Viewing a Shared Calendar

When another user has shared a calendar with you, their calendar  name will appear in the Calendar section of the Scheduler section.

Calendar Overlay View
Shared calendars can be overlayed onto your own by clicking the check box to the left of the calendar name in the Calendar section of the Scheduler. The shared calendar appointments will display on your calendar in addition to your appointments and will be distinguishable by the color associated to the calendars. The calendar color can be changed in the Calendar section of the Scheduler by clicking the color box to the right of the calendar name.

Single Calendar View

If you wish to view the user's calendar individually, click the link for the shared calendar name in the Calendar section of the Scheduler. The shared calendar name will then appear in the top left corner of the calendar view
To return to your own calendar, click the link for your calendar name in the Calendar section of the Scheduler
the box of the shared calendar(s).

Note: If you have Full-Access to a Shared calendar, then you can create a new event in the same way that you create events for your own calendar. For more information see Calendar Sharing Preferences.