Enterprise Manager

Complete Guide to Enterprise Manager

Account Defaults


The Enterprise Account Default represents the plantype that is associated with all new accounts created within the enterprise.  An enterprise manager has the capability to modify this plan for individual users or for the entire enterprise at any time.  To learn more about modifying individual user plans click here.

To Modify the Account Default:

    1)  Go to Preferences and select Account Defaults.

    2)  Under Application Access, proceed with adding or removing desired features. 

    3)  Click Save.

Add Additional Storage


Only Enterprise Managers may grant additional storage.

Login to Enterprise Manager:

    1) Click View Accounts.

    2) Click on the Username of the user that you would like to grant additional storage.

    3) Click Modify Access while viewing the user profile.

    3) Under Add-Ons, use the drop-down to choose the additional storage amount you would like to grant the user.

    4)  Click Save.

Adding Email Aliases

Email Aliases reflect any address that a user is able to send or receive mail from. Additional email aliases can be added or removed from accounts at any time.  The steps for adding email aliases are listed below.  To learn how to remove email aliases click here.

 For Individual Users:

    1)  From the application menu, click on the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Click on the View Accounts button and select the user you want to alias.

    3)  From the user profile screen, select the Email Aliases button.

    4)  Click on the New Alias button and enter the desired email alias.

         a. If the enterprise has multiple domains, choose the domain you wish to alias from the drop down menu.

    5)  OPTION: To set the alias as the default address simply check the Set As Default button.

    6)  Click Save.

***All email aliases are listed on the user profile screen under the email section.

Aliasing All Users:

    1)   If email aliases follow the format, username@domain, you can alias all users in the enterprise at once.

    2)  From the preferences menu, click on Email Domains & Aliases.

    3)  Next to the approved domain you wish to alias, select Manage this Domain.

    4)  Select the Alias All Users button and choose whether to simply alias all users or to alias and set as default.

    5)  Once it is completed, click OK to return to the Email Domains and Aliases menu.

Related Links:

    - Using Your Domain Name
    - Auto Aliasing
    - Removing Email Aliases

Adding Fields to User Profiles

An Enterprise Manager can add fields to user profile to accomodate the necessities of their company.  For example, add a field where employee ID numbers can be viewed and stored.

Managing User Defined Fields:

    1)  From the enterprise preferences menu, select the Add Fields To Users Profiles section.

    2)  Enter the name of the custom field in the text box.

    3)  Click Add.

    4)  To remove or rename, select the appropriate function listed next to the custom field you wish to modify.


Related Links:
    - Edit User Profile



Enabling Auto-Aliasing will create an email address automatically upon user creation using the username@domain.com format.

To Enable:

    1)  From the enterprise menu, select View Divisions.

    2)  Click the Modify button next to the divsion you wish to auto-alias.

    3)  From the auto-aliasing screen, select the radial buttons next to each of the following:
            a. the approved domain
            b. this division and all sub-divisions
            c. user@domain format

    4)  When finished click SAVE and you will be redirected back to the Modify Division menu.


    1)  Aliases are created with the user@domain or user.enterprise@domain format only. All other desired aliases must be created manually.

    2)  If the enterprise contains multiple domains, auto-aliasing can only be configured for one domain.  Users can be aliased for additional domains through the manage domain feature within the enterprise prefereneces menu.  


 Related Links:
- Adding Email Aliases
    -Removing Email Aliases


Billing and Technical Contacts


Billing and Technical Contacts are added to an account upon enterprise creation. 

To View or Change Contact Information:

    1) Go to the Enterprise Preferences section in the Enterprise manager account.
    2) Locate the section you wish to view or edit (Billing / Technical Contact).
    3) Make changes as need and click OK
    4) The information is now updated and saved


To view or change other billing information click here.



Customize your email application with BlueTie Branding. This feature gives you – as an Enterprise Manager – the ability to upload a logo and select a default color scheme that will change the way the application looks to each user in your organization.  Branding your BlueTie email is quick and easy. To begin customizing your company’s email application, simply follow the steps below:

To Begin: (Enterprise Managers only)

  1. Login to your BlueTie account and click on the Enterprise icon.

  2. Next, click on the ‘Brand Enterprise’ button located on the Enterprise Manager toolbar.
  3. The branding screen will then appear.

Option 1: Select a Skin

This section will allow you, as the Enterprise Manager, to change the color scheme of the application.

  1. From the branding screen, click on the ‘Edit’ button across from the ‘Select a Skin’ option.

  2. On the next screen, use the drop down to select a color scheme. The screenshot preview will change as you navigate through the color schemes.

  3. Click ‘Save’.

  4. You will then be redirected to the main branding screen. A green check box will appear next to the section(s) that has been successfully branded. If you are finished with branding click ‘Publish’ and your changes will begin to populate. 

 ***If you wish to upload a logo, proceed with the steps listed in Option 2 below.


Option 2: Upload Logo

This section will allow you, as the Enterprise Manager, to upload a logo of their choice. This logo will take the place of the BlueTie logo located at the top left corner of the email application.

  1. From the branding screen, click on the ‘Edit’ button across from the Upload Logo section.

  2. On the next screen, use the browse button to select the file you wish to use and then click ‘Upload Logo’

  3. Click ‘Save’.

  4. You will then be redirected the main branding screen. A green check will appear next to the sections that have been successfully branded. To save your changes and exit the branding feature click ‘Publish’.

 Note: Publishing can take up to 15 minutes to populate and become visible within the application. You may need to refresh your screen to see the reflected changes. 

Cancelling Accounts


 To Cancel Accounts:

    1)  From the application menu, select the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Go to View Accounts.

    3)  Check the box next to each user you wish to cancel.

    4)  Select the Cancel Account button located at the bottom of the user account listing.

    5)  A notifcation will appear asking you to confirm the cancellation by clicking YES.

    6)  To view cancelled accounts, select Cancelled Accounts from the filter drop down located above the User Division category.

    7)  Cancelled accounts can be restored quickly and easily for up to 30 days after the cancellation date by selecting Restore.

    8)  Restored users will move back to the Active Accounts listing visible by clicking the View Accounts section of the enterprise menu.  


***It is recommended that email aliases be removed from cancelled accounts to prevent future conflictions.  To remove aliases from specific accounts see the Removing Email Aliases section of the How-To Guide.


Related Links: 
    - Un-activated Account Slots
    - User Creation
    - Locking Accounts

Company Profile


The Company Profile will hold all all of your company's contact information. To view or change this information at anytime please use the following steps:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise Preferences section of the Enterprise Manager account. 

    2)  Select the Company Profile section.

    3)  View or change the desired fields and click OK.


Related Links: 
    - Billing Contact
    - Technical Contact
    - Edit Billing Information

Creating a User

Creating users is simple with BlueTie's step by step user creation process.

To Create an Account:

1)  From the enterprise menu, select Create Account.

2)  Select the division you would like the account to be created in and select Create Account.

      ***Only applicable for enterprises containing mutiple divisions.

3)  On the Account Information screen enter the new user information. Required fields are:

      • Username (ex. jsmith)
      • Password (must meet password requirements listed on the right)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Phone

4)  When finished, click Next and proceed to the Price Plan screen.

       a. To customize the user plan: 
                     - Select the Customize Plan button.   
                     - Add or remove plan features by using the check boxes to the left of each feature. 
                     - Click Save.     

       b. To select a base plan:
                     - Select the radial button next to the desired plan and click Finish.

***NOTE:  Un-activiated account slots will be automatically activated for users created with the same plan type as the inactive account. To learn more about managing un-activated accounts click here.

Related Links:
    - Auto-Aliasing
    -Adding Email Aliases
    - Edit User Profile
    - Login as User
    - Modify Access
    - User Security Settings 


Creating Divisions

To create a new division:

1) Click the Enterprise Manager icon

2) Click the View Divisions button

3) Click the Create Division button

4) Select where the new division should be created and then click the Create Division button

5) Type in the Division Name and then click the Continue button

6) Select the manager of the division

7) Check the usernames from the Enterprise list that you would like the new manager to administer

8) Move the selected users to the new division by clicking the Move To button

Disable/Enable User Wizards

 *Turning off the User Wizard is NOT recommended as it guides the user through important information and security configurations*

When enabled, users are prompted to complete the user wizard upon their initial login. The wizard will walk the user through the acceptance of the Terms of Service, password updates, and other general account configuration procedures.  The User Wizards are enabled by default upon enterprise creation.

To Disable / Enable User Wizards:

    1)  From the enterprise preferences menu, select the Edit General & Regional Settings section.

    2)  Select the radial button next to your preference under the Wizard category.

***NOTE: Changes made to this preference only apply to users created after the modification and not to existing users.

Division Settings


Many preferences can be set for a single division in the Modify Divisions page.

To Access:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Click on View Divisions.

    3)  Select the division you wish to modify by clicking the Modify button.  If you wish to apply the changes to all subdivisions, click on the Modify button next to the highest division possible.

***The following settings are customizable from this screen:

Division Name: Set the name of the division you are working with.

Default Plan: To set the appropriate email plan for users in this division, select Set Default Plan and choose the appropriate plan. 

Auto-alias new users: To automatically assign a user's alias upon creation, click  Enable Auto-aliasing.   Choose the appropriate domain to be aliased and the division it should be applied to (this division or all sub-divisions as well) and the format of the alias.  Click Save Settings.  To learn more, click here.

Managers: To assign a user as a manager of a division, click Add Manager and select a user from the list given.  You may have multiple division managers, but only one Enterprise Manager in the top-level division.

Password expiration: Select Modify.  You can set the password expiration to a certain amount of days or never require a password change.  These settings can be applied to this division and all sub-divisions.  Click Save Settings.

Session timeout: Select Modify.  You can set the timeout session in minutes up to 999 minutes, and restrict your users from changing this setting by checking the box marked "Users cannot change this timeout setting".   You can also apply this to a single division, or this division and all sub-divisions.  Click Save Settings.

Manage Users: These settings can be configured for the managers of this division.  Restrict or allow certain permissions by checking the box of the ability that should be allowed.

Application Access: Features can be customized for users in this division.

    4)  Click Save Changes.


Related Links:
Modify User Access
    - Session Timeout Settings
    - User Security Settings
    - View Divisions


Domain Management

BlueTie allows the Enterprise Manager to manage their own domains directly through the BlueTie account.

To access the domain management screen:   

    1) Click the Enterprise Preferences button in the upper-right corner of the Enterprise Manager account

    2) Select Email Domains and Aliases from the Enterprise Management section

    3) From this page you will be able to view all of the domains approved on the account. This page allows you to:
            a. Request a new domain
            b. Remove an existing domain
            c. Manage an existing domain
            d. View all users and their aliases

To Manage a Domain:

    1)  Click the Manage Domain button next to the domain you wish to modify

    2)  You will have 4 options:
              a. Alias all users
              b. Remove all aliases
              c. Remove domain
              d. Manage forwarding

    3)  Choose the function you would like to perform and follow the steps provided

Related Links

    - Using Your Domain Name

Edit User Profile

The Enterprise Manager can edit the user's profile direectly from the user information screen.

To Edit the Profile:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, click View Accounts.

    2)  Click on the user you wish to edit and select the Edit Profile button.

    3)  Modify the information in the available text boxes and click SAVE.


Related Links:
    -  Edit User Display Name
   -  Adding User-Defined Fields

Email Archive Services

BlueTie’s Email Archival service is designed to address both legal compliance and email auditing needs.  All messages sent and received by archived users are permanently stored online along with any attachments, and can be accessed and searched from any computer with an Internet connection.  

To Enable Email Audit:

1) Click  the Email Audit button from the Enterprise Manager account.

2) Click the Manage Accounts button

3) Archive Services may be enabled by performing one of the following tasks:

a) You may use the Audit All/Audit No Accounts button to turn Archive Services on or off for all users.
b) Use the Always turn on auditing checkbox.  This global setting will turn on auditing for all current and future users.
c) Or simply click the checkbox next to the usernames of the specific accounts that you would like Archive Services enabled on.

4) Check the Notify all accounts that they may be audited button to place a flag on each user's MyDay screen informing them that their mail may be monitored. 

5) Click Save

·         *Note that this interface will display up to 50 users at one time.  If there are more than 50 users in the enterprise, the page dropdown on the right of the screen will need to be used to manage those additional users.

Please download our Getting Started Guide here.


Email Footers

Enabling an Email Footer will append a message to all outgoing company emails.  Email footers are not visible to the user when composing email and can only be edited by the Enterprise Manager.

To Enable: 
          1)   From the Enterprise Preferences menu, select the Email Footer section. 

          2)  Select the radial button next to Enable.

          3)  Type in the desired footer message and click Save

     ***Email footer message can be no longer than 2000 characters in length.

To Disable: 
          1)  Select the radial button next to Disable in the Footer Settings section. 

          2)  The text box will become hidden. 

          3)  Click Save

Related Links:
    - User Name & Signature
    - Out of office reply

Enable/Disable Outlook Sync

The Enterprise Manager has the ability to enable or disable the availability of a user to download the Outlook Sync client.

This is managed through the Modify Access screens on the User Accounts.

To Enable/Disable Outlook Sync:

    1)  To begin, select the View Accounts button from the enterprise menu.

    2)  Click on the username that you wish to modify.

    3)  From the user profile menu, select the Modify Access button.

    4)  Proceed with adding or removing Outlook Sync by using the check boxes to the left of the feature and clicking SAVE.

    5)  Plan modifications will be visible under the Application Access section of the user profile.

Global Junk Mail Control

Global Junk Mail Settings are used to set junk mail preferences for all users within the enterprise.


Safe List and Block List:

       These lists allow the enteprise manager to assist users in managing junk mail and to help ensure delivery of good mail.

       1) To add an address to either list, type the email address or the domain extension (@domain.com) in the field provided.

       2) Then, click the desired button (Add to safe or Add to block) for addition to the enterprise lists.

       3) Clice Save at the bottom of the page

**These enterprise lists will be visible to each user in their personal Safe and Block list screen. However, users will be unable to edit those entries. Only the enterprise manager can add or remove from the Enterprise Safe and Block lists.


Importing Enterprise Contacts


1)  Go to your Contacts section, and click Actions and then  Import/Export Contacts.

2)  Select  Import and follow instructions.

The file must be in .csv (Comma Separated Value) format.

To manage contacts sharing click here.

Locking Accounts


Enterprise Managers have the ability to lock a user account at any time. Locking an account prevents the user from having any access to their account.  The Enterprise Manager also has the ability to transfer all of the data from a locked account to another user.  Click here for information on how to transfer user data from one account to another.

To Lock Accounts:

    1)  From the enterprise menu, click on View Accounts.

    2)  Select the account(s) to be locked by checking the box next to the username.

    3)  When finished, select the Lock Account(s) button at the bottom of the page.

    4)  A notification will appear stating that the users were locked successfully.

    5)  Select OK and you will be redirected to the active accounts screen.

    6)  To view the locked accounts, select Locked Accounts from the Filter drop down menu located above the divisions column of the accounts section.


To Unlock Accounts:

    1)  Check the box next to the user you wish to unlock and click on the Unlock Account(s) button located at the bottom of the screen.

    2)  A notificaiton will appear stating that the user(s) had been successfully unlocked.

    3)  The account will then appear in the active accounts list.


Related Links:
- Cancel Accounts
    - Create Accounts
    - Transferring data from locked accounts


Login as User

The Enterprise Manager has the ability to login to a user account without needing to obtain or reset the users password.  By using the login feature, the Enterprise Manager is logged directly into the users account and can modify settings as needed.

To Login as User:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, click on View Accounts.

    2)  Click on the username to go to the User Profile screen.

    3)  Click on the Login as User button.

    4)  You will now be automatically be logged into the users account.

***NOTE: Only one person can be logged into an account at a time, therefore logging in will potentially log the user out of their session. To verify that the user is currently offline, check the status listed under the username on the User Profile screen.


Related Links:
    - User Email Preferences

Mailing List Creation and Management

Note: Mailing lists can only be accessed by the Enterprise Manager account

In the Preferences menu under the Enterprise Section, select Mailing Lists.

To Create a New Mailing List:

    1)  Click Create New Mailing List.

    2)  Enter the mailing list you wish to create (i.e. sales@mygigemail.com)

    3)  Add the email aliases that should receive mail coming to that address (i.e. salesrep@mygigemail.com) and click Add.

    4)  Click Save when finished.

To Manage an Existing Mailing List:

    1)  Highlight the Mailing List you wish to modify and click Edit.

    2)  Add aliases as detailed above, or highlight an alias and click Remove to take an alias off the Mailing List.

    3)  Click Save to apply your changes.

To Delete a Mailing List:

    1)  Highlight the mailing list and click Remove.

    2)  A notifcaition will appear asking you to confirm your selection.

    3)  Click OK and then Done to reflect your changes. 

***Note:  Mailing lists (name@yourdomain.com) cannot be currently aliased or associated with a specific user account.  If it is, remove the email alias from the user account, create the mailing list using the steps above, and then add the user to the mailing list.

Related Links
- Adding Aliases
    - Removing Aliases

Modify Access / Plan


The Enterprise Manager has the ability to modify access including the addition and removal of plan features for individual users through the enterprise manager menu.

To Modify Access:

    1)  To begin, select the View Accounts button from the enterprise menu.

    2)  Click on the username that you wish to modify.

    3)  From the user profile menu, select the Modify Access button.

    4)  Proceed with adding or removing plan features by using the check boxes to the left of each feature and clicking SAVE.

    5)  Plan modifications will be visible under the Application Access section of the user profile.

Related Links: 
    -  Account Default Plan

Password Requirements

Enterprise Managers can modify security settings for there enterprise including password requirements and  timeout settings.  

Set Password Expiration Requirements by Division:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise icon and select View Divisions.

    2)  Select Modify next to the division you wish to change.  You can set the password expiration to a certain amount of days or never require a password change.  These settings can be applied to this division and all sub-divisions. 

    3)  Click Save Settings.


Set Password Requirements in the Enterprise Preferences:

    1)  Click Preferences menu and select Edit Security Settings.

    2)  Choose the minimum characters required (set to 6 as default, no less than 5 character limit).

    3)  Indicate in the check boxes whether passwords should contain numeric or lowercase/uppercase letters.

    4)  Click Update.


Set Password Requirements on a User-by-User Basis:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon and select the user your wish to modify.

    2)  Go to Security Settings.  Set password preferences.

    3)  Click Save.

Related Links:  
    - Session Timeouts
    - Password Reset

Removing Email Aliases

The Enterprise Manager has the capability to remove individual aliases, all user aliases, or all enterprise aliases.  The steps and links below will help you in determining which option is best.

Removing An Alias from a User Account:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, select View Accounts and click on the user you wish to modify.

    2)  From the User Profile screen, click on the Email Aliases button. 

    3)  On the Edit User Aliases screen, click the Remove button next the alias you would like to remove.

    4)  To remove all aliases, select the Remove All Aliases button at the bottom of the screen. 
               ***This is recommended for cancelled accounts.

    5)  When finished, click DONE.

Removing All Aliases for a Domain:

    1)  From the Preferences menu, click on the Email Domains and Aliases link under the Enterprise section.

    2)  Select the Manage Domain button next to the domain you wish to remove aliases from.

    3)  Click on the Remove All Aliases button and select OK on the confirmation pop-up.

    4)  All aliases under that domain have now been removed for the entire enterprise.


Related Links:
    - Auto-Aliasing
    - Adding Email Aliases
    - Domain Management

Requesting and Adding a Domain

To begin using your custom domain in your accounts, it must first be requested for use in your enterprise.

To Request a Domain:

    1)  In the Enterprise Preferences, click Email Domains and Aliases.

    2)  Request Domain

    3)  Enter the domain name you wish to add.  You may use Check availability to ensure that it is not already in use.

    4)  Send Request and the domain will be verified for ownership and validity.  Once it is approved, (requests are generally processed by the end of the business day) you may add aliases to your users.

    5)  Follow the same process for each additional domain you add.

Related Links: 

    - Using Your Domain Name
    - Domain Management
    - Adding Email Aliases
    - Removing Email Aliases



Searching for a user

The Enterprise Manager can locate users in several ways:

Using the Search Function:  

    1)  From the View Accounts screen, type in the search box the user (username.enterprise) that you are trying to locate.

    2)  Click Search, and the user(s) will appear below that match the criteria will appear.  


Search by Letter:

    1)  To narrow the number of users you are viewing, you can use the letter buttons to view only the usernames that begin with that letter.

    2)  To return to a normal view, select View Accounts or the All button at the beginning of the alphabet listing.


Using the Filter:

    1)  The filter allows the Enterprise Manager to view users by seperating them by account status. The status fields are:
             - Active Accounts (default view)
            - Locked Accounts
            - Cancelled Accounts

Session Timeout Settings


Set Session Timeout Settings by Division:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon.

    2)  View divisions and select Modify on the division to edit.

    3)  You can set the timeout session in minutes up to 999 minutes, and restrict your users from changing this setting by checking the box marked "Users cannot change this timeout setting".   You can also apply this to a single division, or this division and all sub-divisions. 

    4)  Click Save Settings.


Set Session Timeout Settings on a User-by-User Basis:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon.

    2)  Select the user you wish to modify.  Set the timeout session as needed (up to 999 minutes) and check the box if you don't want the user to be able to edit this setting.

    3)  Click Save.


Related Links:
User Security Settings


Setting Up Your Domain

How do I setup my domain email addresses in BlueTie?

Before you make any changes to your MX record, log in to your BlueTie account, click the Preferences link, and choose the Email Domains and Aliases option in the Enterprise section. Click the Request Domain button, type your domain name (do not include 'www' prefix) and click Submit Request. BlueTie Support will process the request and send you an email when the request has been processed. Once processed, your domain name will appear on the aliases page. Click the Manage My Domain button to automatically create aliases for all users and manage forwarding. To add additional email aliases to an account, simply click the Enterprise icon and then click on the user name and click the Email Aliases button. After the email addresses our setup in our system, you will then need to have the registrar change the MX record.

What is an MX record?

MX stands for "mail exchanger," also known as a Mail Relay record. When you attempt to send a message to your email address (yourname@yourcompany.com), the MX record tells other sites where your mail should be sent. This is similar to how website addresses & DNS records work. In fact, an MX record is part of the DNS record and indicates to servers where to go to locate your website.

Changing your MX record is generally done in one of two ways:

• Many companies provide a separate login page for users to gain access to their accounts. If you have this ability, log in to your account and change your MX record to point to mail.bluetie.com.

• You may need to contact your registrar or domain host directly. Call, fax, or email the company to request an MX change to mail.bluetie.com.

How long does it take to change an MX record?

There are two factors that come into play when changing your MX record. The first is the response time of the ISP to actually enter the changes into their system. Once the changes are entered, they will propagate to the rest of the servers on the Internet, one server at a time. This will usually occur within 24-48 hours, but may happen as fast as 2-3 hours. BlueTie can not control either of these circumstances, but will work to help make your transition as easy as possible.

I am leaving BlueTie, how do I switch back?

You will need to call the registrar or use the built in interface to change your settings back. BlueTie does not record your old settings, therefore you should keep those in a safe place.

How do I purchase my own domain name?

You may register a name from any domain registrar or go to BlueTie's partner registrar site

Sharing Enterprise Contacts

 Enterprise contacts can be shared with any user, as long as the user has sharing capabilities.

To Manage Sharing for Enterprise Contacts:

    1)  Click Preferences and select Share Enterprise Contacts under Enterprise.

    2)  Exapnd the All Contacts group to view shared users and their access levels.

    3)  Click Edit Sharing.

    4)  To share with a user or group, select Add users/groups.  Select or enter users/groups you wish to share with and their access level from the drop-down menu.  Click Save when complete, and Update.

    5)  You can modify Sharing access on the Edit Sharing page by indicating Read-only (default), Modify, or Full Access.

    6)  Click Update.

Access Levels:

    Read-Only:  Users are able to view enteprise contacts only.  They will not be able to edit or delete the enterprise contact.

    Modify:  Users have the ability to modify user-defined fields, display name, and assign contacts to groups.

    Full:  Contains all the functionality of the modify access level and additionally allows users to delete contacts.


Related Links:
    - Import Enterprise Contacts



Transferring Data from an Account

 The Enterprise Manager has the ability to select and transfer data from a locked account to an active account.

To Transfer Data:

    1)  Click the Enterprise icon.

    2)  From the Filter drop-down menu, select Locked Users.

    3)  Click Transfer Data for the user you wish to transfer.

    4)  Select the target account to transfer to from the drop-down list of users.

    5)  Next select the types of data you would like to transfer from the following list:

          • Select All
          • Contact Manager
          • Calendar
          • SecureSend
          • Task List
          • File Cabinet
          • Email 

    6)  Click Transfer.

Related Links: 
    - Locking Accounts
    - Cancelling Accounts
    - Email Forwarding


Un-activated Account Slots

Un-activated account slots are accounts that are not currently assigned to individual users. They act as account 'placeholders' for your enterprise.  To activate a slot, you may complete the normal user creation process in which the slot would then automatically be converted into the user created or you may follow the activation process listed below.

To Activate a Slot:

1)  From the enterprise menu, select View Accounts.

2)  Next to the slot you wish to use click the Activate link.

3)  Select the division you would like the account to be created in and select Create Account.

      ***Only applicable for enterprises containing mutiple divisions.

4)  On the Account Information screen enter the new user information. Required fields are:

      • Username (ex. jsmith)
      • Password (must meet password requirements listed on the right)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Phone

5)  When finished, click Next and proceed to the Price Plan screen.

  • To customize the user plan (if applicable): 
                         - Select the Customize Plan button.   
                         - Add or remove plan features by using the check boxes to the left of each feature. 
                         - Click Save.    
  • To select a base plan:
                         - Select the radial button next to the desired plan and click Finish.


To Cancel a Slot:

1)  From the enterprise menu, select View Accounts.

2)  Next to the slot, click on the Cancel link.

3)  Are you sure? If so, click OK.

***NOTE: Cancelled slots CANNOT be recreated.


Related Links: 
    - User Creation
    - Cancelling Accounts

Updating Billing information


To Add or Change Credit Card Information:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise Preferences section in the Enterprise manager account and select
          View or  Change Billing Information.

    2)  To add a new card, select Add Credit Card.  When all required information has been entered, click Add.

    3)  To edit an existing card, click Edit.  Once you have modified  your information, select Save.


Related Links:
Billing & Technical Contacts
    - Company Profile 
    - Billing Inquiries


Upgrade Your Enterprise


As the Enterprise Manager, you may upgrade your enterprise to the BlueTie Pro plan.   In the Preferences menu, click Upgrade to BlueTie Pro and follow the prompts.

Click here to learn more about BlueTie Pro, and how to upgrade.

User Security Settings

The Enterprise Manager can modify security settings on an individual user basis including the ability to reset passwords.

To Modify Security Settings:

    1)  From the Enterprise menu, click on View Accounts.

    2)  Click on the user you wish to modify.

    3)  Click on the Security Settings button.

    4)  Password Settings:
            a. Reset the user's password
            b. Require a new password upon login
            c. Change password requirements
            d. Modify Session Timeouts

    5)  Modify the necessary settings & click SAVE.


Related Links: 
    - Password Requirements
    - Session Timeout Settings


Using Your Own Domain

Please follow the steps below in order to use your domain name as part of your email address:

1) If you currently do not own a domain name you will need to register a domain name.

2) Request Domain to be approved for use in the BlueTie system. Domain requests will be placed in pending status until the MX records for the domain are pointed to mail.bluetie.com

Note: You will have 7 days to point your MX records before the domain is rejected.

3) While in pending status, setup the email aliases for your account

Note: While in pending status, you will NOT be able to send / receive email using your domain name in the BlueTie system.

4) Point MX records to mail.bluetie.com. Please keep in mind that there is a propagation period for the MX records to update throughout the Internet. The propagation time will vary between hosting companies so it is recommended to check with the domain hosting company to see how long the propagation period will take.   Once the MX records are pointed, you will receive an email indicating that the domain has been approved and you can then send and receive email using your domain email addresses. It may take a few hours for mail to start flowing to your mailbox. It may take a day or two before all email will flow into your mailbox. 


Viewing Divisions


To View a Division's Settings:

    1)  Go to the Enterprise icon and View Divisions.

    2)  Click on a division name to view the users included in that division, and any managers assigned.

    3)  Click Modify to view a division's settings.


Related Links:
    - Division Settings
    - Auto-Aliasing
    - Account Default Plan