
A traceroute is used to indicate the path a computer takes to connect to a particular computer or network. A traceroute also indicates the time that it takes to connect between each "hop" along the network. If experiencing issues with network speed, we suggest running a series of traceroutes during slowness to determine where the slowness is occurring on the network.

In Windows:
1.) Click on the Start menu
2.) Click on Run
3.) Type: cmd (Windows 98 users should type command)
4.) In the DOS window type: tracert
5.) Press Enter
6.) Use the table below to analyze the hops in the trace route

In Macintosh (OS X+):
1.) Open the Local disk directory
2.) Open the Applications directory
3.) Open the Utilities directory
4.) Open the Terminal application
5.) Type: traceroute
6.) Press Enter
7.) Use the table below to analyze the hops in the trace route


< 1 - 20ms Excellent
20 - 40 ms Good
45 - 60 ms Fair (possibility of slowness)
60 - 90 ms Below Average
90 ms - Higher Poor