Instant Messaging

Complete Guide to Instant Messaging

Audio Alerts

 Users have the option to enable or disable audio alerts.  Accounts are set to disable this feature by default.

To Enable:

    1)  Select the Instant Messaging icon at the top of the page.

    2)  An IM window will then pop-up.  From the IM window click on the Options button located under the text box.

    3)  The options screen will appear.  To enable audio alerts, check the box and click SAVE.

    4)  You will then be redirected back to the IM conversation screen.


Blocking Users


BlueTie's Instant Messaging application allows users to block individuals that they do not wish to receive messages from.  Blocking a user will also prevent the user from being able to view your online status.  You will appear as offline to all users in your block list.

To Block a User:

    1)  From the application click on the IM icon.

    2)  Next, click on the Options button located under the text box.

    3)  Select the Add button below the block list and type in the username you wish to block.

    4)  Click OK and the user will appear in the Block list.

    5)  When finished, click SAVE.


Related Links:
    -Modifying Online Status

Changing Online Status


To Change Online Status:

    1)  From the application click on the IM icon.

    2)  Next, click on the Options button located under the text box.

    3)  You have the following options for dispalying your status:

          • Display to everyone
          • Display to users in my enterprise
          • Hide

    ***The Hide option will indicate that you are Offline to all users.

    4)  Place a check in the box next to the desired status and click SAVE.


Related Links: 
    - Blocking Users


Currently Online List


Your Currently Online list will display users that are online for Instant Messaging.

Add or Remove Users

 Users have the ability to modify their currently online list to reflect only those users they wish to view.  The currently online list can be managed from multiple places.  From the Preferences menu, locate the Instant Messaging section and select the 'Currently Online Settings' link.  From the IM application, you can click on the Online status text (ex. Online (1/4) ) which shows the number of users currently online vs. the total number in the list and you will be redirected to the Edit List page.

To Add a User:

    1)  From the Edit List screen, type in the username you wish to add and hit the Insert button.

    2)  The user will then be appended to the bottom of the currently online list.

    3)  Users can also add to their list simply by clicking on the username visible from the contacts list on the left of the Edit List screen.  Doing this will automatically add the user to the end of the list so long as the user is not already a member of the list.

    4)  When finished, click SAVE.


To Remove a User:

    1)  From the Edit List screen, click on the user and hit the Remove button.

    2)  When finished, click SAVE.


Refreshing the Currently Online List

 Clicking the refresh button will allow you to ensure that your currently online list shows the most recent changes.

To Refresh:

1)  Locate your Currently Online List.

2)  Across from the Header text that reads Currently Online, hit the Refresh button.

3)  The online list will then regenerate and display your current list.  

Viewing the Currently Online List


If your Currently Online List is not visible it may mean that the window has been closed or that the list has been disabled. 

Closed Lists:

1)  If the online list has been closed, click on the Currently Online link above the BlueTie application icon.

2)  The list will then populate on the left side of the application.


Diabled Lists:

1)  From the Preferences menu, locate the Instant Messaging section.

2)  Click on the Currently Online Settings link.

3)  Uncheck the box entitled 'Disable Currently Online List'  and click SAVE.

4)  Changes made will be reflected upon next login. 

Ending a Conversation


IM conversations are not deleted simply by closing the IM window.  A user must choose to end the conversation or must sign out of the account in order for a conversation to disappear.

To End a Session:

1)  From the IM window, open the conversation you would like to end (if you are talking with multiple users).

2)  Once the conversation is populated in the IM window, select  the Message drop down from the top of the screen.

3)  Next, select End Conversation, and the session will be deleted.


Managing Multiple Conversations


You may conduct many conversations with mutiple users simultaneously. 

To begin a conversation with a new user, enter their username in the "Send message to" field.  All users you are Instant Messaging will appear in the "Users" list in the IM window.  To switch between conversations, click on the user you wish to continue Instant Messaging with.

A new IM count will appear next to the username they were sent from.

Pop-up Notifications


You will receive a pop-up notification that says "A new instant message has arrived.  Would you like to view it? "   Click Ok to view the message and/or respond.  Click Ignore to go back to it later.  If you click Ignore, you can view the IM by clicking the flashing IM icon.

To disable these notifications, click on the IM icon, and Options. Remove the check in the box that says "Enable Pop-up Notifications".


Receiving Instant Messages


By default, you will receive an audio and pop-up notification of the delivery of a new Instant Message.  Click OK on the pop-up notification to view and/or respond to the IM, or Ignore to go back to it later.

The IM icon will flash as well, when you receive a new Instant Message.  You can also click on that icon to view your new IMs.\


Save Current Conversation


While in the IM client, click on the Messages drop-down menu and click Save As.  Choose the destination of where the IM conversation should be saved.


Sending Instant Messages


While viewing your Currently Online list, click on the username you wish to send an IM to.

You can also click on the IM icon, and manually enter a username. 

Type your message in the bottom box, and click Send or hit Enter on your keyboard.