Enterprise Contacts

Frequently asked questions about Enterprise Contacts.

Can I export my Enterprise Contacts?

Yes. You can export your enterprise contacts. 

1) Go to the Contacts application. Click the Actions button in the tool bar. Drop down to Import/Export Contacts..

2) In the Export section of this page, check the Enterprise box and check a format (.csv or vCard)

3) Click Export.

How do I add Enterprise Contacts?

All users will automatically be added to your Enterprise Contacts upon creation.  To add a user to the Enterprise Contacts manually, follow these instructions:

1) Click on the Contacts icon. 

2) Under the Currently Viewing drop-down menu, select Enterprise.

3) Click on New Contact and continue completing the entry.

4) Click Save.


How do I share Enterprise Contacts?


If all users have the Shared Contacts feature, they will automatically have access to all users in the Enterprise Contacts list.  Follow these instructions to manually share your Enterprise Contacts:

1.) Go to the Preferences menu and select Share Enterprise Contacts.

2.) Click on Edit Sharing  for All Contacts while viewing the Sharing Settings.

3.) Add or remove users and/or groups that should have sharing abilities and assign their access to Read-Only, Modify, or Full Access.

4.) Click Update to apply the changes.


What are User Defined Fields?

User Defined Fields can be added to all users for multiple purposes.   You may include a user's employee number, office location, or any other pertinent information to identify someone.

To Add User Defined Fields:

1) In Preferences, select Add Fields to User Profiles.

2) Create a Label and a Field Type (Check or Text Box).

3) Click Add.

4) You can also edit user defined fields in the Preferences menu in Edit User Defined Fields.


Who can manage Enterprise Contacts?


Enterprise Managers and any division managers may create and modify Enterprise Contacts.   However, the Enterprise Manager can restrict division managers from managing enterprise contacts in the Modify screen of a division.