Help with issues regarding the Calendar application
Step 1: Verify that the clock in the system tray is set to the correct time zone
Step 2: If appointment is shared, have the person sharing the calendar verify that the clock in the system tray is set to the correct time zone
Only birthdays for personal contacts will display on the calendar. Enterprise contact birthdays will not display on the calendar. Be sure to verify that the contact has a birthday entered in their contact information.
Step 1: Verify Calendar is enabled on the account
Step 2: Verify that a supported browser and operating system are being used
Step 3: Verify Active Scripting is enabled in browser
Step 4: Disable Accessibility Options
Step 4: Clear cache
Step 5: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 6: Disable Internet Security
Note: The calendar may appear to load slow upon the inital login
Step 1: Logout and log back into account.
Step 2: Check to see if any other sites are running slow. If so, please contact the Internet Service Provider
Step 3: Close any software which may be consuming bandwidth, slowing down the web browser, or consuming significant resources
Step 4: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to Automatically
Step 5: Clear cache
Step 6: Run system updates and scan for spyware
Step 7: Perform a traceroute to determine any network latency
Step 8: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 9: Disable Internet Security
Step 1: Verify that a supported browser and operating system is being used
Step 2: Try closing any applications which may be interfering with web applications or consuming significant resources
Step 3: Clear cache
Step 4: Verify Active Scripting is enabled
Step 5: Disable Proxy Server
Step 6: Configure Browser Privacy
Step 7: Disable Internet Security
Step 8: Run system updates and scan for spyware
Step 1: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to automatically
Step 2: If deleting a shared appointment, verify that the account sharing the calendar has granted user Full Access
Step 3: If deleting a recurring appointment or an instance of a recurring appointment, use the right-click menu option
Step 4: Clear cache
Step 1: Click Preferences
Step 2: Click Calendar Sharing *(if you do not see this option, check with your Enterprise Manager or Adminstrator to have access enabled)
Step 3: Verify that the email address or username with whom you are trying to share is typed correctly
Step 4: Verify that the other person has enabled viewing of your calendar from their account (use the checkbox next to the calendar name to display)
Step 5: Verify that the person has your calendar set to a color that can be viewed
Step 1: Verify that the account sharing the calendar has granted user either Read-Only or Full Access
Step 2: Verify that appointment details actually exist for that appointment
Step 3: Press CTRL while double-clicking the appointment to override a pop-up blocker
Step 4: Login to account from another computer and try to replicate the issue
Step 1: Verify that the notification settings for the account are set correctly.
Step 2: Compare the number of notifications to the above setting and to the number of appointments.
Step 3: Disable notifications for the appointment
Step 1: Allow 10 minutes for the meeting request to go through
Step 2: Verify with the sender that they sent the request to the right email address or username
Step 3: Verify that 'Check for newer version of stored pages' is set to automatically
Step 1: Verify that you are using the supported Quick Add keywords.
Step 2: Retype the appoinment using the supported keywords
Step 3: Press the Enter key on the keyboard to add appointment
Step 4: Verify that Check for newer version of stored pages is set to Automatically.