Global Configuration

Frequently asked questions about the features available and how to customize your enterprise.

Can I customize the email plans and features for all of my users?

Yes. In the Enterprise Preferences, you can set the default plan profile for each new user created.

1) Go to Preferences and select Account Defaults.

2) Under Application Access, Add or Remove the features included in your default plan. 

3) Click Save.


Can I set a Global Safe/Block list for my entire enterprise?

To set a Global Safe/Block list for the enterprise just click on Enterprise Preferences and then the Global Junk Mail Settings button. Once there, just go ahead and type in the email address into the corresponding field (Safe/Block).

How do I get past the Enterpise Wizard?

To use the Enterprise Wizard we recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1024 X 768. To verify this setting:

To change your screen resolution (size) in PC Windows XP

Step 1: Click on Start
Step 2:
Click on Control Panel
Step 3:
Double click on Display
Step 4:
Click on Settings Tab
Step 5: Increase Screen Resolution to 1024 X 768
Step 6: Click Apply
Step 7:
Click Save

To change your screen resolution (size) in Mac OS X

Step 1. Click the Apple button
Step 2. Select System Preferences
Step 3.
Select the Displays icon
Step 4. In the list of Resolutions: select 1024 x 768 (or higher).

What can I configure for my entire enterprise?


All of the following utilities and settings are available in the Preferences menu, in the Enterprise section.

  • Set a custom Default plan
  • Enable Email Audit
  • Set Global Safe/Block lists.
  • Creation of User-Defined Fields
  • Configure Password requirements
  • Specify login type (SSL or Rich)
  • Enable/Disable User Wizard
  • Set time, date, and time zone formats
  • Enter domain and alias all users
  • Create email footer
  • Share enterprise-wide contacts


What can I restrict from my users?


Many of the settings available in the Enterprise Preferences can be modified by only the Enterprise Manager.  The following settings can be modified by the user, or restricted from changing by the Enterprise Manager:

  • Changes to Session timeout settings