User Management

Frequently asked questions about how to manage your users from day to day.

Can I login to a user account as the Enterprise manager?


As the Enterprise Manager, you can login to user accounts. 

1.) Go to Enterprise and select the user you wish to login as.

2.) Click on Login as User.


Can I transfer data from a cancelled user?

No the user would be unable to transfer data from a cancelled account. In order to transfer data from one account to another, the account which you are transferring from would have to be locked. Once this account is locked you would be able to select transfer data and choose the intended destination for this data.

How do I cancel users?


You can cancel users in the Enterprise view.

1.  Check the appropriate box next to the user you wish to cancel.

2.  Click Cancel Accounts.

How do I lock users?


To prevent a user from logging into their account, you may lock them in the Enterprise view.

1.  Select the user you wish to lock by checking the box next to their name.

2.  Click Lock Accounts.


How do I reset passwords?


To reset a user's password, go to the Enterprise icon.

1.) Select the user you wish to modify.

2.) Click Security Settings.

3.) Under Password Settings,  set the new password and confirm it in the second box.

4.) You may also set password requirements for frequency of password changes required on this screen.

5.) Click Save.

How do I unlock and restore users?


To Unlock all Locked users:

1.) Filter to view Locked accounts.

2.) Check the Select All box, or indicate which user you wish to unlock in the box next to their name.

3.) Click Unlock Account(s).

To Restore Cancelled Users:

You have 30 days to Restore and Cancel users.

1.) Filter to view Cancelled accounts.

2.) Click the Restore button to reactivate the user account.

How do I view my locked and cancelled users? How do I unlock and restore accounts?


In the Enterprise view, select the category in the Filter drop-down menu.  The default view displays all Active users, but you can also select Cancelled and Locked accounts to view.