for "mail exchanger," also known as a Mail Relay record. When you attempt to send a message to your email address (, the MX record tells other sites where your mail should be sent. This is similar to how website addresses & DNS records work. In fact, an MX record is part of the DNS record and indicates to servers where to go to locate your website.

Contact the domain hosting company to point the MX record to:

To point the MX record using our partner site:

1) Log in to your Account Manager.

2) Under the Domain Names section, select Manage Domains.

3) Select the domain name you want to modify using the check boxes. Your Domain Details display on the right of the page.

4) Expand the Total DNS Control section.

5) Click Total DNS Control And MX Records.

6) In the MX (Mail Exchangers) section, click Edit next to the MX Priority you want to change or click Add New MX Record to add a new MX record to your zone file.

7) Once you have made your changes, click Continue.

8) Verify your changes and click Update.

Please contact the domain hosting company for further information on configuring the MX record.

Related Links: 

    - Using Your Domain Name

Required Ports

The following ports are required to use specific functions of the web application. Be sure to check with the system administrator or click the port number for instruction on how to Telnet to the ports to see if they are open.

6050 - Instant Messenger

6060 - Secure Send

6080 - File Uploader

Configuring Pop-up Blockers

This section contains recommended settings and configurations for common pop-up blockers. If not configured properly, pop-up blockers will block important windows from opening such as the Reply and Forward windows in Email.

AOL Toolbar

To configure the AOL toolbar:

1) Click Settings on the AOL toolbar

2) Click Pop-Ups in the Essentials tab

3) In the Web Pop-Ups tab of the Pop-Up Control Settings window, select Allow Web pop-ups from these sites

4) Enter the webmail address that is being blocked and click Add

5) Click Save

Earthlink Toolbar

To configure the Earthlink Toolbar:

1) Log into your Earthlink account

2) Start Internet Explorer

3) Select the Earthlink POP-UP BLOCKER button located in your Internet Explorer browser window

4) Select Settings

5) In the blank space under "Always allow pop-ups from the following sites/domains:" type your webmail url (ex.

6) Select the OK button and then close all Internet Explorer windows that may be open.

7) Logout, restart Internet Explorer and login again

Google Toolbar

To configure the Google toolbar:

1) Click on the Google pop-up blocker button to add the webmail address that is being blocked

2) Click Add to the whitelist. This will be located to the right of the google search field at the top of the browser window and will say # of pop-ups blocked.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6

To configure the Internet Explorer pop-up blocker:

1) Click the Tools menu

2) Click Pop-up Blocker

3) Click Pop-up Blocker Settings

4) Verify that the webmail URL is entered into the safelist


Mozilla Firefox (Macintosh)

To configure the Firefox pop-up blocker on a Mac:

1) Click on the Firefox menu, then click on Preferences

2) Click on the Content icon on the top. Now click on the Allowed Sites button (next to Block Popup Windows)

3) Type the webmail address into the Address of web site: box. This will add it to the list of allowed web sites in the box below

4) Click Close and then the OK button to finish

Mozilla Firefox (PC)

To configure the Firefox pop-up blocker on a PC:

1) Click on the Tools menu, then click on Options

2) Click on the Content icon on the top. Now click on the Allowed Sites button (next to Block Popup Windows)

3) Type the webmail address into the Address of web site: box. This will add it to the list of allowed web sites in the box below

4) Click Close and then the OK button to finish

MSN Toolbar

To configure the MSN toolbar:

1.) On the MSN Toolbar, click the arrow next to the Pop-up Blocker button

2.) Click Allow Pop-ups for This Site. This adds our website to the allowed list.

Yahoo! Toolbar

To configure the Yahoo! toolbar:

1.) Click on the reply or forward button of an email.

2.) Click on the Pop-up icon in the Yahoo! bar that has changed to an explosion icon and is highlighted by a red box.

3.) Click on Always Allow Pop-Ups From.. in the drop down menu

4.) This opens the Yahoo! Pop-Up Blocker window where you will see the webmail address listed. Click on the webmail address and then click on the Allow button.

5.) Click the OK button in the window that opens up to allow pop-ups from the webmail address

6.) Click Close to exit the pop-ups menu.

Web Applications

This section contains the recommended settings and configurations for supported web browsers

Browser Settings

Various settings and configurations for supported web browsers

Accessibility Options (IE)

Step 1: Click Tools
Step 2:
Click Internet Options
Step 3:
Under the General tab, click the Accessibility button
Step 4: Verify that none of the boxes are checked

Approve Web Certificate.

When first logging into BlueTie you will be prompted for a Web Certificate. Please select Always.

Note: By failing to accept Certifcate you will lose some functionality of the application. Specifically you will not be able to use Upload and IM features.


Browser Default Settings

Internet Explorer 6

1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click each tab and click the Defaults button (if available)

Check for New Versions of Stored Pages (IE)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (PC)
Step 1: Click on Tools
Step 2: Click Internet Options
Step 3: Click Settings button
Step 4: Verify that Automatically is selected
Step 5: Click the OK button and then OK again

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Step 1: Click on Tools
Step 2: Click Internet Options
Step 3: Under Browsing History section, Click Settings button
Step 4: Verify that Automatically is selected
Step 5: Click the OK button and then OK again


Clearing Cache / Cookies (IE, Firefox)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (PC)

Step 1: Click on Tools
Step 2: Click on Internet Options
Step 3: Click on Delete Cookies
Step 4: Click the OK button
Step 5: Click on Delete Files
Step 6:
Check off Delete offline Content
Step 7: Click the OK button and then click OK again
Step 8: Close all open Internet Explorer windows, re-open Internet Explorer and log back in

Mozilla FireFox 1.5 (PC)
Step 1:
Click on Tools
Step 2: Click on Options
Step 3: Click on Privacy
Step 4: Click on Cache tab
Step 5: Click on Clear Cache now
Step 6: Click on Cookies tab
Step 7: Click on Clear Cookies now
Step 8: Close all open Firefox windows, re-open Firefox and log back in

Mozilla FireFox 1.5 (MAC)
Step 1: Click on Firefox
Step 2: Click on Preferences
Step 3: Click on Privacy
Step 4: Click on Cache tab
Step 5: Click on Clear Cache now
Step 6: Click on Cookies tab
Step 7: Click on Clear Cookies now
Step 8: Close all open Firefox windows, re-open Firefox and log back in

Disable Proxy Server

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
Step 1: Click Tools
Step 2: Choose Internet Options
Step 3:
Clcik the Connections tab
Step 4: Click the LAN Settings button
Step 5: Uncheck Use a proxy server for your LAN
Step 6:
Click the OK button and then OK again

Enable Active Scripting (IE)

Microsoft Internet Explrorer 6:
Step 1: Click Tools
Step 2: Click Internet Options
Step 3: Click Security tab
Step 4: Click Customer Level button
Step 5: Scroll all the way down to Scripting
Step 6: Make sure Enable is selected next to Active Scripting
Step 7:
Click OK
Step 8: Click Apply
Step 9: Click OK

Note: The user will not have to log out of account. They should see these icons right away.


This section provides settings used for the calendar application

Notification Settings

Step 1: Click Preferences
Step 2: Click General Settings in the Calendar section
Step 3: Verify settings in the Remind field
Step 4: Click the Save button

Quick Add Keywords

Note: Quick add will only work for the current week

Tomorrow, Today, Monday, Mon, Tuesday, Tue, Wednesday, Wed, Thursday, Thr, Thur, Thu, Th, Friday, Fri, Saturday, Sat, Sunday, Sun

Breakfast (defaults to 8:00 am), Lunch (defaults to noon), Dinner (defaults to 6:00 pm for 2 hours), Noon, Midnight

Lunch with Bob on Friday, Meeting with Sue at 3pm on Friday

Time Zone Settings

Step 1: Double-click the clock in the system tray of the computer (lower-right corner of window)
Step 2: Click the Time Zone tab and verify that the clock is set to the correct time zone
Step 3: Click the Date & Time tab and verify that the clock is set to the correct time

Verify Calendar is Enabled

Note: Only an Enterprise Manager can verify this setting.

Step 1: Click the Enterprise icon
Step 2: Click on the user name experiencing the problem
Step 3: Click the Modify Access button
Step 4: Verify that Calendar and Calendar Sharing are checked
Step 5: Click the Save button


This section provides settings used for the contacts application

Access to Enterprise Contacts

To Access Enterprise Contacts:

1.) Login to the Enterprise Manager account
2.) Click on Preferences
3.) Click on Share Enterprise Contacts
4.) Choose All Contacts from the drop-down menu
5.) Click the Create Sharing for Group button
6.) Choose the appropriate access level from the drop-down menu
7.) Type the user name or simple click the contact from the left into the Insert field
8.) Click the Insert button and then click the Save button


This section provides settings used for the email web application

Adding an image to a signature

To setup a URL image in the signature of an email follow these steps:

1.) Click on Preferences
2.) Click 'General Settings' under the Email section
3.) Set 'Default email composer' to 'Rich composer'
4.) Click the 'Save' button.
5.) Click 'Name and Signature' under the Email section
6.) The following code is an example for getting the BlueTie logo to appear in the
signature (note: the image link must be a public URL):

<a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>
This will only work in Rich or HTML formatted messages. If using plain text, the code
will show instead of the image.

Checking Quota

Step 1: Login to account
Step 2: Click the Email icon
Step 3: Check color of bar above the Email folders and note the space being used
Step 4: If the color of the bar is red, delete any un-needed emails or increase the quota
Step 5: If the color of the bar is green, the user is not over quota.

Disable / Re-enable Email

Step 1: Login to enterprise
Step 2: Click the Enterprise icon
Step 3: Click the user name
Step 4: Click on Modify Access button
Step 5: Uncheck the checkbox next to Email, Anti-Spam, and Anti-virus
Step 6: Click the Save button
Step 7: Click on Modify Access button again
Step 8: Check the checkbox next to Email, Anti-Spam, and Anti-virus
Step 9: Click the Save button

Viewing Message Headers

1.) Select an email for which you wish to view the headers of
2.) Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the email that looks similar to a lined piece of paper
3.) This will display the full headers of the email


This section provides settings used for the Files application

Verify Files is Enabled

Note: Only an Enterprise Manager can verify this setting.

Step 1: Click the Enterprise icon.
Step 2: Click the username experiencing the problem.
Step 3: Click the Modify Access button.
Step 4: Verify that File / File sharing is checked
Step 5: Click the Save button.


Step by step suggestions for resolving technical problems


Help with issues regarding the Calendar application

Appointment Times Are Incorrect

Step 1: Verify that the clock in the system tray is set to the correct time zone
Step 2: If appointment is shared, have the person sharing the calendar verify that the clock in the system tray is set to the correct time zone

Birthdays Not Displaying

Only birthdays for personal contacts will display on the calendar. Enterprise contact birthdays will not display on the calendar. Be sure to verify that the contact has a birthday entered in their contact information.

Calendar Icon Not Displaying

Step 1: Verify Calendar is enabled on the account
Step 2: Verify that a supported browser and operating system are being used
Step 3: Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
Step 4: Disable Accessibility Options
Step 4: Clear cache
Step 5: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 6: Disable Internet Security

Calendar Running Slow

Note: The calendar may appear to load slow upon the inital login

Step 1: Logout and log back into account.
Step 2: Check to see if any other sites are running slow. If so, please contact the Internet Service Provider
Step 3: Close any software which may be consuming bandwidth, slowing down the web browser, or consuming significant resources
Step 4: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to Automatically
Step 5: Clear cache
Step 6: Run system updates and scan for spyware
Step 7: Perform a traceroute to determine any network latency
Step 8: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 9: Disable Internet Security

Calendar Screen Is Blank

Step 1: Verify that a supported browser and operating system is being used
Step 2: Try closing any applications which may be interfering with web applications or consuming significant resources
Step 3: Clear cache
Step 4: Verify Active Scripting is enabled
Step 5: Disable Proxy Server
Step 6: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 7: Disable Internet Security
Step 8: Run system updates and scan for spyware


Cannot Delete Event

Step 1: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to automatically
Step 2: If deleting a shared appointment, verify that the account sharing the calendar has granted user Full Access
Step 3: If deleting a recurring appointment or an instance of a recurring appointment, use the right-click menu option
Step 4: Clear cache 


Cannot Share Calendar

Step 1: Click Preferences

Step 2: Click Calendar Sharing *(if you do not see this option, check with your Enterprise Manager or Adminstrator to have access enabled)

Step 3: Verify that the email address or username with whom you are trying to share is typed correctly

Step 4: Verify that the other person has enabled viewing of your calendar from their account (use the checkbox next to the calendar name to display)

Step 5: Verify that the person has your calendar set to a color that can be viewed

Cannot View Appointment Details

Step 1: Verify that the account sharing the calendar has granted user either Read-Only or Full Access
Step 2: Verify that appointment details actually exist for that appointment
Step 3: Press CTRL while double-clicking the appointment to override a pop-up blocker
Step 4: Login to account from another computer and try to replicate the issue

Excessive Amount of Notifications

Step 1: Verify that the notification settings for the account are set correctly.
Step 2: Compare the number of notifications to the above setting and to the number of appointments.
Step 3: Disable notifications for the appointment

Meeting Request Not Showing Up

Step 1: Allow 10 minutes for the meeting request to go through
Step 2: Verify with the sender that they sent the request to the right email address or username
Step 3: Verify that 'Check for newer version of stored pages' is set to automatically

Quick Add Not Working

Step 1: Verify that you are using the supported Quick Add keywords.
Step 2: Retype the appoinment using the supported keywords
Step 3: Press the Enter key on the keyboard to add appointment
Step 4: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to Automatically.


Help with issues regarding the Contacts applications

Cannot Export Contacts

Exporting Contacts through BlueTie Contacts

Step 1: Click the Contacts icon,located at the top of your BlueTie application
Step 2: Click the Actions button located on your Contacts toolbar
Step 3: Choose Import/Export Contacts within your Actions drop-down
Step 4: Chose the Contacts that you are exporting: Personal, Enterprise, or Shared
Step 5: Export all of your contacts in the CSV (Comma-Separated Value), vCard file format or Constant Contact file.
Step 6: Click Export

Cannot Import Contacts

How to Import Contacts:

Step 1: Verify that the file being imported is a .CSV file
Step 2: Remove any irregular characters from the filename (%, $, #, etc)
Step 3: If file was exported from Outlook, verify that the file was exported in the .CSV (Comma Seperated Values Windows or DOS) format
Step 4: Click the Contacts icon,located at the top of your BlueTie application
Step 5: Click the Actions button located on your Contacts toolbar
Step 6: Choose Import/Export Contacts within your Actions drop-down
Step 7: Click Import - You may import contacts in CSV (Comma-Separated Value) or vCard format.
You may also upload a Zip file that contains these files. (Refer to the Sample CSV File)
Step 8: Select a file from your computer, Select a group to import into
Step 9: Import the selected files, click Import


Cannot Modify Enterprise Contacts

Step 1: Check with the Enterprise Manager to verify that you have the correct Access to Enterprise Contacts
Step 2: Verify that Check For Newer Version of Stored Pages is set to Automatically
Step 3: Clear cache

Contacts Icon Not Displaying

Step 1: Check with Enterprise Manager to verify that Contacts is enabled on the account
Step 2: Verify that a supported browser and operating system are being used
Step 3: Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
Step 4: Disable Accessibility Options
Step 4: Clear cache
Step 5: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 6: Disable Internet Security


Help with sending an eFax.


Trouble printing JPEG attachements

If you are using the OnDemand service, this functionality is not currently available.  The ability to print JPEG attchements is only available to eFax subscribers.


This section contains troubleshooting information for various email issues

Junk Mail

Help with Email issues related to junk mail, otherwise known as spam

Determining Why A Message Was Flagged As Junk

Step 1: Click on the message that was flagged as junk
Step 2: Open the message header
Step 3: Check the X-Spam-Status to determine the score that the message received
Step 4: Check the SPAM scoring table to determine how the score matches up with the account SPAM threshold
Step 5: Check the X-Spam-Report to determine why the message was flagged as junk


This section contains POP / IMAP troubleshooting information for various email clients

Note: POP, IMAP, and SMTP is not available for free accounts.

Apple Mail

This section contains troubleshooting information for the Apple Mail client

Can not send using SSL

Make sure Anti-virus scanning Outgoing email has been disabled.

Cannot Receive Email

Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
Step 3: Verify MX Records are pointed correctly
Step 4: Check with sender to see if they receive a bounceback message for possible cause of problem
Step 5: Verify that the correct email address is on the account
Step 6: Check the Junk-Mail folder on the web application

Cannot Send Email

Step 1: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
Step 3: If message is stuck in the outbox, then try switching the outgoing port to 5125
Step 4: If still stuck move the messages to drafts folder and try to send a new one

IMAP Account Running Slow

1.) Click Mail
2.) Click Preferences
3.) Click on the IMAP account in left pane
4.) Verify that the email address is an address that is assigned to the user's account
5.) Verify that the incoming mail server is
6.) Verify that the user name is entered correctly
    Note:The username should be in the format of username.enterprise or their default sender address
7.) Verify that the outgoing server is
     Note:It may help to sound out the letters of smtp ('S' as in Sarah, 'M' as in Mary, 'T' as in Tom, 'P' as in Paul)
8.) Click the Server Settings button
9.) Verify that the outgoing port is set to either 25 or 5125
10.) Verify that Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is not checked
11.) Verify that the Authentication field is set to Password
12.) Verify the user name and password are entered correctly
13.) Click the OK button
14.) Click the Advanced menu
15.) Verify that Keep copies of messages for offline viewing: is set to Don't keep copies of any messages

Microsoft Entourage

This section contains troubleshooting information for the Microsoft Entourage client

554 Error Message

Step 1: Verify that BlueTie is set as the default account
Step 2: Verify that SMTP Server Requires Authentication is checked
Step 3: Change the outgoing port

Can not send using SSL

Make sure Anti-virus scanning Outgoing email has been disabled.

Cannot Receive Email

Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
Step 3: Verify MX Records  are pointed correctly
Step 4: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
Step 5: Verify that the correct email address is on the account
Step 6: Check the Junk-Mail folder on the web application

Cannot Send Email

Step 1: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
Step 3: If message is stuck in the outbox, then try switching the outgoing port to 5125
Step 4: If still stuck move the messages to drafts folder and try to send a new one

Prompt for Network Username and Password

Step 1: Verify username and password are entered correctly
Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
Step 3: If prompt continues to occur, close Entourage and then re-open and see if the problem still occurs
Step 4: Try changing the outgoing port

Microsoft Outlook

Make sure Anti-virus scanning Outgoing email has been disabled.

Can not send using SSL

Make sure Anti-virus scanning Outgoing email has been disabled.

Error Codes

Please click on an error code below for troubleshooting steps on resolving common Microsoft Outlook issues.

0x80040109 - The Operation cannot be performed because the message has been changed

Error Message -

Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x80040109) : 'The
operation cannot be performed because the message has been changed.'

Troubleshooting -

1) Disable email scanning and then restart Outlook

2) Check for any add-ins that may have altered the message by going to

Tools -> Options -> Other -> Advanced Options... -> Add-In Manager...

0x8004011D - The server is unavailable

Error Message:
0x8004011D - The server is unavailable

Configuration error on exchange server

1.) Add the BlueTie account into the Send / Receive group

0x80040201 - Unknown Error

0x80040201 - Unknown Error

This error has been known to occur for users migrating from an Exchange environment and is generated while sending to users from within the company only. The company contacts still reference the Exchange server which is either no longer in service or is not configured properly. Please check with systems adminstrator for resolution to this error.

0x80040600 - Unknown Error


  •  Corrupt PST file.


  • Close Outlook
  • Click Start
  • Click Control Panel
  • Double-click the Mail icon
  • Click the Data Files button
  • Double-click on the PST file which is currently being used
  • Copy the text in the filename field.
  • Click Start
  • Click Search
  • Click All Files and Folders
  • Type scanpst.exe and click the Search button
  • Double-click the scanpst.exe icon (icon appears as a ripped envelope)
  • Paste the .pst filename into the text field
  • Click Start
  • Click the repair button to repair any damaged files
  • Open Outlook and verify it is working correctly

    0x8004060C - Unknown Error

    Error Message:

    Task ‘EMAIL ADDRESS’ - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x8004060C) : 'Unknown Error 0x8004060C'


    This error is known to occur in Microsoft Outlook 2002 and usually indicates that the .pst file has reached it's capacity. For further resolution to this problem please visit the following link for a patch issued by Microsoft:

    0x80040900 - Unable to connect to server

    Error Message - Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x80040900) : 'The server name you entered can not be found on the network (it might be down temporarily). Please verify that you are online and that the server name is correct.'

    Troubleshooting -

  • User not connected to Internet.
  • Disable Firewall on system. If Outlook works with Firewall off refer them to the company of Firewall software.
  • 0x80042108 - Outlook is unable to connect to your incoming (POP3) server

    Error Message -
    Task 'Blue Tie - Receiving' reported error (0x80042108) : 'Outlook is unable to connect to your incoming (POP3) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

    Troubleshooting -
    1.) Verify Internet connectivity
    2.) Verify account settings
    3.) Verify BlueTie is the default account
    4.) Telnet to and verify that port 110 is enabled
    5.) Disable Internet Security or verify that Firewall is configured properly
    6.) Disable Anti-virus software
    7.) If still not working, restart computer.
    8.) If still not working, contact the computer administrator or Internet Service Provider

    0x80042109 - Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server

    Error Message -
    Task 'Blue Tie - Receiving' reported error (0x80042108) : 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

    Troubleshooting -
    1.) Verify Internet connectivity
    2.) Verify account settings
    3.) Verify BlueTie is the default account
    4.) Telnet to and verify that port 25 and / or 5125 is enabled
    5.) Disable Internet Security or verify that Firewall is configured properly
    6.) Disable Anti-virus software
    7.) If still not working, restart computer.
    8.) If still not working, contact the computer administrator or Internet Service Provider

    0x8004210A - The operation timed out.

    Error Message - The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server 0x8004210a. A time-out occurred while communicating with the server 0x800ccc19


    Troubleshooting -

  • Disable email scanning in Anti-Virus program
  • Disable Firewall on system. If Outlook works with Firewall off refer them to the company of Firewall software.
  • Move any emails with large attachments on the web application to another folder and try popping the email again
  • Increase the server timeout
  • Run Telnet to see if there is a port being blocked
  • 0x8004210B




    1) Verify POP / IMAP settings

    2) Change outgoing port to 5125

    3) Restart computer

    0x800C0131 - An Unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP Port: 0 Secure: No [SSL]

    This behavior can occur if the Folders.dbx file is missing, damaged, or using the read-only attribute.

    Email may be lost during this procedure. It is important that you save any important email

    1. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders.
    2. In the Named box, type folders.dbx.
    3. In the Look In box, click your primary hard disk (usually drive C), and then click Find Now.
    4. Right-click the Folders.dbx file, and then click Rename.
    5. Type folders.old, and then click OK.
    6. Start Outlook Express. This creates a new Folders.dbx file automatically

    0x800CCC0D - Cannot locate server

    Error Message - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. The server could not be found. (, POPserver:'', Error Number: 0x800CCC0D) Task ' - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC0D): 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: 0x800CCC0D'

    Troubleshooting -

  • Verify Internet connectivity
  • Verify account settings ( POP / IMAP)
  • Disable email scanning in Anti-Virus program
  • Disable Firewall on system. If Outlook works with Firewall off refer them to the company of Firewall software.
  • 0x800CCC0E - The connection to the server has failed

    Error Message - The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

    Troubleshooting -

  • Verify Internet connectivity
  • Verify account settings ( POP / IMAP)
  • Disable email scanning in Anti-Virus program
  • Disable Firewall on system. If Outlook works with Firewall off refer them to the company of Firewall software.
  • Verify that POP / IMAP is enabled on the account.
  • 0x800CCC0F - Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection.

    Error Message - Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account:’’, Server:’, Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

    Troubleshooting -
    1.) Verify Internet connectivity
    2.) Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    3.) Disable email scanning
    4.) Telnet to verify that Firewall allows access to the ports being used

    0x800CCC18 - Logon Attempt Failed

    Error Message - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

    Troubleshooting -

  • Check that computer has access to the Internet
  • Verify account settings ( POP / IMAP )
  • 0x800CCC19 - A time-out occurred while communicating with the server

    Error Message - A time-out occurred while communicating with the server 0x800ccc19

    Troubleshooting -

  • Check that computer has access to the Internet
  • Verify account settings ( POP / IMAP )
  • Delete account and recreate
  • 0x800CCC1A - SECURE_CONNECT_FAILED - Unable to connect using SSL

    Error Message - SECURE_CONNECT_FAILED - Unable to connect using SSL.

    Troubleshooting -

  • In Outlook select the 'Tools' menu.
  • Select 'Accounts'.
  • Click the 'Mail' tab'.
  • Double click the BlueTie account.
  • Select the 'Advanced' tab'.
  • Deselect 'This server requires a secure connection (SSL)' under both incoming mail and outgoing mail sections.
  • Click 'Apply' then Click 'OK'
  • 0x800CCC79 - 501 Syntax Error

    Error Message:

  • Error 0x800CCC79 msg could not be sent - recipient was rejected by server... 501 char not allowed


  • Email address is entered incorrectly


  • Open the message from the Outbox and correct the email address. Make sure there are no spaces or incompatible characters
  • 0x800CCC79 - Recipient Address Rejected

    Error Message - The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was '' . Subject 'test', Account: 'Test', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79


  • This error will occur in Outlook 2000 if 'Outgoing server requires authentication' is not checked


  • Check 'Outgoing server requires authentication'
  • 0x800CCC7A - No sender address specified

    Error Message - Connection to the server has failed, account ‘' error: 0x800CCC7A: No sender address specified.

    Troubleshooting -

    Verify account settings ( POP / IMAP )
    Verify there is a valid email address in the To field

    0x800CCC92 - POP3 Invalid Password

    Error Message - There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: '’, Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR Invalid Password', Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

    Troubleshooting -

    Verify username and password are entered correctly.

    Outlook 2000

    Troubleshooting email problems with Microsoft Outlook 2000

    553 Error Message When Sending

    Step 1: Verify that BlueTie is set as the default account
    Step 2: Verify that Outgoing Server Requires Authentication is checked
    Step 3: Change the outgoing port

    Cannot Receive Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: Verify MX Records are pointed correctly
    Step 4: Verify that the correct email address is on the account
    Step 5: Check the Junk-Mail folder on web application
    Step 6:
    Check for an Outlook error code and refer to our common error code resolutions or visit the Microsoft knowledge base
    Step 7: If receiving large attachments, increase the server time out or login to account and move any large emails to a folder other than the Inbox. Then click send / receive in the email client
    Step 8:
    Disable email scanning
    Step 9: Check Outlook version and download any available updates

    Cannot Send Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
    Step 3: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 4: Change outgoing port to 5125
    Step 5: Check for an Outlook error code and refer to our common error code resolutions or visit the Microsoft knowledge base
    Step 6: Click here if a message is stuck in the outbox
    Step 7: If sending large attachments, increase the server time out
    Step 8: Disable email scanning

    Messages Stuck In Outbox

    1.) Change the outgoing port
    2.) Move message(s) to drafts folder and try sending a new one
    3.) If message is still stuck, click Tools, then Options
    4.) Click the Mail Delivery tab
    5.) Make sure that Send Messages Immediately When Connected option is checked under the Mail Account Options section
    6.) Disable email scanning

    Prompt for Network Username and Password

    Step 1: Verify username and password are entered correctly
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: If prompt continues to occur, close Outlook and then re-open and see if the problem still occurs
    Step 4: Try changing the outgoing port

    Outlook 2002 (XP) and 2003

    Troubleshooting email problems with Microsoft Outlook 2002 / XP for Windows based systems

    Cannot Receive Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: Verify MX Records are pointed correctly
    Step 4: Verify that the correct email address is on the user account
    Step 5: Check the Junk-Mail folder on web application
    Step 6:
    Check for an Outlook error code and refer to our common error code resolutions or visit the Microsoft knowledge base
    Step 7: If receiving large attachments, increase the server time out or login to account and move any large emails to a folder other than the Inbox. Then click send / receive in the email client
    Step 8:
    Disable email scanning
    Step 9: Check Outlook version and download any available updates


    Cannot Send Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
    Step 3: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 4: Change outgoing port to 5125
    Step 5: Check for an Outlook error code and refer to our common error code resolutions or visit the Microsoft knowledge base
    Step 6: Click here if a message is stuck in the outbox
    Step 7: If sending large attachments, increase the server time out
    Step 8: Disable email scanning

    Messages Stuck In Outbox

    1.) Change the outgoing port
    2.) Move message(s) to drafts folder and try sending a new one
    3.) If message is still stuck, Click Tools
    4.) Click Options
    5.) Click the Mail Delivery tab
    6.) Make sure that 'Send Messages Immediately When Connected' option is checked under the 'Mail Account Options' section
    7.) Disable email scanning

    Prompt for Network Username and Password

    Step 1: Verify username and password are entered correctly
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: If prompt continues to occur, close Outlook and then re-open and see if the problem still occurs
    Step 4: Try changing the outgoing port

    Outlook Express 6

    Troubleshooting email problems with Microsoft Outlook Express 6 for Windows based systems

    553 Error Message When Sending

    Step 1: Verify that BlueTie is set as the default account
    Step 2: Verify that 'Outgoing Server Requires Authentication' is checked
    Step 3: Change the outgoing port

    Cannot Receive Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: Verify MX Records are pointed correctly
    Step 4: Verify that the correct email address is on the user account
    Step 5: Check the Junk-Mail folder on web application
    Step 6:
    Check for an Outlook error code and refer to our common error code resolutions or visit the Microsoft knowledge base
    Step 7: If receiving large attachments, increase the server time out or login to account and move any large emails to a folder other than the Inbox. Then click send / receive in the email client
    Step 8:
    Disable email scanning
    Step 9: Check Outlook version and download any available updates

    Cannot Send Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
    Step 3: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 4: Change outgoing port to 5125
    Step 5: Check for an Outlook error code and refer to our common error code resolutions or visit the Microsoft knowledge base
    Step 6: Click here if a message is stuck in the outbox
    Step 7: If sending large attachments, increase the server time out
    Step 8: Disable email scanning

    Messages Stuck In Outbox

    1.) Change the outgoing port
    2.) Move message(s) to drafts folder and try sending a new one
    3.) If message is still stuck, Click Tools
    4.) Click Options
    5.) Click the Mail Delivery tab
    6.) Make sure that 'Send Messages Immediately When Connected' option is checked under the 'Mail Account Options' section
    7.) Disable email scanning

    Prompt for Network Username and Password

    Step 1: Verify username and password are entered correctly
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: If prompt continues to occur, close Outlook and then re-open and see if the problem still occurs
    Step 4: Try changing the outgoing port

    Mozilla Thunderbird

    This section contains troubleshooting information for the Mozilla Thunderbird client

    Can not send using TLS

    Make sure Anti-virus scanning Outgoing email has been disabled.

    Cannot Receive Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: Verify MX Records for the email domain ( are pointed correctly
    Step 4: Check with sender to see if they receive a bounceback message for possible cause of problem
    Step 5: Verify that the correct email address is on the user account
    Step 6: Check the Junk-Mail folder on the web application

    Cannot Send Email

    Step 1: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: If message is stuck in the outbox, then try switching the outgoing port to 5125
    Step 4: If still stuck move the messages to drafts folder and try to send a new one

    Qualcomm Eudora

    This section contains troubleshooting information for the Qualcomm Eudora client

    Can not send using SSL

    Make sure Anti-virus scanning Outgoing email has been disabled.

    Cannot Receive Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: Verify MX Records for the email domain ( are pointed correctly
    Step 4: Check with sender to see if they receive a bounceback message for possible cause of problem
    Step 5: Verify that the correct email address is on the user account
    Step 6: Check the Junk-Mail folder on the web application

    Cannot Send Email

    Step 1: Check for cause of problem in the bounceback message
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: If message is stuck in the outbox, then try switching the outgoing port to 5125
    Step 4: If still stuck move the messages to drafts folder and try to send a new one

    Prompt for Network Username and Password

    Step 1: Verify username and password are entered correctly
    Step 2: Verify account settings (POP / IMAP)
    Step 3: If prompt continues to occur, close Entourage and then re-open and see if the problem still occurs
    Step 4: Try changing the outgoing port

    SMTP Server says 553 5.7.1

    Step 2: Verify that SMTP Server Requires Authentication is checked
    Step 3: Change the outgoing port

    Web Email

    Help with Email issues in the web application

    AutoComplete not working in account

    If the Auto Complete feature is not working in your account please confirm that this feature has been turned on in your preferences. This can be turned on in your user preferences under the contact section.

    Blank Page, Missing Printer, Delete, and Save icons

    Step 1: Set the browser default settings
    Step 2:
    Verify that a supported browser and operating system is being used
    Step 3:
    Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
    Step 4:
    Disable Accessibility Options
    Step 5:
    Clear cache
    Step 6: Verify that a web accelerator is not running
    Step 7:
    Configure Browser Privacy
    Step 8:
    Disable Internet Security
    Step 9:
    Download any available updates

    Cannot Add Attachment to an Email

    Step 1: Make sure a supported operating system and browser is being used
    Step 2: Set the browser default settings
    Step 3: Clear cache

    Cannot Delete Email

    Step 1: Make sure a supported operating system and browser are being used
    Step 2: Click on the message and press the Delete key on keyboard, click the Delete icon (red X) in application, or drag the email to the trash folder
    Step 3: Verify that the browser is set to automatically Check for newer versions of stored pages
    Step 4: Verify that a web accelerator is not running

    Cannot Open Winmail.dat Files

    Winmail.dat files are proprietary to Microsoft applications and are not able to be viewed within the web interface. You can, however, view them when reading your email in Microsoft Outlook or by using a 3rd party winmail.dat viewer.

    To prevent sending winmail.dat files, the sender should set the default email format in Outlook to Plain Text and NOT use Microsoft word as the default editor for email messages.

    To have the sender configure this setting:

    1. Open Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express

    2. Click Tools

    3. Click Options

    4. Click the Mail Format tab

    5. Set Compose in this message format to Plain Text

    6. Un-check the check box to use Microsoft Office Word to edit email messages

    Cannot Reply or Forward

    Note: Holding the CTRL key down will allow pop-ups to go through on most pop-up blockers

    Step 1: Make sure a supported operating system and browser are being used
    Step 2: Make sure all pop-up blockers are disabled or that (or branded URL) is in the allowed list
    Step 3: Clear cache
    Step 4: Disable Internet Security
    Step 5: Check for Windows updates

    Cannot send / receive web form

    Please verify the following if you are having problems sending from a web form to a Blue Tie account or mailing list:

    1) Verify that the email is not going to the Junk-Mail folder of the recipient

    2) If the form is being sent with a From Email address that is in our system, verify that you are using with authentication to send. The authentication must use the username and password that the From address is associated with.

    3) If the form is being sent with a From Email address that is not in our system, verify that you are not using to send out. This will look like a spoofed email message and will result in the email being rejected.

    Cannot Send Emails

    Step 1: Verify a supported operating system and browser are being used
    Step 2: If sending a large attachment, allow at least a few minutes for the email to be sent
    Step 3: Check for problems in bounceback message

    Duplicate Emails

    Step 1: Login to account
    Step 2: Click Preferences
    Step 3: Click Email Forwarding
    Step 4: Verify that the account is not forwarding to an alias which is on the account
    Step 5: Verify there is no mailing list or forwarding from another account

    Inbox Continues to Load

    Note: The inbox will take a long time to load if there are several unread messages in an account or after clearing cache. If the account has a large number of unread message (hundreds or thousands), we recommend setting up an IMAP account to manage the email.

    Step 1: Verify a supported operating system and browser are being used
    Step 2: Click the inbox to try and load the email
    Step 3: Disable / Enable Email on account
    Step 4: Check to see if account is over quota
    Step 5: Verify that a web accelerator is not running
    Step 6: Clear cache

    Internal Server Error When Sending Email

    Step 1: Verify Internet connectivity
    Step 2: Clear cache
    Step 3: Close the web browser, reopen it, log back in and try sending the message again
    Step 4: Disable Internet Security

    Not Receiving Email

    Step 1: Verify the account is not over quota
    Step 2: Check to see if message was sent to the Junk-Mail folder
    Step 3: Send test messages from both an internal account and an outside account (ie. Gmail, Yahoo!, etc)
    Step 4: Check for problem in the bounce back message
    Step 5: Verify the correct email address is on the account and is spelled correctly
    Step 6: Verify the MX records are pointed to

    POP3 Account Not Working

    Note: We do not currenlty support POP servers which require SSL

    Step 1: Verify that the correct account settings are being used
    Step 2: Verify that the POP email button is visible
    Step 3: Verify the messages are not being filtered to another folder such as Junk-Mail

    SecureSend™ Freezing During File Upload

    When attempting to upload a file using SecureSend™, some users may experience an issue where the Java applet appears to be loading, but is frozen, displaying a red 'X'.

    To resolve this issue, please ensure that the current version of java is installed (You can check the status  here ), then follow these steps:

    1)  Close down all browser windows

    2)  Go to your computer's control panel

    3)  Open the Java control panel (double-click on the "Java" icon)

    4)  Within the new window that displays, make sure you are in the General tab.   Within the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click "Settings"

    5)  Click the "Delete Files" button

    6)  Click OK

    You may now open your browser and log into your account.  SecureSend™ should load properly.

    User can't see the 'cc' and 'bcc' field in the email compose window.

    If the user cannot see the 'cc' or 'bcc' field please just click on the 'show Cc' or 'show Bcc' button at the top of the compose window to make these viewable.

    Email Marketing

    Help with issues regarding the Email Marketing feature

    Username and password aren't working

    If you feel that your username and password for Constant Contact are valid but not being accepted, please contact Constant Contact Customer Service for assistance.

    Constant Contact Customer Service

    File Cabinet

    Help with issues regarding the File Cabinet application

    Cannot Delete File / Folder

    Make sure you are deleting folder  on righthand side

    Step 1: Click on My folders
    Step 2.
    Click on Folder you want to remove located in righthand pane
    Step 3. Click Delete (Make sure Folder is empty of all contents first)
    Step 4: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to Automatically
    Step 5: Verify you are not trying to delete a shared file.
    Step 6: If trying to delete a folder, verify that all files are deleted within that folder or any subfolders

    Cannot Share File(s)

    Note: The current File application does not support sharing of files directly. The file(s) must be located within a folder which can then be shared

    Step 1: Click on the Files Icon
    Step 2: Click on the My Files folder in the browser
    Step 3: In the Folder Viewer on the right of the screen, you will see the contents of your My Files folder
    Step 4: Click on the New Folder button located above the Folder Viewer to create a new folder
    Step 5: Name the folder, then click Save
    Step 6: In the Folder Viewer, select the folder you just created by single clicking it so that it is highlighted
    Step 7: Next, click on the Share button.
    Step 8: Select the users you wish to allow access to this folder, by either typing in their username, or selecting them from your contacts list. Please keep in mind that if you give someone Full Access, they will be able to save documents to your folder, including opening and saving documents you place in the folder. They will also be able to delete them. Read-only allows them to download files and open them, but not to save files to the folder.
    Step 9: Click Done once you have selected all users you wish to allow access to the folder.

    Cannot Upload File

    Step 1: Accept the Web Certificate when you first logged in
    Step 2: Verify the most recent Java client is installed.
    Step 3: Verify that the file upload port is open on the computer.
    Step 4: Verify that you are not currently in the Shared Folders directory
    Step 5: Verify that the filename does not have any unusual characters
    Step 6: Uninstall / Reinstall Java

    Cannot Upload Folder

    The current File application does not support uploading of folders directly. The folder must first be created in the filing cabinet and then have the files uploaded into that folder

    Step 1: Click on the Files Icon
    Step 2: Click on the New Folder button toward the upper-right corner of screen
    Step 3: Type in the name of the folder
    Step 4: Browse to within the folder by double-clicking the folder
    Step 5: Click the Upload button and select the files to upload

    Error Occurring When Opening A File

    Step 1: Verify that you have the program installed to open the file (ie. Micrsoft Word is required to open a .doc file)
    Step 2: Click Start
    Step 3: Click Control Panel
    Step 4: Click Folder Options
    Step 5: Click File Types
    Step 6: Select the file type you are trying to open and assign it to be opened with the correct program

    File Screen Is Blank

    Step 1: Verify that a supported browser / operating system is being used
    Step 2: Disable Internet Security
    Step 3: Clear cache
    Step 4: Verify Active scripting is enabled in browser.
    Step 5: Run system updates and scan for spyware.
    Step 6: Perform traceroute to check for network slowness

    Files Icon Not Displaying

    Step 1: Check with Enterprise Manager to verify that Files is enabled
    Step 2: Verify that a supported browser and operating system are being used
    Step 3: Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
    Step 4: Disable Accessibility Options
    Step 4: Clear cache
    Step 5: Configure Browser Privacy
    Step 6: Disable Internet Security

    Files Running Slow

    Step 1: Logout and log back into account.
    Step 2: Check to see if any other sites are running slow. If so, please contact the Internet Service Provider
    Step 3: Close any applications which may be consuming bandwidth, slowing down web applications, or consuming significant resources
    Step 4: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to Automatically.
    Step 5: Clear cache and restart browser
    Step 6: Run system updates and scan for spyware
    Step 7: Perform a trace route to determine any network latency.

    Unable to Check File Back In

    Step 1: Check with person who checked file out to see if they have checked file back in
    Step 2: If file was checked back in but it still shows as being checked out, verify that the file was checked back in with the exact same spelling of the original filename

    Instant Messaging

    Help with issues regarding the Instant Messaging application

    IM Icon Not Displaying

    Step 1: Check with Enterprise Manager to verify that IM is enabled for the account
    Step 2: Verify that a supported browser and operating system are being used
    Step 3: Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
    Step 4: Disable Accessibility Options
    Step 4: Clear cache
    Step 5: Configure Browser Privacy
    Step 6: Disable Internet Security

    IM Window Says "Waiting for User Authentication"

    Step 1: Verify that you are connected to the Internet by browsing to another web page. If using Wireless, verify that there is a strong signal
    Step 2: Verify you have access to the Instant Messaging port
    Step 3. Sign out and sign back in again
    Step 3: Perform a trace route to determine any network latency which may be resulting in a poor connection to our server
    Step 4: Disable Internet Security
    Step 5: Uninstall / reinstall Java
    Step 6: Make sure you have accepted the Web Certificate.

    Not receiving any new Instant Messages?

    If you are not receiving any new messages:

    Step 1. Make sure you have agreed to Web Certificate
    Step 2.  Make sure you have pop-up blockers disabled

    User Online But Not Showing In Currently Online List

    Step 1: Verify that the user is in the currently online list
    Step 2: Try refreshing the currently online list
    Step 3: Verify that the browser is set to Check for newer versions of stored pages Automatically
    Step 4: Uninstall / reinstall Java

    Layout Manager

    Get help with the Layout Manager

    Missing Pod

    If you are missing a pod from your layout, ensure that it is not minimized within your application. 

    If you still can't find it, attempt restoring your default view and recreating the custom layout.
    You can accomplish this by going to: Layout Manager> Load Default Layout.

    Then, Refresh your screen

    Reset Default View

    To restore the default view, click on Layout Manager and select Load Defaults.

    Log In

    This section provides troubleshooting problems with logging into the web application.

    Browser Crashes Immediately After Signing In

    If the browser (Internet Explorer and Firefox) crashes while signing into Rich Mode, we recommend downloading and installing the latest version of Java.

    Cannot Get Past the New User Wizard

    To use the New User Wizard we recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1024 X 768. To verify this setting:

    To change your screen resolution (size) in PC Windows XP

    Step 1: Click on Start
    Step 2:
    Click on Control Panel
    Step 3:
    Double click on Display
    Step 4:
    Click on Settings Tab
    Step 5: Increase Screen Resolution to 1024 X 768
    Step 6: Click Apply
    Step 7:
    Click Save

    To change your screen resolution (size) in Mac OS X

    Step 1. Click the Apple button
    Step 2. Select System Preferences
    Step 3.
    Select the Displays icon
    Step 4. In the list of Resolutions: select 1024 x 768 (or higher).

    My Day

    Help with issues regarding the My Day page

    My Day Continously Loading

    Step 1: Click on any other icon such as Email and wait for the page to load
    Step 2: Click the My Day icon again

    My Day Icon is Missing

    Step 1: Check with Enterprise Manager to verify that My Day is enabled on the account
    Step 2: Verify that a supported browser and operating system are being used
    Step 3: Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
    Step 4: Disable Accessibility Options
    Step 4: Clear cache
    Step 5: Configure Browser Privacy
    Step 6: Disable Internet Security

    Outlook Sync

    Coming Soon

    Registered Mail


    Why can I not receive my notification/receipt/acknowledgement emails from Registered Mail?

    These emails are sent from and Please make sure these email addresses are not listed on your block list in your user preferences. You can find more information on this here:

    Travel Feature

    Help with issues regarding the Travel Feature

    Duplicate Travel Appointments

    When you receive your confirmation email from Orbitz, to your BlueTie account, it is important to click the "Add this to my Calendar" link only once. If you have more than one appointment added to your calendar for the same booked travel, you may have clicked this link more than one time.

    Not Receiving Email Confirmations

    To receive Email Confirmations in regards to your travel reservations, please login to your Orbtiz account and confirm that you have your Bluetie address setup under your Orbitz Alert Options.