File Cabinet



Take it with you: By accessing your files in a secure location in the web interface, you can bring everything you need, wherever you go!
Easy distribution: Shared files will allow you to keep all of your important documents in one place, and share them with another user for fast distribution.
Team Effort: Are you managing a project? Share a file with your team, and everyone can access anything they need to get the job done.
Large Files and Storage: With 1GB of storage, you can save and share files without the hassle of large email attachments.
Access Rights: Shared Files may be assigned an access level of Read-Only or Full Access. 
Share with everyone: Even non-members can benefit from BlueTie’s features! Share a folder with a non-member, and attach a message to tell them that your File Cabinet is the best around!



What’s the difference between sharing with a member, and a non-member?
When you share with someone in your enterprise, or any BlueTie user for that matter, enter their “username.enterprise” in the appropriate access level box. That user would then receive a notification on their My Day page, telling them that a file has been shared with them. When sharing with a non-member, you may enter their email address in either access-level box, and include a message about the file.
Can I revoke sharing abilities from someone?
Sure! Go to the folder that you want to revoke, and click Share. Users that have been shared with will be displayed there. Highlight the user and click Remove.
Where can I find more information about the File Cabinet?          
Click here to go to the File Cabinet Guide.