Filing Cabinet

Frequently asked questions regarding the Filing Cabinet application

Can I share a folder that I don't own?


Unfortunately you cannot share a folder which you do not own. Folders can only be shared if they belong to the user. The user cannot share folders that have been shared with them.

Can I upload an entire folder?


No. Currently you cannot upload entire folders. You can however select multiple files at a time and upload all at once by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the files you wish to upload. Once you are done, select open and Upload.

How can I delete a file?


Highlight Folder in  your folder tree where the file is located. Highlight the file and then select delete. This will move the folder to your filing cabinet trash can.

How can I delete a folder?


Click on My files, highlight folder, and click delete.

How can I revoke shared access to an individual user when I have shared folder with multiple contacts?


In order to remove sharing access from an individual user you would:

Click on folder under shared folders>  Highlight on the right hand side and click sharing. Locate user Id of the user that you would like to remove and highlight and click remove.

How can I save a shared file to my hard drive?


You can save a shared file to your hard drive by clicking on:

1) Shared Folders

2) Highlight the shared folder and select Check Out.


How can I share a file?


Unfortunately you can only share complete folders at this time and not individual files.

How do I create a new folder?


In order to create a new folder:

1) Click on the Filing cabinet Icon and then New Folder button in the upper right part of the application.

How do I share a folder?


In order to share a folder:

1) Highlight the folder in the folder tree and then click on share on the right hand side. Grant sharing access accordingly.