Mailing Lists

Frequently asked questions about the Mailing List feature in Enterprise Manager.

How do I create a Mailing List?

1.) Log into enterprise as the Top-level enterprise manager
2.) Click Preferences
3.) in the Enterprise section, click Mailing Lists
4.) Click Create New Mailing List
5.) Add information accordingly

How many users can I add to a Mailing List?

Currently the number of user that can be added onto a single mailing list is limited to two thousand users.

What are Mailing Lists?

A list of e-mail addresses identified by a single name, such as When an e-mail message is sent to the mailing list name, it is automatically forwarded to all the addresses in the list.

When should I create a Mailing List?


When an email address needs to be delivered to more than one user, you need to create a mailing list.  For example, if gets delivered to Bob and Dan, enter their email address into the new mailing list.