General Settings

1) Click on the Preferences link in the upper right hand of the screen

2) In the Calendar section, click General Settings

Calendar Name: This is the name of your calendar, and is the name seen in the Caledars window when shared. The default format is last name, first name, but can be edited at any time.

Default View: This drop down menu allows you to choose from daily, weekly, and monthly views for your default calendar application view.

Remind: If you wish to use reminders for appointments, either by email or pop up window, use the dropdown menu to select the reminder increment.

Work Week: Check the boxes to create your work days. When another user is searching for a first available time slot in your calendar, non-work days will be excluded.

Work Hours: Select your work day start and end times. When another user is searching for a first available time slot in your calendar, non-work hours will be excluded.

First day of week: Your default view will begin with the day of the week selected from this menu.

Calendar View Increment: Use this menu to select the default time increment in you calendar. This applies to daily and weekly views only.

Free/Busy Access and URL: Once this is enabled, you can share your URL with users of external calendars, such as Outlook. This allows non-members to seach for available time slots, even if they aren't in the BlueTie system.