Viewing Messages

This section provides how-to instructions on viewing email messages

Changing how many messages display on a page

To change the number of emails that are visible on a page, do the following:

1) Login to your account
2) Click on Prefereces (located in upper right hand corner)
3) Click on General Settings (located under Email section)
4) Under the Viewing Emails section, you can select the number of emails you wish to display: 10, 20, or 50
5) Click Save

Email Headers

To access the headers of an email:

1) Select an email for which you wish to view the headers of
2) Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the email that looks similar to a lined piece of paper
3) This will display the full headers of the email

Preview Pane

BlueTie offers a Preview pane feature. To use this defaulted feature, single click on an email message. The message will appear in the preview pane. Once you have opened an email message, you can Reply, Reply All, or Forward a message.

Bluetie also allows user to disable this feature through the prefernces menu. To learn how to do this click here.

Show Recipients

To display the Recipients in an email:

Click on the double-arrow icon located in the upper-right corner of the selected email.

  • When the double-arrow is pointed up the recipients are displayed
  • When the double-arrow is pointing down the recipients are hidden