

Enterprise Contacts: Organize your company, or the network of people in your enterprise for fast and easy management of all users. This feature is available to your Enterprise Manager.
Shared Contacts: Share your personal contacts with another user, or view a coworker’s contacts.
Currently Online: See who’s online and send them an instant message. If a user is online in any of your contacts lists, their user icon will be highlighted.
Email and Calendar integration: Email or schedule an event with all contacts in a group.
vCards: Manage your personal and work information in your vCard and upload your photo. You may send your personal, work, or all contact information attached to an email.
Private Contacts: Mark someone as a private contact, which won’t be accessible to anyone but you, regardless of sharing preferences.
Upload a photo to a contact: Forgetful? Upload a photo of your contact and never forget a name again.
Import/Export Contacts: You may upload or download your personal and enterprise Contacts into a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file, or vCard format.
Printer-friendly views: Print an individual contact or a group in an organized layout.
Contacts Search: Quickly find who you are looking for.
Drag-and-Drop capability: Organize your Personal contacts into groups with our drag-and-drop technology. 
Contact History: Add notes to a contact and schedule a follow-up event. You may also search for the most recent email communication from a contact.
Fast directions: Click on an address within one of your contacts, and map out directions through MapQuest!


Supported Contacts Formats:
-Comma-Separated Value (CSV file)
-vCard format (.vcf)
Photo Uploading accepted files:


Can I import my contacts from another program? What about exporting?
Yes. Convert your contacts file into either a .csv format, or .vcf file, upload, and you’re off! You may export your BlueTie contacts in the same formats.
How do I email some of my contracts from a group, but not all of them?
Using BlueTie’s patented SimpleClick™, you can easily pick and choose who to send to with one click of your mouse. Simply click the “To” button while composing the email, and select the contacts you wish to include. 
Do I have to share all of my contacts with someone?
No. You may choose the groups you wish to share, or you can share all of your contacts. Access levels can also be assigned to Modify, Read-Only Access, or Full Access.
How do I add someone to Enterprise Contacts?
Contact your Enterprise Administrator for Enterprise Contact changes. This feature is available to the Enterprise Manager only.
I don’t have the Instant Messaging feature. How do I get it?
BlueTie’s IM client is offered along with many other features in our BlueTie Pro plan. If you are the Enterprise Manager, click the “Upgrade Now” button in the application to signup, or contact a BlueTie Sales Representative at 1-800-BLUETIE.  Click here to begin the upgrade process!
I need more information. Where can I find it?
Click here for our Contacts How-to Guide.