Importing Contacts (.CSV & .VCF)

You can import a previously existing contact list via a .csv file from ACT!, MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Goldmine and more.

1) Go to the Contacts icon, and in the Actions drop-down menu, select Import/Export Contacts.

2) Click Import and Browse to choose the .csv file of contacts to import.  (See the sample .csv file for reference)

3) Choose the personal group from the drop-down menu to import to (if any).
         Note: To upload contacts to Personal Contacts select No Group.

4) Select Import and all compatible data will be imported, next you will be brought to the Field Mapping screen in the case that any of the fields were unrecognized upon initial import..

5) On the field mapping screen you will see a list of the columns that  were unable to be imported directly to BlueTie defined fields. Next to the list you will see a drop-down menu that will allow you to choose the BlueTie defined field name or a user-defined field name to map the information to.

      EXAMPLE: If you original .csv file labeled the birthday column as D.O.B. you would see this in the list on the left. You will also see an example of the data that correlated with this field. From the drop-down you can select the Birthday field to map the D.O.B. column to this way your contact information is not lost.  If you would like your contacts birthday to display as D.O.B. simply create this as a user-defned field and map to the field from the drop-down.

 6) Once finished, simply click on Accept and the contacts will be fully imported.


You can also import contacts via the .vcf format as well. With this option you are only limited to importing one contact at a time.

1) Go to the Contacts icon, and in the Actions drop-down menu, select Import/Export Contacts.

2) Click Import and Browse to choose the .vcf file  to import. 

3) Choose the personal group from the drop-down menu to import to.

4) Select Import and proceed with steps 4 through 6 as stated above.