How do I Proceed to Checkout?

Take a moment to review all of the items you've placed in your Shopping Cart. If you decide that you don't want to purchase a particular item right away, click the "save for later" button next to the title. The item will move from your current Shopping Cart to the "Saved Items--To Buy Later" list below. If any of the items are to be gifts, click the "add gift-wrap/note" checkbox under the item. (You'll be given a chance to order gift-wrap and/or add a note during the checkout process.)

When you're ready to place an order for everything in the "Shopping Cart Items--To Buy Now" section of your cart, click the "Proceed to checkout" button. You will be taken to the first page of the order form.

The instructions below outline each step of our online order form. If at any point you encounter difficulty or receive an error message, please consult our troubleshooting tips.